Nuclear God of War

Chapter 161: Come Back! And victory

He Sheng was still full of resentment and said, "My father was killed indirectly by them. How can you let me let go of my hatred for them?"

"If you continue like this, you will really be blinded by your hatred, get carried away, and fall into the abyss of evil little by little, so I hope you can give up your hatred completely, otherwise it will harm you, all mankind and the whole earth."

"But I really can't let go of this hatred. If it hadn't been for their minimum trust in my father, it wouldn't have happened that my father would have died together with his soul, so it's really difficult for me to let go of hatred."

"Then I ask you, if you fall into the evil abyss of hatred, who will protect the earth? Who will protect human beings? Who else will protect Emperor Xiaoer and Pingyan? The emperor's system questioned and won.

When He Sheng heard the questioning of the emperor's system, he bowed his head and didn't know how to answer. He was in a dilemma. On the one hand, he wanted to fulfill the last wish of his father Sirius* to protect human beings and protect the earth. On the other hand, I can't give up my hatred for President Eagle and others, and I don't want to protect heaven anymore.

The emperor system knew that Hesheng could not make a choice now, so it said, "Hesheng, I know that you have entered a dilemma now, and I don't know which end the balance in your heart is. So I want to show you something first, and I hope you can make your own real choice after reading it.

After listening to what the emperor system said to him, what happened ten years later, what happened at this moment suddenly appeared in front of him.


The king of nuclear beasts - the giant wing nuclear energy is like a dragon beast, spitting out a huge nuclear energy ball, attacking the flat body from top to bottom.

Ping Yan had no choice but to use her new nuclear energy. After she used the new nuclear energy, a huge metal shield appeared above her body to block the powerful nuclear energy ball.

From top to bottom, it attacked the flat nuclear energy ball and fell little by little, swallowing the metal shield formed by Pingyan's head. Soon the edge of the metal shield began to melt, and Pingyan could not hold on.

Seeing this situation, Di Xiaoer quickly came forward to help Ping Yan and resist the nuclear energy ball spit out to Ping Yan, the king of nuclear beasts, the giant-winged nuclear energy like a dragon beast.

However, the soul suddenly blocked Di Xiaoer, with a strange smile on her face and said, "Di Xiaoer, you are mine. Don't mind your own business, okay?"

"Resurrection, you hateful guy, I fought with you today. I'm going to avenge my Uncle Sirius and Hesheng." Di Xiaoer couldn't stand it.

"Okay, I'll give you five minutes. Within five minutes, you can attack me at will. Not only will I not fight back, but I will not avoid your attack."

"What on earth are you doing?"

"As long as you kill me in these five minutes, you will avenge the son and victory of Sirius* and Sirius*. However, if you can't kill me in five minutes, you will marry me.

After saying that, the No. 1 nuclear man who claimed to be the king of nuclear energy, the soul came back and continued to smile strangely.

In order to have the opportunity to attack the soul, Di Xiaoer did not hesitate to put herself behind her head and said, "Okay, I promise you. I'm going to attack now."

"Come on, my bride, I can't wait. As the saying goes, beating is kissing and scolding is love. The more you attack me, the more it proves that you love me more, hahaha. The soul returned and laughed strangely.

"If you let me be your bride, it depends on whether you can still live in five minutes." Di Xiaoer said angrily.

After saying that, Di Xiaoer angrily launched an attack on the soul rebir, trying to completely kill the soul and revenge for Hesheng and Uncle Sirius.

Unfortunately, no matter how strong Di Xiaoer's attack is, he can never hurt the soul resurrection. The conversion nuclear energy of the soul resurrection can convert the attack on his body to other places, so no matter what kind of attack he receives, he will not be harmed.

The soul rebirth is very confident in the conversion nuclear energy he has. He believes that with the weak nuclear energy of Di Xiaoer, it is impossible for him to hurt his body, let alone convert nuclear energy.

At this moment, the metal shield on Pingyan's head has been spit out the nuclear energy ball by the giant wing nuclear dragon beast, the king of nuclear energy beast, and half of it will soon be completely swallowed up.


He Sheng saw what happened in front of him and said, "Emperor God, find a way to let me go back to the era ten years later. I'm going to protect Xiaoer and Xiaoyan sister."

"Hawa Sheng, have you made up your mind? You want to go back to save Di Xiaoer and Pingyan, don't you?"

"Yes, I'm going to protect my little sister and Xiaoer. I must not put them in danger." He Sheng said resolutely.

"However, I want to remind you that you saved Di Xiaoer and Hepingyan this time, which is equivalent to saving heaven. Are you still willing to save Emperor Xiaoer and Hepingyan? If you want to save them, you will definitely save heaven.

He Sheng heard the reminder of the emperor's system and did not hesitate to say, "Anyway, I still have to save Xiaoer and Xiaoyan sister first. This time, even if they are lucky in heaven, it doesn't mean that I have forgiven them. This time I just want to save Xiaoyan sister and Xiaoer."

"Alas! He Sheng, you still haven't given up the idea of hatred. Originally, I wanted you to let you give up hatred, inherit the last wish of your father Sirius*, protect heaven, protect human beings and protect the earth. I didn't expect that you still can't give up hatred. You let me down so much.

The emperor system originally planned that if Hesheng could not give up hatred, inherit the last wish of his father Sirius*, protect heaven, protect human beings, and protect the earth, he would not let Hesheng return to reality.

However, the emperor's system found that the lives of Di Xiaoer and Ping Yan had been threatened, and now he had to let Hesheng save Ping Yan and Di Xiaoer.

The emperor's system was helpless and said, "Hesheng, I can let you go back, but you must promise me a condition, otherwise I won't send you back."

"Okay, as long as you can send me back, I promise you anything."

"I want you to promise me that after you go back, you can't avenge the president of the ground eagle and others, and you have to protect heaven."

He was eager to save Emperor Xiaoer and peacefully Sheng, and said without any hesitation, "Okay, I promise you."

"I hope you can remember what you said."

"Don't worry, I will do what I say."

"You can release nuclear energy as much as you want now, so that you can return to reality."

and Sheng did as the emperor's system said, releasing the nuclear energy in the body. The black sphere above the sky suddenly emitted a dazzling light. →[End of this chapter]