Nuclear God of War

Chapter 372: The Robbery of Filial Piety 2

Ping Yan heard Brother Hesheng's answer, stopped in the sky and asked, "Brother Hesheng, what do you mean? Why don't you want to get the Dragon fighter back?

"I really want to take back the Dragon fighter, but doing so will definitely provoke the revenge of the Hunter, so we'd better not provoke the Hunter." He Sheng doesn't want to cause trouble for people on earth.

"If Brother Sheng, you are worried about this problem, then you can rest assured that Xiaoyan has a way to make Cus think that the Dilong fighter was taken away by other life bodies, and by no means the Dilong fighter taken away by us earthlings." Pingyan explained to her brother Sheng.

"What? Sister Xiaoyan, are you telling the truth? Do you really have a way to make Curse not know who took the Dragon fighter? He Sheng asked in surprise.

"Of course it's true. I won't let Cuse know that we took away the Dragon fighter." Pingyan answered her brother Hesheng with great confidence.

"If so, please ask Xiaoyan to help me take back the Dilong fighter." He Sheng very seriously asked Ping Yan to help recapture the Dilong fighter.

"No problem, Brother Hesheng, just wait for my good news. However, before that, Xiaoyan has to send Brother Hesheng to a safe place. Ping Yan looked at her and Sheng's brother with a smile and said.

After saying that, Ping Yan took her brother He Sheng to a tall building not far away, put her brother He Sheng on the roof and said with concern, "Brother He Sheng, just wait for my good news here. Xiaoyan will be back soon."

"Little Yan, you must be careful yourself. If it really doesn't work, you can withdraw it. Don't force it, okay?" He Sheng persuaded his little sister to be careful.

Ping Yan was very happy to hear Brother Hesheng's concern for her. She looked at her brother Sheng with a smile, nodded, and turned to the position where Liekus was.


Now the main building of the Heaven Metropolitan Council is already the base of the members of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council, where the members of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council are meeting and discussed.

In the conference room of the main building of the Great Council, Lan Shike, the vice president of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council, asked Xu Feng, the chairman of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council, and asked, "Xu Feng, now that the crisis of the God Hunter has eased. Should you tell me that?"

"Alas! I thought you had forgotten this matter, but I didn't expect you to remember it. It seems that I can only tell you what happened 18 years ago.

yi yi yi zhu ren Xu had no choice but to tell the members of the Tiandi Nuclear Parliament what happened 18 years ago.


18 years ago, Xu Feng, who had just joined the army, went on a regular mission with two teammates. On the way, he encountered a huge black whirlpool, and all three military aircraft were sucked into the black whirlpool.

After three military aircraft were involved in the black whirlpool, one of the military aircraft was hit by a fireball and then exploded, and the debris was sucked into the center of the vortex.

The center of the vortex instantly released multiple fireballs and attacked the military aircraft driven by Xu Feng. The other military aircraft failed to dodge and was hit by two fireballs. It exploded and the debris was sucked into the center of the vortex.

After driving his military plane around the five fireballs, Xu Feng was sucked into the center of the vortex little by little. His military plane could not get rid of such a powerful gravity and was gradually sucked to the center of the vortex.

Just when Xu Feng thought he was bound to die, the attraction of the black whirlpool suddenly began to decrease, and soon there was no attraction at all. He immediately flew the military aircraft out of the black whirlpool.

Xu Feng flew out of the black whirlpool, and a special spaceship flew out of the center of the black whirlpool and shot a light lock around the military plane driven by Xu Feng.

Soon the military aircraft driven by Xu Feng was dragged into the spaceship cabin. Xu Feng boldly opened the military aircraft cabin, slowly came down from the military aircraft and found no one around him.

Xu Feng was very puzzled and whispered to himself, "Where am I?" Is this an alien spacecraft? No, this is really unlikely. I must be dreaming.

"No, you're not dreaming. You are indeed on our Yuxiang people's spaceship now." A white-haired old man came from a distance.

Xu Feng turned around and saw that the white-haired old man looked exactly like an earthman. He didn't believe that the old man was an alien life and said, "Old man, don't tease me. You are obviously a human. Why do you say you are not human?"

"Nonsense, my grandfather is obviously a former general of Yuxiang Xingren. How can he be your weak earthman?" A beautiful pink-haired girl came out from behind the white-haired old man.

Xu Feng was suddenly fascinated by the beauty of Yu Xiangxing, a beautiful girl, and couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful Yu Xiangxing girl.

The white-haired old man said to his granddaughter, "Xiaoyu, come and explain to him the difference between us Yuxiang and their earthlings."

"Yes, Grandpa, I'll explain it to him." The girl in white wings, Yufengxin, nodded to answer her grandfather.

Yu Fengxin, who finished talking to Grandpa, walked to Xu Feng and said, "Now I'll explain to you what's the difference between us Yuxiang stars and you earthlings."

"Are you really alien?" Xu Feng asked very seriously.

Yu Fengxin did not answer Xu Feng's question, but continued: "There are three major differences between Yuxiang people and earthly people. First, the average age of Yuxiang people is 50,000 years old; second, the physical structure and wisdom of Yuxiang people is 300 times that of people on earth; third, Yuxiang people are born with nuclear energy."

"I can understand and understand the first two points you said, but what is the third point you said, nuclear energy?" Xu Feng looked at Yu Fengxin and asked what nuclear energy was.

Yu Fengxin was very surprised and said, "What! You people on earth don't even know nuclear energy? Well, let me tell you what nuclear energy is..."

"Wow, nuclear energy is such a strong force, so you are really not earthlings, but what you call Yuxiangxing people, right?" Xu Feng said in surprise.

"Yes, my grandfather and I are both from Yuxiang." Yu Fengxin nodded and said.

"Then you are here to attack the earth, aren't you?" Xu Feng said very worriedly.

"No, my grandfather and I are not here to attack the earth. We are here to understand the earthlings. We Yuxiang people are curious about you earthlings, so we come to know you earthlings. Would you like to help Yuxiang people better understand you people on earth? Yu Xiangxing asked. →[End of this chapter]