Nuclear God of War

Chapter 349: Earthlings Become Slaves 9

After hearing half of what Di Xiaoer said, He Sheng asked Di Xiaoer very anxiously and said, "Xiaoer, tell me what happened to Xiaoyan's sister?"

"Hawa Sheng, let's not talk about this first. I feel that something is wrong. Why do I feel that there is a strong nuclear energy approaching us? He Sheng, didn't your Dilong fighter find that there was strong nuclear energy close to us? Di Xiaoer seriously inquired and won.

Now it is the victory of the Black Golden Dragon fighter. In fact, it has already detected powerful nuclear energy and is moving here, but now he only cares about the safety of his little sister.

He Sheng explained to Di Xiaoer, "I'm really worried about Xiaoyan's sister now, so other things are no longer the most important thing for me."

"Hawa Sheng, we are not taking into account the affairs of our children now. What we need to do most now is to protect the earth. Do you understand what I mean?" Di Xiaoer said excitedly.

"Xiaoer, I hope you can understand that I always have an innate sense of responsibility for Xiaoyan's sister, so I have always wanted to protect Xiaoyan's sister. Xiaoer, tell me quickly what's wrong with Xiaoyan's sister.

"Hawa Sheng, do you really want to know?" Di Xiaoer asked with a serious expression.

"Yes, of course I want to know the current situation of Xiaoyan's sister. Please tell me quickly, okay? Xiaoer." He Sheng, who changed into a black gold emperor dragon fighter, eager to know the situation of Ping Yan, and anxiously asked Emperor Xiaoer.

Di Xiaoer's expression suddenly became sad. She looked at the black gold dragon fighter in front of her and said, "I'm sorry, He Sheng, I didn't protect Xiaoyan well. Xiaoyan is no longer there."

"Xiaoer, what are you talking about? What you said is not true, is it? I don't believe that Xiaoyan's sister is no longer here. Xiaoer, you must be joking with me, right? The cockpit cover of the Black Gold Dragon fighter quickly flashed blue light and said emotionally.

"I'm sorry, He Sheng, what I said is true, Xiaoyan's sister, she has been killed by Menggatachi. You should also see Menggatachi's attack on Xiaoyan." Di Xiaoer said with a sad expression.

Di Xiaoer, on the one hand, was very sad, and on the other hand, she thought to herself: I'm sorry, He Sheng, I didn't mean to deceive you. I'm here to make you better protect the earth. This is also Xiaoyan's sister's idea, so don't blame me.

He Sheng saw Di Xiaoer's sad look and believed that he really believed what Di Xiaoer said. He really thought that his little sister had been killed, and the changed black gold dragon fighter released strong nuclear energy and said, "Damn star hunter, I will definitely not let you go."

"Who said they wouldn't let us Hunters go?" General Menggatachi appeared opposite the Black Golden Dragon fighter and questioned and won.

"I said, I'm going to kill all your star hunters. I will never let any of you star hunters go." He Sheng said fearlessly.

Di Xiaoer, who was beside the black gold dragon fighter that Hesheng changed into, felt an unprecedented powerful nuclear energy that was approaching here and getting closer and closer.

Di Xiaoer put away her sad expression and said seriously, "Menggatachi, tell me quickly who is approaching here? Why is there such a powerful nuclear energy?

"You are worthy of Hamidaz. You are really strong enough to feel the breath of General Lunlongfei, which really surprised me. However, if an accident comes from an accident, I will still kill you without mercy.

"That depends on whether you have the ability to kill my Hamidas." Although Di Xiaoer was injured by Menggatachi, she was not afraid of Menggatachi.

"Alas! Well, I'll prove how I killed you now."

After Menggatachi finished speaking, he was ready to fight with Di Xiaoer, trying to completely kill Di Xiaoer to break the legend of Hamidas.

Lun Longfei, one of the top ten generals of Hunter, suddenly appeared beside Menggatachi, put his left hand on Menggatachi's right shoulder and said, "Tachi, let me do this beautiful job of killing Hamidas."

"Since General Lunlongfei has already said so, what else do I have to say? Everything is up to you."

"Thank you, Tachi. Well, it's time for me to destroy everything, smash the whole earth, and make the earth the dust in the universe. General Lun Longfei laughed.

and Sheng's changed black gold emperor dragon fighter appeared in front of General Lunlongfei and said, "I will never let you hunt the stars and destroy our earth. You can't destroy the earth."

"You are the one who has prevented us planet hunters from destroying the earth many times, aren't you?"

"Yes, I'm He Sheng. Not only will I stop you in the past, but I will also stop you in the future. I will never allow you Orion hunters to destroy the earth."

"Okay, then I won't destroy the earth. What do you think?" General Lulongfei laughed.

"If you don't destroy the earth, you also want to kill us earthlings, but I tell you, I won't let you kill earthlings. If you dare to hurt us earthlings, I will definitely not forgive you."

"I mean I won't destroy the earth or kill the earthlings. You can understand what I mean this time, right?" General Lunlongfei looked at the Black Golden Dragon fighter with a smile.

"What! What do you mean? Are you saying that you star hunters are going to give up the action of destroying our earth and destroying our earthlings? He Sheng asked in surprise.

General Longfei put away his smile and said coldly, "Of course, I'm the general among the ten generals. Do you think I will joke with you?"

"You have always wanted to destroy the earth, why did you suddenly change your mind?" He Sheng asked General Lun Longfei incompretible.

"I can tell you that I don't give up unconditionally. If you want us to give up destroying the earth, you must agree to one of my conditions."

"What conditions?"

"My condition is that you earthlings will promise us star hunters to be servants of our star hunters, and we star hunters will give up destroying the earth, and even the earth will be protected by our star hunters." General Lun Longfei said very attractive words.

"What! Do you want us earthlings to be the slaves of your star hunters? He Sheng said in surprise.

"Yes, this is the only chance for you earthlings to survive. If you can't grasp it well, then I can only take back what I said before, and we will continue to destroy the earth." General Lun Longfei reminded He Sheng to choose carefully. →[End of this chapter]