Nuclear God of War

Chapter 121: Nuclear Beast Attacks Again

Xu Feng, the president of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, was even more angry when he heard Guowei's report and said, "Guo Wei, don't you forget to use the communication system or use your mobile phone to call me directly? Why did you use this most primitive method to inform me?

"Syi yi yi zhu ren Xu, it's not that I don't want to use the communication system, but that our communication system has been completely disabled and is likely to have been disrupted by the nuclear beast." Major General Guo Wei hurriedly explained.

When Speaker Xu heard the explanation of Major General Guowei, the commander-in-chief of the Tiandun system, he knew that he misunderstood Major General Guowei and said, "I'm sorry, Guowei, the tone I just talked to you was a little heavier."

"It doesn't matter, Speaker Xu, I won't care about it. Speaker Xu, what should we do now? Although Hamidas said that Hesheng has been resurrected, Hesheng has not returned to heaven yet. What can he do? Guo Wei was worried.

Speaker Xu is also very uneasy now, thinking: Alas! If I knew that the nuclear beast would come back so soon, I wouldn't be in a hurry to let Xiaoer leave. Now only Xiaoer knows the whereabouts. If Xiaoer is not here, how can we contact and win?

The reason why Speaker Xu is anxious to let Di Xiaoer and Kufeng scatter clean crystals is to have a new living space faster. After all, the current shield of heaven has not lasted long.

Black Wing, Speaker of the Nuclear Energy Council, persuaded Speaker Xu, who was standing still and meditating, and said, "Speaker Xu, you don't need to be so nervous. After all, we have not come to a dead end yet, and we still have hope to avoid danger."

"Black Speaker, don't deceive yourself and me. As long as the nuclear beasts launch a fierce attack on our heaven, it won't be long before the shield of heaven will dissipate due to the depletion of nuclear energy, and then we will definitely die."

"I said that as long as we never give up, miracles will happen. Xu Feng, have you forgotten what I said? Don't forget miracles. Miracles can happen anytime and anywhere. The president of the ground eagle came over and said.

"President Earth Eagle, you are right. However, at that time, we had a peace victory, and now we don't have a victory. How can the miracle happen again?

"Xu Feng, I find that you are becoming more and more unpowerless now. Is this the reason why you have become the speaker of heaven and earth nuclear parliament?" President Earth Eagle reminded Xu Feng, who lost himself.

After Xu Feng became the speaker of the Heavenly Nuclear Parliament, he felt that he was a person who represented the whole paradise and was always worried that he could not do well, so he was more careful in everything he did, which eventually led to him to lose himself.

"Okay, Xu Feng, we are not discussing your personal problems now. Let's go to the Tiandun system headquarters to see how the situation is, right?" After saying that, President Diying went to the Tiandun System Command with Guowei.

Speaker Xu, who was scolded by President Diying, found himself again and said, "Yes, what's wrong with me recently? Why do you become so forward-looking and think about everything in the worst direction? It's too pessimistic. The president of the ground eagle really woke me up.

After saying that, Speaker Xu followed the Earth Eagle, the president of the Grand Council, to the headquarters of the Sky Shield System to see how many nuclear beasts were nearby.


The nuclear beast upgraded from a green two-headed nuclear mutant eagle to a five-headed nuclear three-clawed eagle has been following the order of the king of nuclear beasts, the giant winged nuclear like a dragon beast, to hunt down those nuclear people who go in and out alone.

The seven-level nuclear energy people in the gathering place - Cut Water Day found that in recent days, none of the nuclear people who left the gathering place alone can return to the gathering place.

"Strange, why do those brothers who leave the gathering place to look for other nuclear power people go back? Did something happen?" On the day of cutting water, he said to himself worriedly.

"Cut Water Day, let me find the missing brothers." Huanjun took the initiative to go out to find those brothers who had no return.

"Okay, but you must be careful. If you really encounter a nuclear beast, you must deal with it calmly. You have to come back alive."

"Cut water day, don't worry. My magic army's other skills may not be too strong, but my escape is absolutely first-class.

After saying that, the magic army left the gathering place of nuclear energy people alone to find those mysteriously missing nuclear energy people.


Seans, deputy speaker of the Earth Nuclear Council, has just received a message from Heaven Capital.

Tinoves and Guquanso laughed when they saw the reply of the people in heaven. Tinos laughed and said, "Hahaha, those who want to escape to heaven will definitely give up going to heaven to take refuge when they see this news."

"Yes, heaven is once again surrounded by nuclear beasts. It seems that heaven is really more or less lucky this time." Gu Quansuo guessed.

"Gu Quansuo, go and announce this matter now. The time is coming. If no one answers, I'm afraid those who want to escape to heaven will start to make trouble again." Tinovs reminded Gu Quansuo.

"Forget it, I'll go and announce this matter. What I said is still more convincing than Senator Gu Quansuo." Vice Speaker Xiao said.

"Okay, Lieutenant General Seans. No, you should be called Vice President Xiao now. Deputy Speaker Xiao, it's time for you to announce this matter. Tinovs is very much in favor of Seans announcing this matter.

Shauns, as the deputy speaker of the world of his world nuclear parliament, announced the news that heaven has just come from the public.

Only a few people in the earth world want to escape to heaven. Only a few people change their minds and don't want to escape to heaven anymore, but most people in the earth world have not changed their desire to escape to heaven.

These people in the world think that heaven will resolve any crisis as before, and they ask Seans to contact heaven again.

Deputy Speaker Xiao, who has nothing to do, can only agree to the requests of these people and continue to communicate with people in heaven.


At this time, it is now dusk. Qingtian looked at the sun that was about to set and said, "It's almost time. It's time for me to set out and attack the fragile earth world."

After talking to himself, Qingtian ordered all the nuclear beasts around him to follow him to attack the world.

Although most nuclear beasts are very dissatisfied with the matter of obeying a nuclear man, no one dares to disobey the order with the blood of the giant wing nuclear beast, the king of nuclear beasts.

A large number of nuclear beasts began to attack the earth world under the leadership of Qingtian. →[End of this chapter]