Nuclear God of War

Chapter 251: In the Traitor of Humanity

After listening to Fu Heng's answer, a member of the Grand Council, He Sheng said to himself and said, "Qi Kang is really too cunning. I didn't expect that he was ready to run away."

"Hawa Sheng, what are you talking about? Are you talking about Qi Kang, the former deputy minister of defense at the top of the central government before the establishment of the Grand Council? Senator Fu's curious inquiry and victory.

"Yes, I'm talking about Qi Kang, the former deputy minister of defense at the top of the central government." He Sheng answered Senator Fu.

"Hawa Sheng, what do you have to do with Li Katan and Vice Minister Qi Kang?"

"In the past, Qi Kang is now Li Katan, that is to say, Qi Kang and Li Katan are one person."

"What! Are they two alone?" Senator Fu was very surprised.

"Yes, for the specific situation, you can ask the members in the general conference room of the headquarters of the Tiandi Nuclear Parliament. I will continue to look for Li Katan, that is, Qi Kang."

After saying that, He Sheng instantly turned into a blue light and shadow form and disappeared in the main building of the Grand Council of Heaven.


In the general conference room of the headquarters of the Tiandi Nuclear Parliament, the public members are waiting for the victory of Li Katan, that is, Qi Kang, to capture the headquarters of the Tiandi Nuclear Parliament.

The legislators' attention is now on Yan Rujun, the former high-level chief of the central general staff, but they forget to pay attention to the Shenhu team member - Tugang.

Seeing that no one cared about him, the legislators were asking Chief of General Staff Yan, knowing that his opportunity to escape had come, and quickly flew to the exit of the general conference room of the headquarters of the Tiandi Nuclear Council.

The doorman at the door of the general conference room saw this situation and immediately closed the exit of the general conference room, but it was too late, and half of the body of Tugang had flown out of the general conference room.

However, the lower body of Tugang could not fly out of the general conference room. Before the door was completely closed, the sixth-level nuclear man, the senator, quickly pulled Tugang's right leg and pulled the Tugang back.

The rein killing threw Tugang on the ground and said, "Don't think that Hesheng is not here, and you can escape. Don't forget that I'm a six-level nuclear man, much stronger than you, a third-level nuclear man. You can't escape."

"Well, how can I forget your nuclear energy congressman? This really makes me lose face." Tugang stood up from the ground and said.

"If you don't want to suffer from skin and flesh, then you can be honest with me, otherwise I won't make you lose face."

"Alas! I'm a smart person. I know I'm not your opponent, so I won't do anything with you again, because it's meaningless.

"As long as you understand, then we are here to wait for our warlord, He Sheng, to return." The re-killing walked to his people and said to Tu Gang.


He Sheng appeared in a real human form over the capital of heaven, looked down at the ground and said, "Alas! Heaven is so big, where can I go to catch Qi Kang?

He Sheng, who talked to himself, suddenly remembered that he could control the first generation of super-ancient civilization relics. People with all the equipment laughed and said, "Haha, now I'm not a big deal. I'm going to contact the Emperor God System. When I encountered such a serious problem, I didn't contact the Emperor God System. It's really It's funny."

After saying that, He Sheng had to close his eyes and make a request to connect to the Emperor God System, and then successfully connected to the Emperor God System.

"Hawa Sheng, why do you want to connect with me this time? The last time you fought with the Star Hunter, you didn't connect with me. What kind of trouble are you in this time?" The emperor's system inquired and won.

"Emperor God, can you lend me the ant army and the fly army in the insect army?"

"No problem, how many ant and fly armies do you need? I'll send them to you right away."

"As long as you can search the number of every corner of heaven in three hours." He Sheng doesn't know the specific number of ant army and fly army needed.

The emperor's system heard Hesheng's uncertain answer and said, "Then I'll give you 50,000 ant army and 50,000 fly army. I think it's enough. An hour later, it will be sent to heaven.

"Thank you, Emperor God. Let's talk about other things in the future. Let's do it first. I have to do something else. After saying that, He Sheng disconnected from the Emperor God King system.

After Hesheng disconnected from the emperor's system, he opened his eyes, turned into a blue light and shadow again, and dissipated in the sky.


Qingtian suddenly heard his master, and the mysterious voice was talking to him: "Qingtian, you should pay attention to safety. I always feel a little uneasy, so I hope you will be careful."

"Thank you for reminding me. I will pay attention to safety." After saying that, Qingtian whispered, "Master, I want to ask you a question, that is, when will you break through the seal?"

"Qingtian, why did you suddenly ask this question? What do you mean?

"Master, I don't mean anything else. I just want to know when you can break through the seal, so that I know how long I will persist in the face of alien invasion."

"To tell you the truth, I don't know when I will reach the time to break through the seal."

"Master, you mean that I can only join hands with human beings, right?"

"Yes, yes, we can only hope that the nuclear beast and the nuclear man can join hands to defeat the alien life that invaded the earth."

"Master, didn't you say that my old master, the king of nuclear beasts - the giant wing nuclear energy is like a dragon beast, and the sealing ball formed can be sealed and won? Why did He Sheng return to the earth? Qingtian said angrily.

"I'm also surprised by this. I didn't expect that Hesheng could break through the seal ball formed by the giant wing nuclear energy like a dragon beast stone body."

"Is the death of my master meaningless?" Qingtian said excitedly.

"From the current situation, the king of nuclear beasts, the giant-winged nuclear-like beast, indeed died in vain and meaningless."

"You killed my master, and I will definitely not let you go." Qingtian suddenly said excitedly.

"No, He Sheng is coming. I can't speak any more, otherwise He Sheng will feel my existence. I will explain other things to you later."

"Don't go, you killed my master, the king of nuclear beasts - giant wing nuclear power like dragon beast, I won't let you go." Qingtian said angrily.

He Sheng suddenly appeared not far from the blue sky, changed from the blue light and shadow form to the real human form, and said, "Qingtian, can we give up hatred now?"

"Hawa Sheng! You're really here."

"Qingtian, we want to protect the earth now, not the time to care about personal grudges." He Sheng explained.

"Of course, I know this very well."

"So what did you mean just now?" He Sheng asked curiously. →[End of this chapter]