Nuclear God of War

Chapter 105: Earth World Conspiracy Attack

The doctor who rescued Hesheng asked Major General Guowei: "Major Guowei, the nuclear man took away the remains of Hesheng, a superhero in our paradise. Should we chase the nuclear man and recover Hesheng's body?"

"No, we don't have to chase Hamidas. She took away the body of Hesheng. There must be something else. Let's give it to her."

"However, what if President Eagle or Speaker Xu investigates it?"

"Don't worry, whether it's President Eagle or Speaker Xu, whoever pursues it, I will bear all the blame alone."

After listening to what Major General Guo Wei said, the doctor and other doctors in the emergency room were relieved. As long as there is Major General Guowei's words, their central hospital will no longer worry. In the future, President Diying or Speaker Xu will investigate the matter.


In the polar ice palace under the Arctic ice, Vutter has relieved the crisis of heaven and told Pingyan who is anxious to obtain new nuclear energy to save heaven.

Pingyan was very surprised and said, "Wuter, is it true that you said that there is no danger in heaven now?" Pingyan asked Vutter in surprise.

"This is a real thing. There is no danger in heaven, so you don't have to worry about heaven." Wutel answered Pingyan very seriously.

Ping Yan was about to ask when Wutel would let her get the new nuclear energy, the white warrior, Xitian, came to report the situation and said, "Master, Xiqing, Xiwu and Heishi, they have all returned to our polar ice palace."

"Okay, that's really great. Xitian, take them to heal quickly. Xiqing, Xiwu and Xishi, all three of them have been seriously injured and must be treated quickly, otherwise their lives will be in danger. Vutter told Xitian how serious the injuries of Xiqing and others were.

"Yes, master, I'm going to take Xiqing, Xiwu and Xi Shi to the treatment room to heal." After saying that, Xitian disappeared in front of Vutter in an instant.

Wutel turned around and explained to Pingyan, "Pingyan, I want to upgrade your nuclear energy to a new nuclear energy after Xiqing, Xiwu and Heishi's bodies recover, okay?"

"Anyway, there is no danger in heaven. I'm not in a hurry to get the new nuclear energy. Everything is up to you."

"Okay, thank you, Pingyan, for your understanding. Come on, I'll take you to learn something very important now. After saying that, Wouter brought Pingyan into a laboratory.


At this moment, Bai Yu can no longer tolerate the persuasion of Black Wings. The only idea now is to completely destroy the paradise and the earth world and avenge those innocent people who died in the nuclear jihad ten years ago.

"Black Wings, I know your nuclear energy is above me, but I don't believe that you can fight with your good brother, Bai Yu, for those hateful human beings." Bai Yu was sure that Black Wing would not fight with him.

However, to Bai Yu's surprise, Black Wing said, "I'm sorry, I can only focus on the overall situation of all mankind." After that, the black wing began to attack Bai Yu.

Bai Yu, who did not expect that the black wing would do it, was unprepared. He was hit by the attack of the black wing and fell to the ground.

"Black Wing, you really want to fight with me for the hateful paradise." Bai Yu stood up sadly from the ground and said, "Well, since you are not kind to me, don't blame me for being unrighteous to you. From then on, we have been separated and no longer friends, but enemies. Next time I see you, I will definitely fight with you.

After saying that, Bai Yu quickly rose into the air and disappeared from the vision of the black wing little by little.

Black Wing looked at the distant white feather and sighed, "Alas! Sorry, Bai Yu, I can only focus on the overall situation of all mankind now. I must let the people of heaven and the earth world reunite with us nuclear people, otherwise human beings will be in danger of complete extinction.

Black Wing said helplessly to himself, adjusted his mood, turned around and flew to heaven.


In the central building of the world, Uvadas, the president of the Senate, is resting in his own room at this moment.

Suddenly, a mass of black gas appeared in front of Uvadas, lying in Uvadas resting, as if he felt something and opened his eyes to have a look.

Uvadas knew that the black gas must be too Rui. He hurriedly put on and sat up, tidied up his clothes, and said respectfully, "Welcome to return to the earth."

This black gas gradually formed a black humanoid body, with a pair of red glowing eyes and said, "Uvadas, what happened these days when I was away? Tell me about it."

Yes! Too big, after you left the world, a lot of big changes have happened..."

Uvadas will jointly establish the nuclear parliament of heaven and earth, earth and nuclear energy. The king of nuclear beasts - giant-winged nuclear energy is like dragon beasts, leading nuclear beasts to attack the capital of heaven. Tell Tairui completely.

After Tairui knew these things, he said to Uvadas with satisfaction, "Uvadas, you have done a very commendable thing, that is, to promise Hamidas to join the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council."

"I'm still worried that there are too many people, and you will punish me, because I made a claim to agree to Hamidas to join the Tiandi Nuclear Parliament. Unexpectedly, if it's too big, you also agree that people from all over the world will join the nuclear parliament of heaven and earth.

"When I came back from Taixin City this time, I have brought back a good way to deal with and win, and if this method is to be implemented, I must first approach the people of heaven. You promised to join the World Nuclear Council, which just solved this problem.

"With all due respect, I want to ask, what is your method? Can you tell me?"

"Go and call Li Tanshe here. The most critical core for us to deal with peace and victory is Li Tanshe."

"Too man, how can he become a sharp weapon for us to deal with and win?"

"Uvadas, you will gradually understand why in the future. All right, you can call Li Tanshe over now.

"Yes, it's too big." After saying that, President Uvadas called Li Tanshe over according to Tai Rui's order.


Hamidas took Hesheng to the Mount Everest in the Himalayas, met Professor Lan Shike and asked anxiously, "Proflan, Hesheng's heart is broken. Do you have any way to save Hesheng?"

"Hamidas, don't worry. Hesheng won't die easily. Don't worry." Lansko comforted Hamidas.

"Really? Professor Lan, you mean you have a way to bring Hesheng back to life, right?" Hamidas asked excitedly.

"It can be said that I can really bring peace to life, but there is a problem." Professor Lan regretted it.

"Professor Lan, what's the problem you're talking about?" Hamidas asked. →[End of this chapter]