Nuclear God of War

Chapter 358: After Domination of the Earth

Pingyan's father, Xu Feng, the speaker of heaven and earth nuclear parliament, came over and answered his baby daughter Pingyan and said, "Yes, the star hunters did give up destroying our earth, but we have become the slaves of their star hunters and have to obey them."

"So they suddenly let us die? Are we really going to die?" Ping Yan asked her father Speaker Xu very seriously.

"Alas! Yes, no matter what the Hunter asks us to do, we must obey us, even if we kill each other. Speaker Xu answered his daughter helplessly.

Ping Yan heard her father's Speaker Xu's answer and said, "Dad, if that's the case, isn't our life completely in the hands of the Hunter? They can kill us at any time. No, I don't want us humans to live in such a world. I'm going to find me and Brother Sheng, defeat the Star Hunter with him, and give us the freedom that the earthlings belong to us.

"Hesheng has completely lost nuclear energy now, and he can no longer help us face the powerful hens." Speaker Xu said with a lost expression.

"No, I don't believe that Brother Hesheng will completely lose nuclear energy. I'm going to find Brother Sheng and me. I believe that Brother Sheng will definitely restore nuclear energy."

"Xiaoyan, you should believe that Dad, Hesheng has indeed lost all nuclear energy. This is really a fact. He is an extremely powerful star hunter who abolishes and wins nuclear energy. Therefore, Hesheng will never have a chance to restore nuclear energy." Speaker Xu grabbed his daughter Pingyan and persuaded his precious daughter.

Chairman Diying also came to persuade Pingyan and said, "Xiaoyan, what your father said is completely wrong. He Shengzhen can't restore his nuclear energy to help us."

"That's what President Eagle said. Don't Brother Sheng and I really have a chance to restore nuclear energy?" Di Xiaoer said very frustratedly.


On the Longxiao warship disguised as a huge white cloud, He Sheng, sitting in the left front seat of the central seat, was very surprised to see whether it was on the ground and said, "Xiaoer, what do you mean? Didn't you say that there is no way to save Xiaoyan? Why is Xiaoyan's sister safe and sound now? Why did you lie to me?

"Don't be excited, Hesheng. Listen to explain to you that Xiaoyan won't let me tell you that she is not frozen, because she knows that once you find her safe and sound, then you can no longer release the strongest power to protect the earth, so I didn't tell you the truth." Di Xiaoer hurriedly explained to He Sheng.

"Then why did you continue to deceive me after Menggatachi left?"

"I wanted to tell you the truth, but when I was about to tell you, I found that the powerful nuclear energy was close to the earth. In order not to let you lose the power of anger, I had to continue to deceive you. Hesheng, I apologize to you now."

"Xiaoer, you are also for the earth. How can I blame you? You don't need to apologize to me." He Sheng said in a gentle tone.

He Sheng knew that Di Xiaoer was cheating on him, so he didn't think about it. He just wanted to ask Di Xiaoer for help and said, "Xiaoer, I want to ask you to do me a favor, okay?"

"What's busy? Tell me, I will definitely help you." Di Xiaoer asked about He Sheng.

"Xiaoer, can you take Xiaoyan's sister to your Longxiao warship?"

"Of course there is no problem with this. I'm going to bring Xiaoyan here. Wait for me here." Di Xiaoer did not hesitate to agree and win.

Di Xiaoer agreed with Hesheng, stood up from the central seat, followed Xiaolongzi standing on her shoulder, and said, "Xiaolongzi, stay with Hesheng. I'll bring Xiaoyan here."

"Yes, master, I will be here with Hesheng. Don't worry." Xiao Longzi flew up from Di Xiaoer's shoulder and said.

When Di Xiaoer heard Longzi's answer, she was very satisfied and turned away from the cockpit of the Longxiao warship, flew out of the Longxiao warship, and went to the ground to pick up Pingyan.


At this time, Menggatachi and Huntingcus, one of the ten generals of the Oro, have returned to the hunter, the mothership of the Star Star battleships. They happened to be seriously injured and were ready to leave the soul of the Hunter.

General Hunter Cus and the injured soul resurrated and said, "The soul is resurrative. You are now the enemy of our star hunters. I will not let you go, a capricious Earth nuclear man."

"General Liekus, wait a minute. I've been helping you hunters. I didn't mean to deceive you. Don't get me wrong." The nuclear energy man who claimed to be resurrative of the soul explained.

"Hmm! I won't believe your nonsense. Go to death, you nuclear man of the earth." General Liekus, who did not listen to the explanation, was immediately ready to launch an attack on the soul rebirth.

The deputy commander of the Third King Star Fleet - suddenly came over and said, "No, General Hunter, don't attack the soul of rebirth. He is really helping us."

"Deputy Commander Shangcun, is that true? You weren't deceived by him, are you? General Liekus confirmed.

"Don't worry, Siqing and I have confirmed that he is not cheating us."

"If so, I will release him back to earth." General Liekus said.

Abruptly, he went back to life with the soul and said, "The soul is resurrised, you go back to the earth first, and we will contact you later. If you find a good opportunity to kill and win, don't miss it."

"Don't worry, I will never miss any chance to kill and win." The soul resurreated and sneered.

When Liekus heard the sudden words of the soul rebirth, he said, "Wait, what are you talking about? Are you going back to the earth to kill and win? Is it?"

"Yes, I am close to peace and win. The only purpose is to kill and win, because my only wish to survive is to kill and win." The soul was resurrment and answered General Huntingcus.

"However, you can't kill and win now, because General Lun Longfei, the general of the top ten generals of the star hunter, has decided to let go and win, so you can't kill and win."

Abruptly, Shangcun was very surprised to hear General Liekus's reply with the rebirth of the soul and said, "General Liekus, what are you talking about? Do you mean that General Lunlongfei came to earth?

"Yes, General Lun Longfei did appear on the earth and subdued Hesheng, making the earth people the slaves of our star hunters, and completely abolished the nuclear energy of Hesheng and made Hesheng an ordinary earthman." Rex told the story abruptly.

Hearing this, he knew that the best time to kill and win had come. He turned around and prepared to return to the earth to kill the now weak victory. →[End of this chapter]