Nuclear God of War

Chapter 309: Legend of the God 3

The deputy commander of the Third King of the Hunter Starfleet - suddenly appeared, and then gave the soul a certain amount of time to come back to life. He said, "Then think about it now. How will you choose?"

A Damo Star soldier came to Mudaschez and reported, "King Hunter, take away the earth nuclear man of our Damo Star's treasure, the Great Magic Stone, and fly back to our interstellar warships. Excuse me, Hunter King, what should we do now?

"Sent two attack ships to drive her back to the earth. Remember, don't hurt her. After all, our great magic stone is in her hands."

"Yes, Hunter King, my subordinates are going to arrange it." After saying that, the demon star soldier turned around and left the super-large laboratory.


Di Xiaoer, who flew into the Star Wars group alone, was suddenly blocked by two attack ships. One of the attack ships and Di Xiaoer said, "Please return to the earth immediately, otherwise, we will take military means to send you back to the earth."

"I'm here to see Hesheng. I will never leave until I see him." Di Xiaoer said resolutely.

"Sorry, we can't let you meet Hesheng. You'd better go back to the earth quickly. Otherwise, we will use force with you, an earthman. At that time, we won't guarantee that you won't get hurt."

"I have to see and win. If you stop me again, I will be rude to you." Di Xiaoer said angrily.

However, the two attack ships have always blocked Di Xiaoer's way. Di Xiaoer, who was really unbearable, said angrily, "This is what you forced me to do. It's not that I want to use force with you, but that you have to force me to do it."

"It's really a big joke that you, an earthman, want to fight with us. If you want to attack our attack ship, then do it. Unfortunately, you are useless and meaningless.

"Okay, then I'll let you see if I can break through your defense." Di Xiaoer's expression became very serious.

After Di Xiaoer finished speaking, her body instantly turned into a red light and shadow form, bypassing the two attack ships that blocked her, and continued to fly to the hunter, the mother ship of the Starmen Starships.

Seeing that they could not stop Di Xiaoer, the Damo people on the two attack ships immediately reported the situation to Mudaschez, the hunter king on the mother ship Hunter.

Mudachez was shocked to learn about this and said, "What! Can other nuclear energy people on earth also turn into light?

"Yes, there are many nuclear people on earth who can transform into light." The soul not far away came back and said.

"Then how can I deal with her, an earth nuclear energy man who can be transformed into light?" Mudachez turned around and watched the soul come back to life.

"I don't have a good way, but suddenly there is a unique trick, which seems to be called a light-absorbing ring mirror. This trick seems to be able to deal with nuclear people in the form of light and shadow." The soul resurrated looked at the sudden existence behind him and said to Musaches.

"Yes! You mean that it's really great that Deputy Commander Shangcun has a way to deal with these light and shadow forms of earth nuclear energy people.

"You can ask yourself, save it suddenly, and you will understand whether what I said is true." The soul turned around and looked at Musaches.

Mu Dachez was about to ask General Liekus, who was beside him, and said, "Yes, I know that Deputy Commander Shangcun has this unique move. His unique move can indeed absorb light."

"If so, then quickly order the deputy commander to use his unique place, the earth nuclear man who broke into our demon star battleship group." Mudachez said seriously.

"I am now an ordinary star hunter general, and I don't have the power to order a deputy commander of a star fleet, so I can't help you. You can only ask the deputy commander to help yourself." General Liekus said helplessly.

"General Cus, I really don't understand that you are obviously one of the top ten generals of the God Hunter, but why is your current level so small?"

"Alas! Not to mention this, you'd better go and ask Deputy Commander Shangcun for help now. You really need the help of Deputy Commander Shangcun now. Go over quickly," General Liekus urged.

Abruptly, Shangcun came over and said, "Well, it seems that I really have no choice but to take action. Alas, who told me that my unique trick can deal with this kind of earth's nuclear energy man who can transform into light and shadow form.

"That's really thanks to Deputy Commander Shangcun for his help. This is really great." Mudachez wants to have a relaxed relationship with abruptness.

"Don't think I'm helping you, I'm helping myself, not you magic people." Suddenly, he said in a good tone.

After abruptly speaking, Shangcun turned around and walked out of the super-large laboratory and asked a demon star soldier to take him to the exit of the Hunter.

In the form of light and shadow, Di Xiaoer, the mother ship of the Star Star Star battleship group, suddenly bumped into this dangerous star hunter.

Abruptly, he knew that the great magic stone, the treasure of the Demon Star, was in the hands of Di Xiaoer, so he could not kill and Shengdi Xiaoer, but only use it. His unique trick - the aura-absorbing mirror, to prohibit Di Xiaoer from using light and shadow forms.

The deputy commander of the Third King Starfleet of the Hunting God - suddenly appeared and shouted, "Level 3 nuclear energy warrior - unique trick - absorbing halo mirror!"

After suddenly using this unique trick, the round halo on his head began to absorb the surrounding light, and the red light and shadow form of Di Xiaoer was also sucked into the halo little by little.

Di Xiaoer, who was sucked into the halo little by little, had no choice but to turn her body back into a human shape to avoid being absorbed by this unique trick - absorbing the halo mirror.

At the moment when Di Xiaoer just returned to her human form, a strong nuclear energy hit Di Xiaoer's body, which was a small gift for Di Xiaoer.

Now Di Xiaoer can no longer turn into a light and shadow form to avoid attacks. Once she turns into a light and shadow form, she will be absorbed by the sudden trick - the halo-absorbing mirror.

Di Xiaoer was ready to block the sudden attack with both hands, but the sudden presence of this powerful nuclear energy suddenly dissipated before it was about to hit her body.

Di Xiaoer, who came back to his mind, found that the sudden existence had disappeared and said confusedly, "What does this mean? Why did this guy let me go?

"I don't want to let you go, but the reason for the Demon Star, otherwise I will definitely kill you." The sudden Shangcun, who had flown back to the entrance of the Hunter, said to the confused Emperor Xiaoer in the distance.

Di Xiaoer knew that the Demon Star Man was the same as the God Hunter and said, "No, peace and victory will be in danger." →[End of this chapter]