Nuclear God of War

Chapter 291: Deprivation of nuclear energy 1

At the moment when Siqing pressed the launch button of the ES beam, the nuclear energy man who claimed to be resurrated suddenly appeared behind Siqing and said, "Follow me."

After saying that, the soul immediately released the gray conversion nuclear energy, entangling the harmless Siqing's body. He also turned into gray nuclear energy and quickly flew out of the cockpit of the attack ship Wuqing.

Fly out of the attack ship - the cockpit of Wuqing came back to life and said, "No complaint Siqing, come with me quickly, or we will die here."

"Yes, I'm leaving my clear number." Wuqing obeyed the words of the soul rebirth, followed the gray nuclear energy transformed by the soul, and left the cockpit of the Wuqing.

When other planet hunters saw the captain without complaint and left with the soul, they were really incomprehensible and said, "Captain without complaint, don't leave."

"If you want to be with me, then you can leave Wuqing with me." Si Qing, who flew out of the cockpit, said without looking back.

Deputy Captain Xiaoxiang sincerely followed Siqing and left the cockpit of the attack ship Wuqing. Other star hunters and star hunter warriors saw that Xiaoxiang's deputy captain had also left, they followed Xiaoxiang and left the cockpit of Wuqing.


Over the earth's paradise, four four-color warriors, black warriors - Xiqing, white warriors - Xitian, blue warriors - Xiwu, red warriors - Heishi, five-source warriors formed by five-color fusion with the blue sky - Wangtian, are now exhausted and have no strength to fight any more.

However, now there are two God Hunter warriors in front of the five source warriors. Although they are not as powerful as the five source warriors, their bodies and physical strength are not consumed much.

These two Ares Hunter warriors are the two most powerful warriors among the several Ares warriors who came to heaven this time, except for the team leader - A'an.

After their team leader, A'an, was killed by the super four-star of the five source generals, several hunter warriors have discussed ways to deal with the five source generals.

That is to sacrifice the four weakest Hunter warriors, so that the five source war will consume most of the nuclear energy, and the last remaining Hunter warriors will do his best to kill the exhausted five source warriors.

Now it's really time for the five source warriors - Wangtian is exhausted, and there are still two star hunter warriors alive, which is something they didn't expect from the star hunters.

A Hunter warrior said to another Hunter warrior, "I'm worried that the earthman of this fusion is not really exhausted, so don't do it first. Let me do it, lest our plan fail, then we will be sorry for the dead brothers."

"Well, you have to be more careful yourself. I really don't want you to be killed. You must live."

"Well, I hope. However, if I die, you must not be sad, but try your best to kill the fusion of this earthman, or I and my other brothers will die in vain.

"Don't worry, I will use my strongest power to die with this guy. Don't worry, I will never let this guy live."

"Then I'm relieved." The Hunter nodded and said.

After talking to another star warrior, the hunter warrior approached the weak five-source general, stopped 20 meters away in front of the five-source general and began to gather nuclear energy and prepare to launch an attack on the five-source battle.

The weak five-source general laughed and said, "Although I can no longer use the super four-star question the sky now, you have no possibility of killing me, because your nuclear energy is not enough to kill me."

"My nuclear energy is enough to kill you, because I want to die with you, the earthman, now." The star hunter said angrily.

"Now, you still don't know much about it. Do you really think you can die with me? It's really too self-deceiving."

"Am I deceiving myself? You can try it and you will understand." This God Hunter warrior will approach the five sources little by little.

Wuyuan general, looking at the sky, weakly climbed his right leg and said, "Play slowly by yourself. I'd better go to rest and come back to play with you later."

After saying that, the five-source war will use his white flash new nuclear energy and disappear in front of the Hunter warrior.


The three ES beams emitted by the attack ship Wuqing have all hit the hero's original core, and the hero's original core did not explode, but expanded little by little.

When he suddenly saw this situation, he was shocked and said, "How could this happen? Why does this special situation occur? How can the hero's nucleus absorb our ES beam!"

Knowing that something was wrong, he suddenly contacted Siqing through the micro communicator and said, "Shiqing, turn off the ES beam transmitter quickly."

"Report, Deputy Commander Shangcun, I'm not on the attack ship now - Wuqing, and I can't turn off the ES beam transmitter." Wuqing said not far away from Wuqing.

"Why do you leave the Wuqing account if you don't command well on the Wuqing account?" Suddenly, there was an angry saying.

"This has nothing to do with me. It's the resurrection that made me leave the attack ship - Wuqing."

"Resurrebirth, he is a nuclear man of the earth. Why do you listen to him? Don't you know that I am your superior?" Suddenly, Shangcun said more angrily.

"I don't know why I listened to the rebirth just now. I unconsciously left the attack ship - Wuqing." Si Qing explained to the abrupt Shangcun.

Suddenly, he was preparing to scold Siqing loudly and felt that something was wrong. Looking back, Wuqing had shot all the ES beams, and three ES beams were completely swallowed up by the hero's original nucleus.

What abruptly did not expect is that the hero's core has now completely reflected the devoured ES beam, and three ES beams have been reflected back to the attack ship - Wuqing.

Only then did he suddenly understand why the soul rebirth has been preventing him from using the ES beam to attack the hero's original nucleus.

Unfortunately, it is too late to understand that three ES beams have been reflected back to the attack ship - Wuqing. After Wuqing was hit by these three ES beams, the hull of the ship exploded in a series of times.

Abruptly, he hurried through the microcommunicator and said to Wuyou Siqing, "No complaint Siqing, are you still alive? How are you doing?

"Report, Deputy Commander Shangcun, I'm safe and sound now, because I have already been brought out of the Wuqing account by the soul."

"It seems that the rebirth of the soul is really helping us. We really shouldn't have doubted him before." Suddenly, he blamed himself. →[End of this chapter]