Nuclear God of War

Chapter 128: Nuclear power people are at risk

He Sheng was originally able to catch up with the escaped nuclear king - soul resurgence, but he was worried that if he put the unconscious Hamidas here, he would be hurt by the nuclear beast hidden nearby, so he gave up chasing the escaped soul resurgence.

Hesheng looked at Di Xiaoer, who was lying in his arms, and said, "Hamidas, wake up quickly. Don't scare me. Wake up quickly."

No matter how Hesheng shouted Di Xiaoer's name in front of the nuclear man, Hamidas, but Di Xiaoer was still unconscious and did not wake up.

Hesheng was very worried about Di Xiaoer and thought: No, I must also save Hamidas. She can not even take her life for me. I will never let Hamidas, who cares about me so much, have nothing to do.

Thinking of this, He Sheng picked up Di Xiaoer and flew to heaven, hoping that people in heaven could save the injured Di Xiaoer.


The reason why Hesheng found Di Xiaoer late at night was that he did something after returning to the Asian continent from Antarctica, which delayed the time to find Di Xiaoer.


Time returned to July 4, 2035, at 5:30 p.m., the magic army left the gathering place of nuclear people alone and was investigating the cause of the disappearance of nuclear power people.

Suddenly, the magic army found some traces of missing nuclear people. He found a green eagle feather on a bare ground.

The magic army squatted on the ground, picked up the huge green eagle feather, looked at the eagle feather in his hand, and said, "It seems that our missing brothers have been killed."

The magic army stood up and was ready to return to the gathering place of people in the world. Suddenly, a nuclear beast appeared in the sky. This nuclear beast was ordered to attack, and the five nuclear three-clawed eagle appeared alone.

The five-headed nuclear three-clawed eagle quietly skimmed the ground, and the magic army standing on the ground has been caught by one of its eagle claws, and the five-headed nuclear three-clawed eagle flew to the sky.

Just when the fantasy army thought he was more and less lucky this time, Hesheng, who passed by nearby, suddenly appeared in front of the green five-headed nuclear three-clawed eagle.

"You big bird, you don't have to take insects, but you can take people here. It's really not good." He Sheng shook his right index finger against the five-headed nuclear energy three-clawed eagle.

When the five-headed nuclear energy three-clawed eagle heard that Hesheng called it a big bird, he was very angry and waved its wings violently, producing a Category 14 hurricane, which hit Hesheng.

and Sheng floated in the original position motionless and smiled, "The weather is so hot, and you are very good. You even fan me. Yes, I'm very satisfied."

Seeing this situation, the five-headed nuclear energy three-clawed eagle was about to be angry with Sheng. Five eagle heads chirped at the same time, and several knife-like eagle feathers flew out of the two wings and attacked the opposite Hesheng.

He Sheng waved his left hand, and several eagle feathers all bounced back against the wind, hitting the body of the five-headed nuclear three-clawed eagle itself.

The green five-headed nuclear energy three-clawed eagle quickly closed its wings and protected its body. The eagle feathers that bounced back hit the closed wings and then fell to the ground.

He Sheng played with this five-headed nuclear energy three-clawed eagle for a while and said, "Well, I have something else to do, so I won't play with you. Let's make a quick decision, don't you think?

Within't wait for the five-headed nuclear three-claw eagle to react, Hesheng has appeared on his back and said, "Big bird, you have too many heads. It's a waste of food. Let me help you get down a few."

He Sheng, standing on the back of the five-headed nuclear energy three-clawed eagle, waved his right hand, and a crescent-shaped light and shadow nuclear energy flew out, cutting off the two eagle heads on the left side of the five-headed nuclear energy three-clawed eagle.

When the five-headed nuclear energy three-clawed eagle has not yet felt pain, the crescent-shaped light and shadow nuclear energy that has flown out has flown back and cut off its two eagle heads on its right side.

He Sheng saw that the four eagle heads of the five-headed nuclear three-clad eagle were cut off by his light and shadow nuclear energy. He got up and flew away from the back of the five-headed nuclear three-clawed eagle and floated above the five-headed nuclear three-clawed eagle.

At this moment, the five-headed nuclear energy three-clawed eagle, which had been cut off by four eagles, felt the severe pain in the body. It kept rolling in the sky, and the blood from the wound splashed everywhere.

The magic army caught by this green five-headed nuclear energy three-clawed eagle claw was suddenly thrown out, and He Sheng saw this situation and instantly appeared behind the magic army.

After being picked up by Hesheng, the fantasy army thanked Hesheng: "Thank you for your life-saving kindness. My fantasy army will never forget it."

"Nothing, it's nothing, don't worry about it. Well, I'm going to find your Hamidas now, and I'll go first." After saying that, He Sheng went to look for Di Xiaoer.


On July 5, 2035, at 2:30 a.m., the magic army scratched by the green five-headed nuclear energy three-clawed eagle claws has returned to the gathering place of nuclear energy people.

When Che Shuiri saw the injured magic army coming back, he hurried to help the injured magic army and asked, "Magic Army, what's wrong with you? Do you meet the nuclear beast?"

"Yes, I found that all our missing brothers may have been eaten by a green five-headed nuclear energy three-clawed eagle."

"Fantasy Army, our missing brothers are also five-level nuclear people. Why are they eaten, but you are only injured by a little skin?" The day of cutting water asked curiously.

"I thought I would definitely die, but I didn't expect that when I was about to be torn to pieces by the five-headed nuclear three-clad eagle, our king of war, He Sheng, suddenly appeared and saved me."

"So, Fantasy Army, you can come back alive because Lord Warlord saved you, right?"

"Yes, if I hadn't been lucky enough to be saved by Lord Warlord, I'm afraid I would have become the stomach meal of the five-headed nuclear energy three-clawed eagle."

"Fantasy Army, where is the King of War now? Why didn't he come back with you?"

"Lord Warlord said he went to Lord Hamidas." The magic army answered the day of cutting water.

Suddenly, several nuclear energy people with strong sensing ability told Che Shuiri and others that they felt a strong nuclear energy nearby.

Cut Shuiri and others immediately became nervous and stared in the direction of powerful nuclear energy!

The nuclear energy king, the soul, suddenly appeared on the night sky where the nuclear people gathered and said, "You are powerful nuclear energy people. Why do you give in to this? If you follow me to destroy human beings who block our evolution, each of you can have the power to upgrade.

"Who are you? Why do we believe what you said?" Cut the water day and ask about the rebirth of the soul in the night sky.

The soul resurgence disappeared in the night sky in an instant and suddenly appeared in front of the water-cutting sun and said, "I am the first nuclear man, and I am also the most powerful nuclear person. I am the king of nuclear energy - soul rebirth."

When he heard the words of Soul Resurrection in an arrogant tone, he scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "Hey, is Soul Resurrection the first nuclear man? This is really the first time I've heard of it. →[End of this chapter]