Nuclear God of War

Chapter 367: The Legendary Temple

Everyone in the cockpit of the Longxiao battleship, including He Sheng, was surprised by what Di Xiaoer said and couldn't believe it.

He Sheng asked Di Xiaoer in surprise and asked, "Xiaoer, what are you talking about?" How can I be a god? I'm obviously an earthman. This is an unquestionable and immutable fact, but why do you suddenly say that I am a god? If I am really a god, why am I easily defeated by the dragon flying?

"What I said was what the emperor told me personally before closing, so this is the real thing. You should believe me." Di Xiaoer explained.

"What! Is this what the emperor told you? What the hell is going on? Why did such an incredible thing happen? He Sheng asked doubtfully.

Di Xiaoer, sitting in the center seat, explained to He Sheng: "He Sheng, you should believe what the emperor said. You are the reincarnation of a cosmic god. You should cheer up and complete your reincarnation, become the god of battle again, and bring peace to the whole universe."

"Complete my reincarnation? How to complete it? Can I regain nuclear energy after I complete my reincarnation? Fight with the Hunter again?" He Sheng asked a series of questions.

"To complete your 'reincarnation of God', you must go back to the place where you left divine power before your reincarnation. Only in this way can you inspire your 'divine consciousness' and complete the reincarnation."

"Xiaoer, why do you talk like a science fiction movie? I really don't know whether to believe what you said, because what you said is really incredible.

"Hawa Sheng, I know you don't necessarily believe what I say, but do you really want to watch us earthlings completely rule by the Hunters? Did you just give up like this?" Di Xiaoer questioned He Sheng.

The others in the cockpit of the Longxiao battleship did not interrupt. They knew that what they said was useless. Only Hesheng himself could make a choice.

Hearing Di Xiaoer's question, He Sheng lowered his head and couldn't answer Di Xiaoer and said, "Xiaoer, in fact, I don't want to give up, but I can't give up now. Because I have become a waste now, I will never have a chance to defeat the Star Hunter.

"Hawasheng, you must not abandon yourself now, otherwise, you will really be finished, and you will completely lose your fighting spirit and become the waste of what you say. It doesn't matter if you become a waste, but it will completely destroy the only little hope that our people on earth will regain their freedom. Di Xiaoer said in a different tone.

He Sheng became speechless when he heard what Di Xiaoer said and said, "I don't want to give up, but I'm really a waste now. It's hard for me to believe what else can I do with a waste?"

"Hawa Sheng, did I say everything I just said in vain? You are the reincarnation of a cosmic god. Once you gain divine knowledge and complete the reincarnation of God, you will become a god again. At that time, you will be able to easily defeat the Hunters and set us free.

"Xiaoer, can I really become a god? I never thought that I would be a reincarnation of a god, and I don't believe it's true, so I really can't choose. He Sheng shook his head.

"H Sheng, I vaguely feel that you are full of distrust of the word 'God'. Why is that?" Di Xiaoer asked He Sheng why.

Guo Wei suddenly remembered something and said, "Hesheng, will you be so full of distrust of God because of your mother's affairs?"

"Brother Guowei, don't say anything. I don't remember the past at all. I'm not full of distrust of God. I'm full of distrust of myself." He Sheng told the truth.

"Hawa Sheng, why do you suddenly distrust yourself? Why is that?" Guo Wei couldn't figure out what was going on.

"I lost confidence for the first time because I was defeated by the sudden existence, and there was a crack in the heart of the wolf in my body, so I lost my confidence. This time I was defeated by Lun Longfei and the heart of the magic wolf was taken away. I really no longer trust my own strength, because I am a waste. He Sheng said self-abandoned.

Di Xiaoer was very puzzled and thought: Why does the current Hesheng become self-abandoned? Why is that? No, I have to cheer up Hesheng again.

In order to cheer up Hesheng, he said, "Hesheng, I don't know why you have become so self-abandoned now and don't trust your own strength. However, I hope you can cheer up quickly and make efforts to regain freedom for our people on earth.

Pingyan, who had never spoken, suddenly said, "Sister Xiaoer, you and Guowei, don't persuade Brother Hesheng to give up."

"Xiaoyan, why do you say that? Why is that? Why do you encourage and give up? What the hell is going on?

"Brother Hesheng didn't want you to know about this, but now I have to tell the reason why Brother Hesheng suddenly gave up." Ping Yan said unbearably.

"Xiaoyan, what's the reason why you suddenly gave up?" Di Xiaoer asked Ping Yan very anxiously.

"Well, then I'll tell you what Brother Sheng doesn't want to tell you." Pingyan is ready to say what Hesheng doesn't want to say.

Hesheng suddenly stopped his Xiaoyan's sister from talking about it and said, "Sister Xiaoyan, don't say this. Didn't you promise me not to tell this matter?"

"However, Brother Hesheng, I really have to tell the matter, otherwise Sister Xiaoer will not understand your suffering."

"No, Sister Xiaoyan, anyway, don't tell anyone, okay?"

"But, Brother Sheng, are we really going to do this? In that case, they won't understand you." Ping Yan still wants to talk about it.

Di Xiaoer was very surprised to hear what Ping Yan said to Hesheng and said, "He Sheng, why don't you want to tell us what's hidden in your heart?" Why is this?"

"Xiaoer, let's not mention my business first. I want to know a very important thing. Can you tell me?" He Sheng asked Emperor Xiaoer.

"What's the matter? Tell me, I will definitely tell you what I know.

"You know where I left my magic power before my reincarnation?"

"Your divine power is now left in the legendary God of War Palace." Di Xiaoer replied seriously.

"Do you know where the Palace of the God of War is?" He Sheng asked Emperor Xiaoer again.

"Of course, the Palace of the God of War is on the God of War." Di Xiaoer answered and won. →[End of this chapter]