Nuclear God of War

Chapter 360: The Secret Order of the Hunter

Di Xiaoer finished talking to Hesheng happily, turned around and said, "Xiao Longzi, come with me."

"Yes, master." After saying that, Xiaolongzi flew up from the console in front of the central seat.

Xiaolongzi fell on Di Xiaoer's shoulder. Di Xiaoer, Ping Yan and He Sheng waved their hands and said, "He Sheng, Xiaoyan sister, wait for me here. Bye."

"Xiaoer, you should also be more careful. The God Hunter will appear on the earth soon. You must be careful."

"Hawa Sheng, don't worry about me. I won't have a direct conflict with the God Hunters, and even if there is a conflict, they will never hurt me." Di Xiaoer waved her hand with a smile and left the cockpit of the Longxiao warship.


After the deputy commander of the Starfleet of the Third King of Hunter, the Starfleet, suddenly appeared. After bringing their Hunter warriors on the Hunter to the earth, General Huntercus asked the Hunter King - Mudachez: "Mudas, are you demons going to earth with us? Or do you want to return to your magic star?

"We haven't got back our Damo people's treasure, the Great Magic Stone, so we Damo people will also go to the earth with you." Mudachez replied.

"If so, let's go to the earth together now. At that time, I will ask the earthlings to hand over your great magic stone." Kus asked Mudachez to rest assured.

While General Hunter and General Menggatachi were preparing to take the Hunter to the earth, the dragon fly of the top ten generals of Hunter suddenly appeared in front of Menggatachi and the soul resurrection.

"Tachi, Huntercus, wait a minute. I have something to talk to you two alone. You can go out with me." After saying that, General Lun Longfei disappeared in an instant.

"Yes, General Lunlongfei, we are going out now." Menggatachi and Cus answered and won with one voice.

Menggatachi and Liekus promised the general Lunlongfei and immediately flew out of the Hunter, the Hunter of Mudachez, to stay away from the space of the Star Wars.

After General Longfei appeared, he said, "I think you must be very puzzled about my sudden release and victory, right?"

"General Lulongfei, you are the general among our top ten generals. We will not disobey your meaning. You must have your reason to do this." Menggatachi said.

"I thank you very much for believing me. I really appreciate it. Unfortunately, some people still don't understand me, which really makes me sad." Lun Longfei said with great fluctuations in his mood.

"General Lunlongfei, do you think it's 'Huyue'?"

"Yes, Hu Yue really has a considerable conflict with me. I really hope I can resolve the conflict with him earlier." Lun Longfei said in a low mood.

Cuse comforted Lun Longfei and said, "General Lun Longfei, you don't have to worry about this. I believe that the conflict between you and Hu Yue will be resolved."

"Cuse, thank you for your comfort, but I know it's basically impossible. Forget it, let's not talk about this. I'll tell you why I let go of He Sheng.

The reason why General Lun Longfei let go and win is that they don't allow him to kill and win. Hesheng is now very important to their God Hunters, so they must not let him die.

If He Sheng is really killed, it will also be a disaster for their star hunters.

General Longfei continued to talk to General Liekus and General Menggatachi and said, "That's why the Great Hunter ordered me to come to the earth. Fortunately, after I arrived at the earth, I found that Hesheng was still alive, otherwise we Are in danger."

"General Lunlongfei, I don't understand a very important question, that is, why is the life and death of victory related to our Hunter?" Menggatachi asked inexplorely.

"I don't know this either. I don't know the secret, because the Hunter Emperor didn't tell me the real reason. It just let me secretly protect and win without harming the dignity of our God Hunters, and I can't let Hesheng be killed." Lun Longfei told the truth.

"Although I don't understand the plan of the Hunter Emperor, since it is our plan of the Hunter Emperor, we will obey unconditionally." Menggatachi assured General Lunlongfei.

"Tachi, you should not obey this. We should obey the secret order I told you and Cuse next. This is the secret order that the Hunting Emperor asked me to tell you."

What is the secret order? Say it quickly." Menggatachi asked.

General Longfei suddenly became serious and said, "General Menggatachi, General Liekus, take orders! ......โ€

"No, I don't believe that our Hunter Emperor will let us do such a thing. This really makes me very depressed and helpless." Menggatachi said very frustratedly.

"There's really nothing we can do. After all, this is the order of the Hunter, and we must obey it."

"Good boy, we star hunters are here to destroy all living things, but we didn't expect that we have to protect lives now. This really won't let me die." Menggatachi said excitedly.

"The Great Hunter must have a purpose for us to do this, otherwise he would never let us do this. Tachi, let's obey the order of the Hunter Emperor. General Lulongfei persuaded General Menggatachi.

"General Lulongfei, don't get me wrong. Although I can't understand the plan of the Hunter Emperor, I will not disobey his order. I will definitely do what I should do according to the order of the Hunter Emperor." Menggatachi explained.

Cus patted Meng Gatachi on the shoulder and said, "Tachi, don't complain that the Hunting Emperor asked us to do this. After all, we should believe in our wise and decisive Hunting Emperor. Don't question his idea, don't you think so?"

"Cus, as I just said, I just can't understand the plan of the Hunter Emperor, and I'm not questioning the plan of the Hunter Emperor." Menggatachi explained helplessly.

"If so, then I have nothing to say. Tachi, let's go to the earth now. While completing the order of the Hunter, you can enjoy some peaceful life. In fact, this is a beauty, isn't it?" General Liekus asked.

"Listen to what you said, it's really a good beauty. All right, let's go to Earth now. Meng Ga Tachi said with a smile.

General Menggatachi, who finished speaking, went to the earth with General Liekus to carry out the secret order of their Hunting Emperor to complete the task assigned to them by the Hunting Emperor. โ†’[End of this chapter]