Nuclear God of War

Chapter 56: Rebuilding the Hero's Original Core

After the members of the Grand Council of Heaven and Shengjing the highest military salute of Paradise, Professor Han Xingbo activated the spherical space capsule, and the capsule was instantly ejected out of the giant energy laboratory.

This metal sphere similar to a space capsule passed through the shield of heaven at the top of heaven, and a huge and violent nuclear explosion occurred.

Member Fu nervously grabbed Professor Han Xingbo and said angrily, "Han Xingbo, what are you doing? Why do you want to harm and win? Why on earth is that?

Angry, Congressman Fu punched Professor Han Xingbo, but this punch was pulled by Congressman Xu. Congressman Fu looked at Congressman Xu and said angrily, "Xu Feng, why did you stop me? This guy is assassinating and winning."

"No, Professor Han is not assassinating and winning. He is helping us recreate the hero core in heaven. Senator Fu, please let go of Professor Han quickly.

Hearing Senator Xu's explanation, Senator Fu slowly calmed down and said, "Xu Feng, is that true? Han Xingbo, aren't you assassinating and winning?"

"Alas! Senator Fu, you really misunderstood Professor Han. Professor Han did this to imitate the environment where He Sheng drove a Dilong fighter and collided with multiple billion-ton nuclear bombs ten years ago. Only in this way can it be possible to recreate the original hero nucleus.

"Oh, Senator Xu, how do you know this? Why don't I know anything? OK, it must be Professor Han. Don't tell me the truth. Senator Fu did not spare Professor Han Xingbo.

"Professor Han didn't tell anyone except President Diying about it. I told my uncle these things." Qingchu explained to Senator Fu.

"Yes, you are the niece of Senator Xu, and you are also Professor Han's most proud student. It's normal for you to tell Senator Xu the situation of the giant laboratory first." After saying that, Congressman Fu let go of Professor Han.

After Professor Han was released by Senator Fu, he hurried to the console to observe various values. Seeing the changes in these values, he said happily, "Great, the shield of heaven has reacted, and the density of the shield of heaven began to increase little by little."

Just as all the members of the Great Council were happy about this, suddenly, the density of the Shield of Heaven has stopped increasing.

"How could this happen? Why does this happen? Could it be that something happened to He Sheng and didn't form a new hero core? Professor Han speculated worriedly.

Above the shield of heaven, the nuclear explosion energy has just dissipated, and a new hero core burning like the sun has appeared.

The eagle, a member of the Grand Council, was puzzled and said, "How could this happen? The hero's original core has reappeared. Why hasn't the ability of the shield of heaven been restored?

"I think this may be because the energy of this nuclear explosion is not enough, so the energy of the hero's original nucleus is not enough to restore the shield of heaven." Professor Han analyzed the situation.

"Professor Han, what should we do now?"

"We have no choice but to rely on Hesheng, hoping that the nuclear energy he released will continue to accumulate, so as to reach the nuclear energy needed by the Shield of Heaven." Professor Han shook his head and sighed.

When Professor Han sighed and thought that he should not sacrifice and win in vain and blame himself, the hero's core in the sky suddenly expanded, and the diameter was twice that of the previous hero's core, reaching 100 meters.

This new hero nucleus is not only constantly releasing powerful nuclear energy, but also double the diameter of the previous hero nucleus, and its brightness has also been enhanced.

It was originally a dark night sky. With the reappearance of the hero's core, its powerful light illuminates the whole night sky, and heaven has returned to a city that has always been shining in the dark and day.

People in heaven, seeing the reappearance of the hero nucleus in the sky, no matter where the hero nucleus came from, they kept cheering and shouting, "The hero nucleus has reappeared, and we are saved in heaven."

Seeing this situation, President Diying understood that he must be willing to fail and re-form a new powerful hero core with his own strength.

"He Sheng, you are the benefactor of our heaven, our great hero, and heaven will never forget everything you have given to our heaven." The ground eagle sighed.

"President Earth Eagle, good news, now the shield of heaven has restored its enhanced density, which means that the hero's core has really been successfully recreated." Professor Han happily told President Diying.

The ground eagle will no longer make Hesheng's revenge obscure this time, and immediately ordered Guo Wei to convene the major media in heaven to hold a press conference.

On the occasion of the live broadcast of the press conference, Pingyan, who had just gone home and was ready to go to bed, accidentally saw President Diying hold a press conference on the TV and said, "Strange, President Diying, how can he hold a press conference in person? Something must have happened!"

Ping Yan began to stare at the TV to see what happened in heaven.

At the press conference, the president of the Grand Council, the ground eagle, said with a serious expression and said, "Twenty days ago, we lost the core of the hero who guarded us for ten years. Seeing that the shield of heaven was about to disappear, the great hero and victory that saved our heaven ten years ago once again made the same sacrifice as ten years ago. He Rebuilding the hero's core with its body, and now we are saved in heaven again. Let's remember our great hero in heaven - He Sheng, and never forget his indelible contribution to our heaven.

In front of the TV, when I saw all this, I widened my eyes and couldn't believe it. I said, "No, it's impossible. It's absolutely impossible. How could Brother He Sheng do such a thing? I don't believe Brother Sheng will leave me."

"Xiaoyan, this is true. He Sheng has really become the hero's core again and will never come back."

Ping Yan looked back and saw that it was her father, Senator Xu, who came back and asked nervously, "Dad, this is not true. I don't believe that Brother Hesheng will leave me. Dad, tell me quickly that it's not true.

"Alas." Councilor Xu sighed and shook his head and said regretfully, "Sorry, Xiaoyan, Dad can't lie to you. He Sheng has indeed left, otherwise the hero's core will not reappear in the air. Only with Hesheng's body can the hero's core be reshaped."

After listening to her father's answer, Senator Xu, Ping Yan had to believe that all this was true. She shed tears sadly and then asked, "Dad, when can I see Brother He Sheng again?"

"I don't know, maybe for a few years, decades, hundreds of years, or even never win." Senator Xu told his daughter Pingyan the truth.

Ping Yan heard her father, Senator Xu's answer, and suddenly became too sad. She fainted and was hugged by her father and slowly put it in **.

Senator Xu, who was guarding by the bed, saw his daughter Ping Yan lying in ** and said, "Xiaoyan, I'm really sorry." →[End of this chapter]