Nuclear God of War

Chapter 64: The blue sky becomes a nuclear energy beast

After the explosion of the atomic freezing bomb, the nuclear mutant eagle actually flew out of the explosion of the atomic freezing bomb, grabbed the Evil Dragon No. 1 machine with one claw, and an eagle bit the Evil Dragon No. 1 machine without biting off the anti-nuclear armor plate of the Evil Dragon fighter.

Bit the head of the evil dragon fighter and shook its head with another eagle. After that, the nuclear mutant eagle let go of the evil dragon plane and dived down to the ground.

The nuclear mutant eagle gently skimmed the ground and flew high again. Each of the four eagle claws grabbed a nuclear mutant who had lost nuclear energy.

In a blink of an eye, the four nuclear mutants caught by the nuclear mutant eagle were eaten by the two-headed nuclear mutant eagle.

Kufeng was stunned by everything he saw with his own eyes and couldn't help saying, "No, why did their nuclear mutants eat their own people?"

The nuclear mutants who fell to the ground saw the two-headed nuclear energy mutant eagle in the sky swooped to the ground again and hid desperately everywhere.

The members of the evil dragon team in the sky were very puzzled when they saw the nuclear mutants hiding everywhere. A member of the evil dragon team joked and said, "Isn't it true that this nuclear mutant eagle is the natural enemy of the nuclear mutants?"

"Let's not do it first. Let's wait and see what happens." Kufeng, the captain of the evil dragon team, ordered.

Captain Kufeng, who was not sure what the situation was, ordered his team members to fly the evil dragon fighter to the sky to avoid the attack of this double-headed nuclear mutant eagle.

The two-headed nuclear energy mutant eagle ignores the hard and bad-tasting evil dragon fighter. It only likes sweet nuclear energy mutants.

Between the two-headed nuclear mutant eagle dive again, Hamidus had to turn off the nuclear freezer and let go of Pingyan to block the two-headed nuclear mutant eagle.

After Hamidhas turned off the nuclear freezer, the nuclear energy in the body quickly recovered and rushed across the ground again to catch the double-headed nuclear energy mutant eagle of the nuclear mutant.

Ping Yan, who was released by Hamidas, sat weakly on the ground, waiting for the nuclear energy she had to recover before avenging her father.

Hamidas rushed to the dive-headed nuclear mutant eagle and hit two strands of nuclear energy towards the two-headed nuclear energy mutant eagle.

The two nuclear energy hit by Hamidus hit the body of the two-headed nuclear mutant eagle. The two-headed nuclear mutant eagle felt pain and quickly rose back to the sky.

However, the two-headed nuclear mutant eagle returning to the sky did not mean to give up. The two eagles spit out two nuclear energy balls to Hamidas on the ground at the same time.

Seeing the bad situation, Hamidas turned into red light and dodged the two nuclear energy balls spit out by the two-headed nuclear energy mutant eagle.

When Hamidas just returned to his real state, a feather flashed, and a drop of Hamidas' blood dripped on the ground. Hamidas covered the scratched right arm with his left hand and said, "I didn't expect that the power of this nuclear mutant beast is much stronger than the nuclear mutant lion tamed by the blue sky before."

Suddenly, the two-headed nuclear mutant eagle in the sky has disappeared. Hamidas looked around and never saw the shadow of the two-headed nuclear mutant eagle.

Hamidas didn't have time to react, and the two-headed nuclear mutant eagle appeared behind him. The two eagle claws grabbed Hamidas's left and right shoulders and took Hamidas high into the air.

Hamedas thought she could change into light and shadow to escape, but found that she could no longer become light and shadow to escape the eagle's claws of the double-headed nuclear mutant eagle.

Pingyan, sitting on the ground, only recovered a little nuclear energy at this moment. She looked up and saw that Hamidas was caught by the double-headed nuclear energy mutant eagle and said, "I don't allow you to die at the hands of others, because I want to kill you with my own hands and avenge my father."

After saying that, Pingyan used all the nuclear energy that had just recovered to hit a pink nuclear energy ball and attacked the two-headed nuclear power mutant eagle that was about to eat Hamidus.

The double-headed nuclear mutant eagle closed its wings and protected its own body. However, it was hit by the pink nuclear energy ball. Although its wings were safe, they were entangled by the pink light fog scattered by the pink nuclear energy ball and could not spread its wings.

Hamidas, who was caught by the double-headed nuclear mutant eagle, suddenly fell from the air and fell to the ground. The wounds of the eagle claws on his left and right shoulders kept bleeding.

Suddenly, a green gas nuclear energy hit, scattering the pink light fog nuclear energy on the two-headed nuclear power mutant eagle.

The double-headed nuclear energy mutant eagle regained its freedom and kept hovering in the sky, looking in the direction of the green gas nuclear energy!

Pingyan was completely shocked. The person who shot this gas nuclear energy was none other than Qingtian. Pingyan couldn't understand: "Brother Qingtian, why did you let go of this double-headed nuclear mutant eagle."

"It is my master. I must protect my master. This is my mission." Qingtian answered with a cold expression.

"How can this happen, Brother Qingtian, how can you become a servant of the nuclear mutant beast? Why on earth is that?"

"I will always be a loyal servant of the nuclear beast. I was born as a servant of the nuclear beast masters, and now I just return to the elders." Qingtian said in a cold tone without a trace of expression.

"No, Brother Qingtian, don't be controlled by the nuclear mutant beast. You are always a human. How can you be a slave of the nuclear mutant beast? Brother Qingtian, wake up quickly.

When the two-headed nuclear mutant eagle heard Pingyan constantly persuading Qingtian, it suddenly made a strange cry, and Qingtian's face suddenly showed a fierce murderous atmosphere.

"My master now orders me to kill you. I have no choice but to do it." Qingtian, who was conspicuous, quickly attacked Pingyan.

Hamedas, who fell to the ground, saw that Pingyan, who had just saved her, was in danger and shouted, "Qingtian, stop it. You can't hurt Pingyan."

Hearing Hamidas's shout, he suddenly stopped, looked back at Hamidas and said, "Why did I listen to your order? Why did your order make me irresistible?"

Hamedas stood up slowly and walked towards the blue sky step by step. As he walked, he said, "I'm your friend. Come on, slowly reduce the nuclear energy. Let's get out of here."

Hearing the order of Hamidas, the nuclear energy released by the body began to decrease little by little.

In the sky, the two-headed nuclear mutant eagle felt that the nuclear energy of the blue sky began to decline, and the two eagle heads chirped at the same time.

Qingtian heard the tweet of the double-headed nuclear energy mutant eagle, and the originally reduced nuclear energy has soared sharply, and his eyes released a horrible murderous intention.

Qingtian knocked down Hamidas to the ground, turned around and walked to Ping Yan again, obeying the order of the two-headed nuclear energy mutant Eagle Lord to kill Ping Yan. →[End of this chapter]