Nuclear God of War

Chapter 258: The Beginning of Aggression Next

The golden dragon and wolf mask - the emperor's god king system, heard Hesheng's answer and said, "That's good. As long as you remember what I said, you can definitely protect heaven, protect all mankind and the whole earth."

"Yes, Emperor God, I know what I should do now. Emperor God, if I can really protect the earth, I will definitely do my best. If I really succeed, I will definitely come back to thank you." He Sheng finally said to the emperor's system.

After talking to the emperor's system, Hesheng turned around and left the royal palace, sat on the dragon fighter plane, flew out of the polar city, and drove to heaven.


Earth Eagle, the president of the Grand Council of Heaven, discussed their defense system with other parliamentarians in the general conference room of the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council.

"President Earth Eagle, most of our heavenly people have fled to the dungeons of heaven, and the rest will be transferred in ten hours." Xu Feng, the chairman of the Heavenly Nuclear Parliament, reported the situation to the president of the Earth Eagle.

"Very good, as long as we move our heavenly people underground, we can safely fight with the star hunters."

"Unfortunately, our dungeon can't be compared with the earthly world, and there are so many people in our heaven that we can't last for a few days." Speaker Xu said helplessly.

"I don't think our battle with the Hunter will last long. Within three days, we will definitely win or lose. Either we will be completely eliminated, or we will repel the Hunter."

"Alas! The survival of human beings has been in these 80 hours, and I really hope we can get through the difficulties. Speaker Xu said confidently.

Qi Kang, the former high-level deputy minister of defense of the Central Committee, who was detained by the re-killed legislator, suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha, you should have only 15 hours left now, because the star hunter will completely smash the whole earth in an instant."

"Qi Kang, what on earth do you know? Do you really want to see us and tell us, otherwise we really want to see human beings perish? Kill and drag Qi Kang and say angrily.

"Well, I'll tell you a secret now." Qi Kang said with an indifferent expression.

"Quickly, what secret do you know?" The reinsurreation shook Qi Kang with excitement.

"Now there is a Hunter on the earth, and he is the Hunter who has been in contact with me." Qi Kang is very calm.

"Are you telling the truth? Is there really a Hunter on earth? Why did you suddenly say this now? What's your intention?"

"You nuclear man really have a lot of problems. I can only tell you that I want to disrupt your plan by saying this matter. I want to make everything you paid before in vain." Qi Kang suddenly burst into laughter.

"You are really vicious. You want us to perish all mankind. In that case, I'll kill you first." The anger is so angry that I can't control my emotions.

When the rekill was about to kill Qi Kang, Di Xiaoer came in with four four-color warriors and said, "Rekill, don't kill him first. I can know the location of the star hunter from him."

"Yes, Lord Hamidas." Stop the resurre killing immediately.

Qi Kang, who was re-killed and let go, looked at Di Xiaoer who came over and said, "Don't waste your effort. I can't tell you where the star hunter is."

"That's not up to you." Di Xiaoer suddenly put her right hand on Qi Kang's head, and her right hand flashed red.

Di Xiaoer took his right hand off Qi Kang's head and said, "The star hunter has now left the earth to meet the fleet of their star hunters attacking our earth, so we don't have to worry about the planet hunters on earth now."

"What! How do you know these things? Qi Kang said in surprise.

"You told me all this. I just checked your brain memory, so I know these things. You told me all about them." Di Xiaoer replied.

President Earth Eagle, who discussed the situation with the members of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, was very surprised to hear what Di Xiaoer said. He came over and said, "Xiao... No, Hamidas, what did you mean just said? Do you have the ability to read other people's brain information?

"Yes, I do have the ability to read other people's brain information now." Di Xiaoer, wearing a red phoenix mask, nodded and replied.

"Then this is really too powerful. When did you have this ability?" President Earth Eagle asked curiously.

"President Earth Eagle, let's talk about this later. We have to do a more important thing now."

"What's the matter? Hamidas, say it quickly." President Earth Eagle was eager to ask Di Xiaoer.

Di Xiaoer told the president of the ground eagle, saying, "Our heaven has been put down by ten nuclear bombs by Qi Kang, and the detonation switch is in the hands of the star hunter."

"What! How could Qi Kang do such a thing? It's really unbelievable. Why did this happen? President Earth Eagle was very worried.

"However, I now know the specific location of these ten nuclear bombs. As long as we dismantle all the nuclear bombs before the Hunter starts the detonation device, we will not be in danger in heaven."

"In that case, you should quickly dismantle these ten nuclear bombs." President Earth Eagle said nervously.

"I need some manpower, President Eagle. Can you lend me ten soldiers who have evolved into nuclear energy?" Di Xiaoer asked the president of the eagle.

"Although we are very short of manpower now, this matter is crucial. Well, you can choose the people you need." President Earth Eagle promised.

Di Xiaoer selected ten heavenly people who had just been upgraded to nuclear energy and quickly led these ten nuclear energy people to dismantle the nuclear bombs placed throughout the paradise.


At this time, Professor Lan Shike had returned to the Jitian City, walked into the royal palace, and said, "Now it seems that we are really dangerous."

"Lan Shike, what do you mean?" The physical golden dragon and wolf mask of the emperor's system suddenly appeared in front of Lan Shike.

"I found special circumstances on the way back, so I said we were really dangerous."

"What did you find?"

"I found that there is a strong shield under the Pacific Ocean, where there must be a large building complex."

"I have known this for a long time. Don't worry, the things under that shield will not hurt us in heaven. What I'm really worried about now is the Hunter.

Before the words of the emperor's king system fell, the Jitiancheng suddenly sounded an alarm. Professor Lan Shike asked, "Emperor king, what kind of alarm is this?"

"Star Hunter's invasion alert." The emperor's system replied. →[End of this chapter]