Nuclear God of War

Chapter 154: The Postwar of Nuclear Jihad 4

He Sheng came out of Mount Everest with his father Sirius*. Hearing what his father said, he couldn't help saying, "Please don't worry, Dad, I will protect human beings well and won't let anyone hurt human beings."

Suddenly, Sirius* found that there was powerful nuclear energy nearby, hovered in mid-air and said, "The nuclear energy nearby is so high that there must have been a nuclear energy person near here."

Hesheng's conjecture that his father Sirius* must be talking about the No. 1 nuclear man - soul rebirth, and said, "This hateful soul rebirth is really intolerable to me. When I go back, I will definitely kill you."

and Sheng complained and followed his father Sirius*, looking for the No. 1 nuclear man - the trace of soul rebirth around here.


In just three days, thousands of people were killed in heaven. People in the whole paradise began to panic, and small-scale** occurred in some areas.

Although President Eagle and others have tried their best to investigate the cause of death of these thousands of people, they have never found any clues.

Xu Feng, a member of the Grand Council, is not sure who killed these people, but he can be sure that thousands of people who died strangely were killed by one person, because these victims were pierced through the chest and their hearts, so he concluded that all the victims were killed by one person.

They also completely agreed with Senator Xu's speculation that President Di Ying and others also believed that all the people who died strangely were killed by one person.

"Xu Feng, I think what you said is very reasonable, but what kind of person can kill thousands of people silently in such a short time? Even a hundred specially trained special forces can't do this. The president of the ground eagle is a little incomprehensible.

"This..., President Earth Eagle, this is also something I can't figure out."

"There may be only one explanation now that can solve our confusion, that is, the person who killed thousands of people is the nuclear power man in Sirius * prophecy, because only in this way can explain what kind of person can kill thousands of people all over heaven in such a short time." President Earth Eagle explained.

"President Earth Eagle, if this is the case, our heaven will be full of crises!"

"You can say so." The president of the ground eagle nodded.

"President Earth Eagle, can't we deal with nuclear energy?" Senator Xu anxiously asked President Di Ying.

President Earth Eagle was silent and did not answer Senator Xu. His expression was solemn and he sighed: "Alas..."

"President Earth Eagle, why are you sighing?" Li Tanshe, a member of the Grand Council, asked the sighing president of the ground eagle.

"I sigh because we can't deal with powerful nuclear people. Unless Sirius* is alive, we have a little hope to defeat nuclear people." President Earth Eagle sighed in despair.

"I don't think that's true. Maybe these thousands of people were killed by our great hero, Sirius*." Fu Heng, a member of the Great Council, walked over and said.

Congressman Xu and others were shocked to hear what Senator Fu said to President Diying. It was hard to believe that it was true. Senator Xu asked, "Congressman Fu, why did you say that!" Did you get any evidence?

"Of course, I found it in Xu*'s relics." After saying that, Senator Fu gave a computer chip to President Diying.

Member Xu, together with President Diying and other parliamentarians, plugged the computer chip brought by Congressman Fu into the main control system of the conference room of the Grand Council.

The main display of the conference room of the Grand Council shows that the blurred picture basically can't see anything, and only the voices of two people can be heard. One voice is Xu* and the other voice is Sirius*.


"Sianwolf*, it's great that you're not dead. I'm still worried about the prophecy you said, but now that you're back, I don't have to worry about it anymore." Xu* was very happy to see Sirius* come back alive.

"I'm sorry, Xu Shan, I came back to save your life."

"Why is that?"

"No reason, because I have become a nuclear energy person now."

"What! Sirius*, how can you become a nuclear power man? Even if you become a nuclear man, this should not be the reason for you to kill me.

"No, I became a nuclear man. Killing is my nature, so I want to kill you."

"Well, if killing me can reduce your magic, then you can do it."

"This is because you were killed voluntarily, so I won't dig your heart. You will be the only one who didn't dig out my heart in my killing. Xu Shan, die."

"Ah..." A scream.


With Xu*'s scream, the blurred image played by the main control system of the conference room of the Grand Council became dark and no longer made any sound.

Senator Fu asked President Earth Eagle, who couldn't see the humanoid video clearly, and asked, "President Earth Eagle, you should now believe that the nuclear energy who killed thousands of people is Sirius*, right?"

Because of the conclusive evidence, the president of Earth Eagle had to believe that everything was done by Sirius* and sighed, "Alas! I didn't expect that Sirius*, who saved us many times, is now going to kill all of us with my own hands, which is really difficult for me to accept.

"President Earth Eagle, in fact, I don't believe that these people were killed by Sirius*, but we can't be unwilling to accept reality because of our personal feelings." Senator Fu said.

"Congressman, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter as the president of the Grand Council."

"Then I'm relieved." After saying that, Senator Fu immediately fainted.

When President Diying saw this situation, he immediately asked Senator Fu to be sent to the central hospital for emergency treatment.


At this time, Guowei, who had just been discharged from the hospital and took a mechanical left arm, was shopping with Qingchu, who had just lost his father, with Di Xiaoer.

In order to make Qingchu happy, Di Xiaoer said, "Qingchu, Guowei and I haven't seen you for several years. We really miss you and don't forget that the three of us are good friends forever."

Guo Wei also wanted Qingchu to stop thinking about unhappy things and said, "Qingchu, if you should treat me and Xiaoer as friends, then you can happily play with me and Xiaoer."

After saying that, Guo Wei pulled Qingchu to the front to play. Suddenly, a blue-haired man knocked down Di Xiaoer beside Guo Wei.

Guo Wei stopped and pointed angrily at the blue-haired man and said, "Who are you? Don't you have eyes when you walk? Hurry up and help my friend up, or I won't be polite to you..."

Before Guo Wei finished his words, his body was a little disobedient, weak and he knelt on the ground very weakly. →[End of this chapter]