Nuclear God of War

Chapter 267: Deputy Commander defeated and won

After He Sheng was hit by the nuclear energy ball in the form of water crystals, the deputy commander of the Star Fleet of the Third King of the Hunter, the dragon king armor he was wearing suddenly began to break up, and six-shaped silver crystals fell from Hesheng.

Although 777 hexagonal silver crystals are all intact, they can no longer reconstitute the Longjun armor.

The nine-shaped gold nugget embedded with a dragon head pattern on the chest of Longjun's armor fell back into Hesheng's hand and no longer flashed with golden light. Hesheng clenched the nine-edlind gold nugget with a dragon head pattern - 'God's favor'.

Hesheng held God's favor and said, "You are really horrible. I didn't find your existence. I was so defeated that I had nothing to say."

"I really can't believe that you little earthman can only defeat the vanguard captain of our star hunters. Well, I have appeared now and have no worries. Come on, we can really fight now. Suddenly, he said.

"You have defeated me. I can't fight with you again. Because my strongest form has been easily smashed by you, I can't beat you." He Sheng's expression was slightly desperate.

"Don't you still have the last killer and change into a fighter plane? Why don't you use this trick now? Don't you want to try harder to defeat me?" Suddenly, he said seriously.

"It's useless. Even if I become a black gold emperor dragon fighter, it won't help, because my black gold emperor dragon fighter is not as strong as my dragon king armor. You can actually smash my dragon king armor, which is enough to prove that I can't be your opponent."

"I remember that when you fought with Siqing without complaint, you didn't give up fighting. Why did you suddenly give up fighting now?"

"That's because you are too powerful, so I have to admit that I can't be your opponent." He Sheng really has a little despair.

"I'll give you three minutes to think about it. In three minutes, if you don't change to that fighter, I will completely destroy the whole earth." Suddenly, he gave He Sheng three minutes to consider the time.


The Third King Star Fleet, located in the galaxy, welcomed General Xiao Jiaosi, one of the ten generals, to inspect the situation of the Third King Star Fleet.

The whole body is covered with black gas nuclear energy, only the head is not covered by black gas nuclear energy, and the head is wearing a headscarf-like crown, and a dragon is coiled in the center of the head crown. General Xiao Jiaosi asked in a low voice, "What is the situation of the earth people now? How many earthlings are left after they kill each other?

"In return, General Xiao Jiaosi, after the launch of nuclear war ten years ago, after several bloody battles, there are now less than 70 million people left." San Xuan answered respectfully.

So what's your next plan? How can we make the people of the earth continue to kill each other? General Xiao Jiaosi asked with a cold expression.

"In reply, General Xiao Jiaosi, we can destroy the earth directly next, because we have launched an attack on the earth."

"What! Who asked you to attack the earth? Didn't I ask you to find a way to destroy their earth with the help of their own hands? Don't you take my orders seriously? General Xiao Jiaosi's expression became angry.

"General Xiao Jiaosi, please calm your anger and listen to my explanation. The thing is, a monster earthman appeared on the earth, and he can also change into an imperial dragon fighter! Defeat our vanguard captain - No complaint about Siqing, and even General Liekus. Sanxuan hurriedly explained to General Xiao Jiaosi.

"What are you talking about? Tell me more carefully." General Xiao Jiaosi calmed his anger and asked San Xuan Yinxiang about the specific situation.

"This is how it happened..." San Xuan Yinxiang told General Xiao Jiaosi, one of the ten generals, all the things he knew and the actions he was carrying out now.

After listening to what San Xuan Yinxiang said, Xiao Jiaosi said, "Now it seems that what you are doing now is not wrong. I blamed you just now."

"General Xiao Jiaosi, it's nothing for you to miss me. I won't care about it. I'm just worried now. I can't control my emotions and appear in front of the people of the earth. Sanxuan was worried about Xiang.

"With his abrupt personality, he will definitely help when there is no grudge against Siqing or hunting Cus in danger, so he is very likely to appear in front of earthling people."

"General Xiao Jiaosi, what should we do now?" Sanxuan was a little at a loss.

"It doesn't matter. It will suddenly appear in front of the earthman. If he destroys the earth, it will naturally be better. If he is defeated, it proves that the earthlings have acquired the technology of their earth's super-ancient civilization. General Xiao Jiaosi doesn't care if he doesn't appear in front of the people of the earth.

"I was really relieved to hear what you said." Sanxuan said with a sigh of relief.

"However, you must immediately notify the sudden storage. You must find a way to help me get a intact Dilong fighter. Even if you give up this opportunity to destroy the earth, you must bring me back a Dilong fighter." General Xiao Jiaosi gave the order.

"Yes, General Xiao Jiaosi, I will inform the abrupt existence on the earth and order him to bring back a intact Imperial Dragon fighter for you at all costs." Sanxuan followed Xiang's instructions.


At this time, on the earth, the three-minute consideration time suddenly given to Hesheng has passed, and abruptly asked: "Hesheng, what do you think? Is it to give up resistance directly? Or change to that fighter plane and fight with me to the death?"

"I want to fight with you with dignity, but it is impossible for me to defeat you, a powerful star hunter, so I can only give up resistance." He Sheng lowered his head and said.

"Alas! I wanted to see whether the fighter you changed was a Dilong fighter or not, but you always refused to change. I could only kill you and destroy the whole earth. Suddenly, he shook his head.

Siqing, who was behind him suddenly, said, "Deputy Commander Shangcun, you must be careful. Hesheng will never give up protecting the earth easily. Be careful of what tricks he is playing."

"No complaint Siqing, you can't help here. You'd better take General Cus and return to the attack ship, so that I can concentrate on dealing with this boy."

"Yes, Deputy Commander Shangcun, I'll take General Cuse back to the attack ship." After saying that, Siqing returned to the attack ship with Curse.

Abruptly, he followed Hesheng and said, "Are you really giving up? Or what?" →[End of this chapter]