Nuclear God of War

Chapter 138: Facing the Question of Victory

Di Xiaoer, who was beside her, felt that Hesheng's body was releasing nuclear energy, and the nuclear energy was still increasing. Di Xiaoer quickly reminded Hesheng and said, "Hesheng, stop being angry quickly, or your nuclear energy will pollute the whole heaven."

"Xiaoer, get out of the way quickly, or I'll do it with you. I don't want to fight with you and Xiaoyan's sister. Get out of the way quickly." Hesheng's emotions are becoming more and more excited.

When He Sheng saw Xiaoyan's sister and Di Xiaoer, he always did not give way and said helplessly, "Xiaoyan sister, Xiaoer, I will explain to you when I have time in the future."

After saying that, Hesheng instantly turned into blue light and shadow, bypassed Emperor Xiaoer and Hepingyan, who stopped him, and went to the main building of the Grand Council to meet the president of the Grand Council - the ground eagle.

Pingyan watched Brother Hesheng turn into blue light and shadow and quickly went to the main building of the Grand Council like lightning. She was worried about what would happen and said, "Hamidas, let's stop Brother Hesheng. I don't think there is something wrong with Brother Hesheng."

"If He Sheng wants to do something, we can't stop him." Di Xiaoer knows very well how powerful Hesheng has.

"Even if we can't stop Brother Hesheng, we should always go and see what's going on."

"Well, that's what I mean. Let's go." After saying that, Di Xiaoer went to the main building of the Grand Council with Ping Yan.


At this moment, President Earth Eagle is standing in front of the monitoring platform in the conference room of the main building of the Great Parliament, observing the changes in nuclear radiation values around the world.

President Earth Eagle is pleased to find that the nuclear radiation value has begun to decrease significantly in continental Europe, where clear crystals were first implanted.

"Great, Xu Feng, the earth will return to normal soon. This is really a happy event. Let's announce this happy event immediately." President Diying said to Speaker Xu beside him.

He Sheng suddenly appeared in front of the president of the ground eagle in the form of blue light and shadow, and then returned to its real form. When the president of the ground eagle saw that the blue light and shadow was Hesheng, he was relieved and said, "It turned out to be Hesheng. I thought it was a nuclear beast that came in."

He Sheng, who stood in front of the ground eagle president, said indifferently, "I'm calling you uncle for the last time. Tell me who my father is? Why didn't you answer me when I asked you this question not long after I came out of the hero's core?

"Wo Sheng, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly ask me this question?"

"I've always wanted to know the current situation of my parents and other relatives, but there have been too many things recently, so I haven't had time to ask you."

"Whesheng, Uncle Di hasn't told you the truth. He is worried that you can't bear this fact. Now since you have to know about this, I'll tell you. Your father is also a great hero in our heaven, but he left us ten years ago.

"What about my mother? Are there any other relatives?" He Sheng asked very sadly.

"We in heaven have been tracking your mother's life and death, but we have never found out the whereabouts of your mother. Maybe she was killed in the nuclear jihad ten years ago." President Earth Eagle said with a sad expression.

"Okay, then I'll ask you again, how did my father die?" He Sheng continued to question President Diying with a stern expression.

President Earth Eagle, who heard this question, really doesn't know how to answer this question.

Because President Diying is indeed guilty of Hesheng's father, he really can't tell the truth to Hesheng. What he is most worried about is that Hesheng will not protect heaven after learning the truth, so he dares not tell the truth.

However, the more the ground eagle president does not answer He Sheng, the more angry he will be and said angrily, "President Earth Eagle, why don't you answer me? Why is this?"

"Hesheng, listen to Uncle Di explain to you that now our heaven is in the most dangerous period. Before the earth is fully restored, the nuclear beast will definitely attack us again, so we must unite now and not have civil strife."

"I just want to know how my father died, who he was, and what he did when he was alive. I'm not provoking trouble."

"He Sheng, you believe in Uncle Di. As long as the earth is fully restored, we in heaven can be free from the protection of the shield of heaven. Uncle Di will definitely tell you everything about your father. What do you think?"

"Why? Why on earth is this? Why don't you ever tell me about my father? Is there any secret in it? He Sheng began to release more intense nuclear radiation.

Speaker Xu, who was next to President Diying, knew that something was not going well and began to persuade Hesheng and said, "Hesheng, don't do this. We won't tell you that your father's matter is also for your own good."

"What is good for me? You obviously have a ghost in your heart and dare not tell me the truth." He Sheng said angrily.

"Hawa Sheng, you can count everything on me, and whatever you have to do is angry with me. I just hope you can calm down."

When He Sheng heard what Speaker Xu said, he was very angry and said angrily, "Do you think it's okay for me to vent my anger? I tell you, I have to know about my father's death today, otherwise I won't give up.

After saying that, He Sheng was ready to punch Speaker Xu. Fortunately, Speaker Xu's daughter Ping Yan arrived in time to block He Sheng's punch, otherwise Speaker Xu might be threatened with a life-threatening attack.

Ping Yan blocked the angry punch of Brother Hesheng for her father, Speaker Xu, stood in front of Brother Hesheng, full of doubts, and asked, "Brother Hesheng, why did you hurt my father? Why the hell is this?"

"Sister Xiaoyan, it's none of your business. You'd better not get involved. I don't want to fight with you."

Di Xiaoer, who came with Pingyan, felt that the nuclear radiation on Hesheng's body was rising sharply and was very nervous. He said, "Everyone evacuate here quickly, otherwise it will be very dangerous and vulnerable to strong nuclear radiation."

After hearing what Di Xiaoer said, the members in the conference room of the main building of the Grand Council were all very nervous and quietly left the conference room for fear of death.

Now there are only five people left in the conference room of the Grand Council, Hesheng, Pingyan, Di Xiaoer, Diying and Xu Feng.

Di Xiaoer began to persuade emotional excitement, and her body released increasing nuclear radiation and said, "Hesheng, calm down quickly. If it goes on like this, the whole main building of the Grand Council will be destroyed by nuclear radiation."

"I don't want to do this, but I won't stop if the ground eagle doesn't explain things." He Sheng still refused to give up. →[End of this chapter]