Nuclear God of War

Chapter 351: The Beginning of the Slave's Destiny 1

When General Lun Longfei heard this and Sheng, he laughed and said, "I can clearly tell you that the only hope for your earth to survive now is to become the slave of our planet hunters. Only in this way can you earth be able to continue to live in the universe."

"But I'm really unwilling. I'm not willing to agree to your terms like this. We people on earth are really too cowardly." He Sheng said unwillingly.

"You really admire me so much. You know that you earthlings have no choice, but you are still unwilling to be the slave of our god hunters. I admire your unyielding spirit. Well, I'll give you another chance. If you can let me shed a drop of blood, I'll let you people go."

"Okay, I promise you that I'm going to attack now." He Sheng was eager to attack General Lunlongfei.

"Hawa Sheng, don't worry, I haven't finished my words yet. If you can't let my body get a wound and shed a little blood in an hour, I will take away your Dilong fighter and all your nuclear energy. General Lun Longfei said.

"If the people on earth really become the slaves of your star hunters, it is meaningless for me to have nuclear energy. Come on, I will do my best to attack you now."

"Okay, let me see your strength." General Lun Longfei said calmly.

He Sheng was very angry when he saw the indifferent expression of General Lun Longfei and said, "I will definitely make you regret looking down on me."

At this moment, He Sheng, which exists in the form of a black gold emperor dragon fighter, has once again integrated with the Sanyuan shooting gun and the phoenix tail, and continued, "I want you to see what my real attack looks like."

After talking with Sheng, he did not hesitate to launch the ternary shooting gun and launch a three-color beam to attack the ten generals of the indifferent Star Hunter - Lun Longfei.

The ternary shooting gun connected to the head of the Black Golden Dragon fighter, the left launcher emits blue light, the right side emits red light, and the middle launcher emits yellow light.

Three beams shot by the ternary shooting gun on the head of the Black Gold Dragon fighter met 50 meters in front of the Black Gold Dragon fighter, forming a huge light ball.

This light ball, which combines the three colors of red, yellow and blue, suddenly shoots a beam of red, yellow and blue to attack the dragon flying with no intention of avoiding the attack.

General Lunlongfei saw the black gold emperor dragon fighter attack him and casually hit a stream of nuclear energy with his left hand.

Although the power of the three-color beam cannot be compared with the nuclear energy randomly produced by General Lunlongfei, with its special ability, the nuclear energy emitted by Lunlongfei is dispersed.

The three-color beam scattered the nuclear energy from the wheel dragonfly and continued to attack the wheel dragon. The wheel dragon flew looked at the attack and said casually, "He Sheng, I didn't expect your attack to be quite interesting."

"I just hope you don't keep your promise, otherwise my attack will be stronger."

"Now it seems that you still don't understand the power of my dragon flying, otherwise, you won't talk wildly."

Is that right? Do you think my attack is really talking wildly? Well, you can wait for my attack to hurt you." He Sheng is very confident in his attack.

General Lun Longfei heard this and did not say anything to Hesheng, but was waiting for the tricolor beam of Hesheng to hit his body to prove how powerless Hesheng's attack was and meaningless to him.

The top ten generals of the Hunter Star, Liekus, saw the three-color beam used by Hesheng to fly towards the dragon. How do you think that the three-color beam this time is slightly different from the three-color beam used by Hesheng to prevent the broken marks.

General Liekus said to himself doubtfully, "It's strange, why do I think the three-color beam this time is a little different from the three-color beam I've seen before?"

"Chekus, don't think about these irrelevant issues. No matter how the attack of Hesheng is different from the attack you have seen before, and it is impossible to hurt General Lulongfei. Don't worry about it here." General Menggatachi said to Mengtachi.

"It is also because our General Lunlongfei is so powerful that we should be more careful. Once General Lunlongfei is defeated, we will be completely finished." General Liekus was worried.

"What, Liekus, do you think the general among our top ten generals, General Lun Longfei, will be defeated by peace? Are you scared by He Sheng? You overestimate the ability of He Sheng. Menggatachi thinks that Cuse is too overestimated and the power to win.

"I hope I worry too much." Cous also didn't think that the victory's attack could really hurt the general Lunlongfei.

At this time, the three-color beam fired by the black golden dragon fighter using the ternary gun has completely hit the body of General Lunlongfei, and the body of Lunlongfei has been completely swallowed up by the tricolor beam.

He Sheng, who changed into a black gold emperor dragon fighter, saw that his attack had devoured General Lunlongfei and said, "I want to see what tricks you are playing. Why don't you avoid my attack?"

"Hawa, your attack is indeed powerful, but with such a little nuclear energy, you can't hurt my body. Your level of nuclear energy can only kill Liekus, who has now lost the power of the top ten generals and the top ten generals." General Lulongfei, wrapped in a three-color beam, told He Sheng.

"But I still don't believe that you have nothing to do after being attacked by me."

"Well, I'll let you see if I'm hurt." General Lulongfei waved his left hand gently, and the three-color beam surrounding his body dissipated.

General Lulongfei, who had no damage on his body, reappeared in the vision of the black gold dragon fighter changed by Hesheng and said, "I really want to know what your true feelings are when you see my body undamaged?"

"My real feeling, I can tell you that you can easily resist the attack of my tricolor beam."

"Since you already know that your attack can't hurt me, why do you still do such a meaningless thing to attack me?" Lun Longfei asked inexperable.

"My attack this time is not to hurt you, but to control you, so that I can save our earth, and more importantly, we earthlings are not your slaves."

"You earthlings have a good idea, but do you earthlings really have the ability to control me, General Longfei?" Lun Longfei questioned and won. →[End of this chapter]