Nuclear God of War

Chapter 256: Qi Kang's Anger

The star hunter with a black humanoid shadow said to Qi Kang's forehead that he had a powerful nuclear energy. After being irradiated by this nuclear energy, Qi Kang was safe and sound. He just felt that his body was full of power and his blood boiling.

The star hunter answered Qi Kang's question just now: "I give you strong power now. Can you believe what I said?"

"Do I really have a strong power now?" Vice Minister Qi Kang was a little disbelieved.

"If you don't believe it, you can try metal objects to see if you can easily crush them, and you will know if you have strong power."

After listening to what the nuclear man said, Vice Minister Qi Kang picked up the pistol he put on the pillow and pinched his hands hard. The pistol was quickly pinched and deformed.

Qi Kang found that he really had a strong power, so he believed what the black humanoid shadow star hunter said and said, "I believe you are true."

"Are you willing to do as I say now?"

"If I do what you said, can we people on earth have such a powerful power as me?"

"No, you are just the hidden potential that I have stimulated in your earthly people. It's not that I want to give you earthlings power. I want to give you earthlings several times more power than this."

"Really? That's really great." Qi Kang said with some joy.


After saying this, Qi Kang sighed, "Unfortunately, after I let nuclear radiation cover the earth as they said, they did not appear and did not show up to protect us. After the nuclear war, human beings have powerful new abilities, but we have not gained new capabilities. Only then did I know that I had been cheated.

After listening to what Qi Kang said, the president of the Grand Council of Heaven, the Earth Eagle and the members of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council, are very puzzled and don't understand a problem.

The members of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament do not understand that Qi Kang has been deceived once. At that time, ten years later, Qi Kang will once again obey the order of the God Hunter?

President Earth Eagle asked Vice Minister Qi Kang, "Since you have been cheated once, why do you work for their star hunters this time?"

"This is because I hate all the earthlings now. I want all the earthlings to die, and I want all of you to bury my son."

"Qikang! What do you mean? Why don't I know what you're talking about? President Earth Eagle asked Qi Kang with a blank expression

"Well, if you want to know what this means, then I remind you that ten years ago, shortly after the outbreak of the nuclear jihad, I was no longer the deputy minister of defense..."


After Qi Kang's son had a car accident, he had a lot of bleeding and needed an emergency blood transfusion, but he found that Qi Kang's son's blood type was Rh negative blood.

It was difficult to obtain sufficient blood sources for this rare blood type before the outbreak of nuclear jihad. Now that nuclear jihad has broken out, there are few people with this rare blood type on earth.

Qikang only found two people with Rh-negative blood in heaven, one is an old man, and the other is Earth Eagle, the president of the Grand Council of Heaven.

Qi Kang first found the old man, but found that the old man had died three days ago.

Qi Kang put all his hopes for saving his son on the president of the ground eagle and came to the main building of the parliament to ask the president of the ground eagle to help save his son.

However, Qi Kang can't enter the main building of the Grand Council at all, because he is not a member of the Grand Council, so he can't enter the main building of the Grand Council, let alone meet President Eagle.

After Qi Kang knelt down and asked the doorman to let him go in to see President Land Eagle. Qi Kang was ready to break into the main building of the Grand Council, but was driven out by the doorman of the main building of the Grand Council.

Li Tanshe, a member of the Grand Council, came out of the parliament. Qi Kang asked, "This congressman, I beg you to help me call out the ground eagle. I can't go in. Please help me call out the ground eagle. You tell him that I'm Qi Kang. I beg you, okay?"

"Well, I'll call the president of the ground eagle for you. As for whether he can't come out, I can't guarantee it." After saying that, Li Tanshe turned around and walked back to the main building of the Grand Council.

After a while, Li Tanshe came out with a frustrated expression and sighed to Qi Kang, "I'm sorry, I couldn't call out the president of the ground eagle. He said he had something to do now and asked you to come back to him tomorrow."

"Did you tell the ground eagle that I was Qi Kang?"

"I said it, but it didn't work. He still asked you to come back to him tomorrow." Li Tanshe replied.

Qi Kang shouted angrily, "Land Eagle, wait for me. If my son has any shortcomings, I will definitely let you and all mankind come to bury my son."


Speaking of this, Vice Minister Qi Kang's emotions inevitably became uncontrollable and said angrily, "When I went back, my son died of excessive blood loss, so I vowed to make all mankind pay the price. Soon after, the star hunter appeared in front of me again, and I did not hesitate to agree to his plan.

"I really don't know about this matter. Li Tanshe didn't tell me what you were looking for. I really don't know that something happened to your son, otherwise how could I not save your son." President Earth Eagle explained.

"Don't act here. How can you not know that I'm going to find you? There's no need for that congressman to deceive me at all."

When Qikang didn't believe what President Earth Eagle said, someone suddenly said, "No, President Earth Eagle really didn't know that you went to him, because I didn't tell President Earth Eagle about what you were looking for him."

The person who spoke was Li Tanshe, a member of the Grand Council that Qi Kang met in those years. Qi Kang was very confused when he saw Li Tanshe coming out from among the members: "I have no grudge against you. Why did you deceive me?"

"I'm ashamed to say that I am an undercover agent of the earth world in heaven, and I will destroy President Earth Eagle's plan as much as possible. In fact, I really wanted to inform President Earth Eagle at that time, but as soon as I heard that you were Qi Kang, I did not inform President Earth Eagle." Li Tanshe explained.

Seans, the vice president of the world of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council, smiled and said to President Earth Eagle, "President Earth Eagle, it seems that I was right to call Li Tanshe here the other day, hahaha."

"Yes, otherwise I really can't explain it this time." President Earth Eagle admitted.

Qi Kang heard Li Tanshe's explanation and said, "So, my son's death was caused by you, not the ground eagle, right?"

"You can say so." Li Tanshe nodded guiltily.

President Diying walked to Qi Kang and said, "Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, you can give up your hatred."

"No, that's impossible. I won't blame you for my son's death, but this doesn't mean that I don't resent all mankind." Qi Kang said angrily. →[End of this chapter]