Nuclear God of War

Chapter 151: The Postwar of Nuclear Jihad 1

Ten years ago, on May 13, 2025, on the afternoon of the day before the outbreak of the nuclear jihad, He Sheng, ten years ago, heard his father Sirius*'s instructions to him and said, "Dad, don't worry, I have remembered what you said. No matter when, I will never give up hope and create miracles."

"Well, Dad believes in you. You will definitely create one miracle after another in the future, overcome all difficulties and obstacles, protect human beings, protect the earth, and bring people hope for life." Sirius nodded with satisfaction.

After saying that, Sirius* waved to Hesheng to take the Dragon fighter-miracle to protect the whole capital from being razed to the ground by nuclear bombs.

After Hesheng took a military vehicle to get the Dilong fighter, Sirius * suddenly fainted to the ground, and Xu *, not far away, immediately came over and helped Sirius*.

Xu Shan* slowly helped the faint Sirius* and called several soldiers to help Sirius* into the Huaxia building with him.

He has been following his father Sirius*. Ten years later, He Sheng sighed, "Alas! Nuclear jihad is about to break out, and it is not far from my father's death.

After saying that, ten years later, He Sheng followed Xu* and others to enter the Huaxia Building together.


Ten years ago, He Sheng sat on the God Dragon fighter, launched the powerful nuclear energy propeller of the Dilong fighter, quickly took it into the air, and patrolled over the capital.

After midnight, the main control system in North America independently issued a ballistic* carrying a nuclear warhead and attacked the capital of an Asian superpower.

The Dilong fighter detected a ballistic*, attacked in the direction of the capital, and immediately launched an interception*, successfully intercepting the ballistic*.

In Huaxia Building, Sirius*, who had woken up, intercepted a ballistic missile* when he learned that his son and Sheng were driving the Dilong fighter. He was very gratified and said weakly, "Hesheng, my good son, it seems that you are really born for battle."

Sirius* had to admit the unchangeable fate in the prophecy and decided not to stop the fate of peace and victory, but to let himself choose his own fate.

"Land Eagle*, you take good care of something like me, and you must not let greedy people get it, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable." Sirius called the ground eagle and said.

After saying that, Sirius* handed over the small square box on his body to the ground eagle* and let the ground eagle * take good care of this thing.

"S Sirius*, don't worry, I will take good care of this. Please rest assured." Earth Eagle* took this small square box and promised Sirius*.

"Okay, then I can leave at ease." Sirius* said weakly.

" Sirius*, where are you going?"

"Protect our capital and inspire the ability to win." After saying that, Sirius got up weakly and went away step by step.

Earth Eagle * looked at the distant back of Sirius and sighed, " Sirius *, don't worry, I will definitely protect the whole capital, please rest assured."


With the ballistics* carrying nuclear warheads, they have been unable to intercept all nuclear bombs by attacking all parts of the country of the Asian superpower.

The defensive counterattack system of Asian superpowers has detected that the whole country is now attacked by nuclear bombs, and quickly launched the counterattack system and scattered nuclear bombs around the world.

Nuclear jihad broke out completely at this moment, and the main control system in North America lost control and fired eight billion-ton nuclear bombs at the same time into the capitals of Asian superpowers.

He Sheng, who intercepted the nuclear bomb over the capital, found that a huge nuclear bomb was displayed on the Dilong fighter plane. He thought, "This is a big trouble. Such a big nuclear bomb, the interception* on the Dilong fighter plane can't destroy it at all. What should we do now?"

"Son, I told you not to give up hope and create miracles." Sirius* drove an evil dragon fighter verification aircraft and passed the imperial dragon fighter.

The Dilong fighter verification aircraft piloted by Sirius* collided with a 100-million-ton nuclear bomb 2,000 kilometers away, causing a big explosion that shook the Asian continent.

He Sheng, who piloted the Dilong fighter, saw his father Sirius*'s evil dragon fighter collided with a billion-ton nuclear bomb and shouted irrationally: "Dad!"

After saying that, Hesheng piloted the Dilong fighter to rush to the nuclear bomb at full speed. The Dilong fighter destroyed hundreds of hundreds of tons of nuclear bombs with energy-gathering photon cannons, but the Dilong fighter aircraft continued to rush to 700 million tons of nuclear bombs.

These seven-million-ton super nuclear bombs, with the ability to self-identify their targets, quickly bypassed the oncoming Dilong fighters and continue to attack the center of the capital.


Ten years later, He Sheng was curious when he saw this situation and said, "Today I want to take a good look at how I became a hero core ten years ago to protect heaven."

With that, He Sheng saw that the Dilong fighter had flown back to the capital and rotated the concentrated photon beam, trying to smash all the nuclear bombs that had been attacked.

One of the 100-ton nuclear bombs near the Dilong fighter was detonated by the energy-gathering photon beam. At the same time, the other six 100-ton nuclear bombs also shook the earth near the Dilong fighter.


Ten years ago, He Sheng in the Dilong fighter plane saw seven billion-ton nuclear bombs exploding over the capital at the same time. He was unwilling and shouted, "No, I will never allow the capital to be destroyed. I promised my father to protect the capital. I will never let anyone hurt the whole capital."

While shouting with Sheng, the Dilong fighter was completely devouring the nuclear energy generated by the explosion of seven billion tons of nuclear bombs.

At the moment when the Dilong fighter was swallowed up by nuclear energy, Hesheng's body suddenly flashed a glimmer of light. The Dilong fighter resonated with it and released a dazzling light, which even overshadowed the light produced by the simultaneous explosion of seven billion tons of nuclear bombs.

The luminous Dilong fighter began to shrink little by little, and finally completely integrated into Hesheng's body, and Hesheng instantly released extremely powerful nuclear energy.

This nuclear energy released by Sheng prevented the nuclear energy generated by the explosion of seven billion-ton nuclear bombs and devoured the entire capital.

As the nuclear energy released by Hesheng's body continues to increase, the body gradually transforms into a photosphere, and it is still expanding little by little, finally forming a hero nucleus.

After the formation of the hero's original nucleus, the nuclear energy released began to expand little by little, and a land that had been swallowed up by nuclear energy outside the capital was protected and the nuclear energy here was removed.

After this huge nuclear energy protection layer has expanded to a certain extent, it will stop expanding, but will continue to thicken, and the density will also increase little by little, forming a heavenly shield to protect the capital area, that is, the capital of heaven. →[End of this chapter]