Nuclear God of War

Chapter 53: Reappearance! Hamidas

The black warrior felt that the nuclear energy of the blue sky had begun to decline sharply and laughed, "Hahaha, do you think I only have the little energy released on the surface, boy, don't mind your own business next time, or you will die miserably."

However, when he fell to the ground, he was already unconscious, and his body's nuclear energy had begun to decline sharply. The green gas on his body began to disperse. Suddenly, he stood up unconsciously.

The black warrior, who had killed several members of the Skyhawk team, suddenly stopped fighting against the Skyhawk team members or the Magic Eagle team warriors, turned around and looked at the blue sky rising from the ground again.

"Yo, your boy is really powerful. It seems that I have underestimated your ability before, but I won't underestimate your enemy this time." The black warrior found it more and more interesting and began to take it seriously.

Unconscious blue sky, the body is no longer dominated by his brain, but his subconscious attack consciousness, which dominates his body.

This attack consciousness in Qingtian's subconscious is a kind of irreversible attack consciousness that is seriously disturbed when it obtains nuclear energy.

This attack consciousness of Qingtian can release all the nuclear energy hidden in its body and exert the ultimate power.

The black warrior felt that the nuclear energy of the blue sky was growing like an explosion and knew that things were not as simple as before. He said, "This boy's nuclear energy is very special. It seems that I still don't want to fight with him, otherwise it is really difficult to predict the outcome."

After saying that, the black warrior jumped up, flew to the sky, and looked down at the irrational blue sky.

"I really admire your nuclear energy, but it doesn't mean that I'm afraid of you. Next time I must compete with you, and we'll see you later." The black warrior's body suddenly exploded and disappeared.

The unconscious and irrational blue sky suddenly took off and flew south at full speed.


Although more and more nuclear mutants have gathered at the entrance to the earth world played by Hesheng, they are unable to attack the earth world because there is no command.

In the geocentric building in the central area of the world, Senator Guquanso asked Uvadas, the president of the Senate, and said, "President Uvadas, what should those nuclear mutants do on the surface?"

"I think we can only wait for too many people to come back before making a final decide. This is really difficult." Uvadas doesn't know how to solve these nuclear mutants.

Suddenly, the monitoring system of the whole world is monitored and the alarm is issued! Uvadas came to the console and looked at it and said in surprise, "How could this happen! Why did the lighting system in the seventh area suddenly start? Turn off the lighting system quickly, otherwise the nuclear mutant is likely to escape.

No matter how many times the earth world control system is issued, the lighting system always illuminates the whole seventh area.

The lighting system in the seventh area has been unable to be turned off, which made Uvadas in the geocentric building very nervous. He thought to himself: Too many people have said that there must be no light in the seventh area. I must find a way to turn off the lighting system, otherwise the nuclear mutants caught by too many people may escape from the nuclear tank.

Uvadas really can't think of a good way, and can no longer delay the time. He can only use destructive methods to destroy the lighting system in the seventh area.

Uvadas sent a small force to reach the seventh region of the world and forcibly cut off the power supply line of the seventh region lighting system.

The lighting system was cut off from the power supply line, which was still bright. The power supply line of the system was forcibly cut off, and the backup power supply system was self-started.

Uvadas learned that the power supply system in the seventh area could not be turned off the uncontrolled lighting system in the seventh area. He gritted his teeth and ordered the 7th area lighting system to be blown up.

Without waiting for the soldiers who rushed to the seventh area to blow up the lighting system, the lighting system suddenly shut down by itself, the seventh area returned to normal, and the hanging heart of Uwadas was also relieved.

Uvadas breathed a sigh of relief and said, "After all, fortunately, no big deal happened to solve this strange situation, otherwise how can I explain it to too many people?"

Uvadas relaxed and was ready to go back to rest. These days, he was so tired that there was basically no real rest. He gave the command to Gu Quansuo and left the center of the earth to rest.


In heaven, Hesheng has sent Ping Yan back to the main building of the Grand Council, and Ping Yan went in to report her father, Congressman Xu and President Diying.

He Sheng outside the main building of the Grand Council waited for Pingyan while looking at his hands and said, "Professor Lan Shike, didn't you say that I can control part of my nuclear energy? Why can't I recover the released nuclear energy now?

Hesheng's body is still releasing super nuclear energy, which cannot be recovered, so that Hesheng can't get close to anyone, otherwise the nuclear energy on his body will burn or melt the people close to him.

Qingchu came out of the main building of the Grand Council, walked towards Hesheng step by step and said, "Xiaosheng, thank you. Thanks to your timely arrival this time, otherwise our heaven will really be occupied by the people of the world.

"Qingchu, it's nothing. You don't have to thank me. This is what I should do. How can I die?"

"However, if it hadn't been for your return, we would have been under the control of the people of the earth."

He Sheng saw Qingchu wearing a heavy nuclear-proof suit and walked closer and said, "Qingchu, don't go any further, or you will be burned by my nuclear energy."

"Xiaosheng, can't you really take back your nuclear energy?" Qingchu was very worried about peace and victory.

He Sheng shook his head with a smile, saying that he did not have the ability to recover nuclear energy and could only wait for the nuclear energy to dissipate by itself.

At this moment, Ping Yan has reported her safety to President Diying and father, Senator Xu, and hurried out of the main building of the Grand Council and came to Hesheng.


At this time, it was late at night, and the nuclear power mutants gathered at the entrance of the earth world still had no choice.

Suddenly, there was a hoarse and gloomy voice saying, "Why do you have to enter the earth world in this place? Won't there be a new invasion?

Hearing this, a five-level nuclear man got up and asked, "Who are you and why did you order me?"

Hamidas suddenly appeared in the night sky and said, "Why, can't you even hear my voice?" After Hamidas in a cloak appeared, he angrily accused these nuclear mutants and didn't hear her voice. →[End of this chapter]