Nuclear God of War

Chapter 363: Selecting the Human Elite 3

A star hunter said to Xiaoxiang, "Deputy captain Xiaoxiang, I think we'd better go back and ask for instructions from the deputy commander. I'm worried that we can't kill this earth nuclear man."

"You mean that my power is not as powerful as this earthman, right?"

"No, Vice Captain Xiaoxiang, I didn't mean that. I'm just worried that we can't kill this earth nuclear man and let this nuclear man escape." The star hunter explained.

However, Xiaoxiang thought he could easily kill Qingtian and said to the god hunter warrior, "Stop talking. Look at what I said. Have you forgotten who I am? I'm your officer. Do you want to disobey the order?

"No, how dare we disobey the order of Vice Captain Xiaoxiang? I'm going to end the nuclear beast around this earthman." The star hunter quickly obeyed the order.

After saying that, the Hunter warrior went with other Hunter warriors to clean up the nuclear beasts nearby, so as not to prevent the nuclear beasts from hindering their Xiaoxiang vice captain to kill Qingtian.

When Xiaoxiang heard the answer of the Hunter warrior, he nodded with satisfaction, slowly approached Qingtian, and was ready to play with Qingtian.

Now Qingtian has felt the presence of powerful nuclear energy around him. On the surface, he pretended not to find anything. He followed an eagle cat nuclear white tiger beside him and said in animal language, "You are taking other nuclear beasts out of here now. It is very dangerous here. Hurry back to the fourth dimension space, or you will be killed."

"But, master, what should you do? You will be killed by the god hunters nearby.

"Are you underestimate my strength? How can I be killed easily? You'd better go quickly. I have my own way to get out.

"Master, you must be more careful. You are now the only leader of our nuclear beast. Don't have an accident, otherwise our nuclear beast will be completely finished."

"Ok, Eagle Cat Nuclear White Tiger, take our nuclear beast away quickly." Qingtian urged the eagle cat nuclear power white tiger to quickly lead other nuclear beasts away.

"Yes, master, I'll take our brothers away." After saying that, the eagle cat nuclear energy white tiger made a tiger roar.

After the eagle's nuclear white tiger made a tiger roar, it quickly ran to the distance. The surrounding nuclear beasts, whether on the ground or in the sky, followed the eagle's nuclear white tiger to leave.

Xiaoxiang, who is approaching Qingtian, felt very interesting when he saw this situation and thought to himself: nuclear beasts are nuclear beasts. They will run for their lives when they are in danger. This is really too realistic. No wonder they are called beasts rather than human beings.

After Xiaoxiang was only a few dozen meters away from the blue sky, he suddenly turned his back to his blue sky and shouted, "You are one of the most powerful people on earth in front of you, which means that you are the first earth to die. Don't blame me. Who calls your nuclear energy the best among the earthlings? I can only kill you first. You."

"If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have the ability to kill me. That's the key." Qingtian slowly turned around and smiled.

"How dare you, an earthman, talk so wildly? You are really impatient to live and die."

Angry Xiaoxiang angrily hit the nuclear energy of 610M Seawater to Qingtian. He was no longer ready to play with Qingtian, but wanted to kill Qingtian with one blow.

And the nuclear energy produced by Xiaoxiang's angry blow has surpassed the nuclear energy of 400M Seavert of Qingtian, which is enough to kill Qingtian.

Although the nuclear energy of Xiaoxiang's blow is enough to kill the blue sky, it may not be able to hit the blue sky. At this moment, the blue sky has instantly turned into a green gas form to avoid Xiaoxiang's blow.

After turning into a green gas form, Qingtian said to Xiaoxiang, "You do have more nuclear energy than me, but this does not mean that you can kill me."

"The law of the joke is that the strong kill the weak, the ruthless kill the gentle and good, the greedy kill the selfless, and the evil kill the good. This will not change. How can I not kill you?"

"You are talking about the evil laws of the universe, not the truth. On our earth, the good people protect the weak, the selfless care for the gentle and good, the strong protect the weak, and the righteous kill all the evil and greedy." Qingtian defended.

"So, if you are strong, you have to protect the weak and fight against the strong who are stronger than you, because you are a righteous person and will fight against our star hunters and greedy people to the end, right? You, a righteous earthman?

"No, you're wrong. I'm not a righteous person. I'm an evil person, because I'm a big villain who betrays human beings and betrays the race. What I'm doing now can be regarded as atonement." Qingtian said in a sad and angry tone.

Now Qingtian, after speaking, suddenly became angry and released the green aerosol nuclear energy, wrapping Xiaoxiang's hands and feet.

Xiaoxiang, who was entangled in green aerosol nuclear energy, said coldly, "Do you think you can kill me with this weak power? Then you are really a big mistake, because I am a star hunter, how can I be defeated in your hands?

"Then see how you were killed by me." Qingtian began to control the released green aerosol nuclear energy, tearing Xiaoxiang's limbs and trying to tear Xiaoxiang in half.

When other Hunter warriors saw that their Xiaoxiang's deputy captain was in danger, one quickly went to inform the deputy commander of the Third King of Hunter Starfleet - suddenly survived, and all the rest of the soldiers went to rescue their Xiaoxiang's deputy captain.

These God Hunter warriors wanted to attack the blue sky, but found that their attack had no effect on the gas-shaped blue sky and could not cause damage to the blue sky at all.

A star hunter was very surprised to see this situation and said, "Brothers, our attack has no effect on this earthling. We still want other ways to help Vice Captain Xiaoxiang."

"Don't waste your efforts. Your attack is meaningless to me. Your attack can only hurt my entity, but not my body shape transformed into aerosol nuclear energy."

"You really look down on our star hunters too much. You will definitely regret it. You will die." The Hunter said angrily.

After saying that, the Hunter warrior and other Hunter warriors turned into nuclear energy, flew out of Xiaoxiang's body, and reconverged with Xiaoxiang with nuclear energy.

Xiaoxiang and four Orion warriors meet nuclear energy, and the nuclear energy is increased from 750M to 890M Sievert.

Relying on the advantage of nuclear energy, Xiaoxiang forcibly broke away from the aerosol nuclear energy that bound his hands and feet and said, "Earth nuclear energy man, if you underestimate our star hunter warriors, you will definitely pay the price." →[End of this chapter]