Nuclear God of War

Chapter 375: The Robbery of Filial Piety 5

General Yusen said to the cronin beside him, "I didn't let Yu Fengxin go. I just didn't want to implice the innocent. After all, the child in her belly is from the earth, that's why I did it."

"However, General, I'm afraid that after you do this, we will be framed by those malicious people, saying that you deliberately let Yu Fengxin's child go. After all, her child is also half a Yu Xiangxing." The vice general said worriedly.

"To be from the bottom of my heart, I don't want the old general Yugang to die. After all, the old general Yugang once had kindness to me. This is my only opportunity to repay the old general Yugang." Yusen answered his deputy general.

Yu Sen has always opened the communication system when answering the vice general's questions, so that Yu Fengxin can also hear what he just said, so that Yu Fengxin can rest assured that he really wants to help Yu Fengxin, and there is nothing else.

Yu Fengxin is really puzzled by Yu Sen's approach. He is worried that Yu Sen has other intentions, so he has been worried that Yu Sen will attack innocent earthlings.

However, after learning Yu Sen's true thoughts, Yu Fengxin knew why Yu Sen had let go of her unborn child and said, "General Yu Sen, thank you for letting my child go."

Half a year later, Yu Fengxin hugged Xiao Pingyan, who was a few months old and said, "Xiaoyan, mother really didn't expect that your body would contain such powerful nuclear energy, which has never happened on our Yuxiang Star. I'm worried that your nuclear energy will bring you a disaster."

"Xiaoyu, are you worried about General Yusen's reversal?" Xu Feng, who was beside Yu Fengxin, asked his wife Yu Fengxin.

"I'm not worried about General Yusen. I'm worried about other Yuxiang people, because they will never allow such a powerful child as Xiaoyan to exist. After all, Xiaoyan's power is too strong."

"What should I do? Why don't we hide Xiaoyan somewhere on the earth first? Xu Feng said nervously.

"It's useless. No matter where we take Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan's powerful nuclear energy cannot be concealed. Any life with nuclear energy can feel Xiaoyan's existence."

"What should I do? Xiaoyu, can't we protect our daughter Xiaoyan? Xu Feng said worriedly and helplessly.

"It's not completely help now. We still have a way to protect our daughter, that is, we need to seal her nuclear energy." Yu Fengxin told Xu Feng the last thing she wanted to say.

Xu Feng was very happy after hearing what Yu Fengxin said, but he found that Yu Fengxin was still unhappy and asked, "Xiao Yu, since we already have a way to protect our daughter, why are you still unhappy?"

"Xu Feng, you don't know that Xiaoyan is half a Yuxiang star, and once the Yuxiang star is sealed with nuclear energy, she will definitely die. Fortunately, Xiaoyan is also half an earthman, so she will not die after being sealed with nuclear energy, but she will become weak, and if it is serious, she will only have half her life left." Yu Fengxin said very sadly.

"Isn't life better than death? This is really unfair to Xiaoyan. Don't we have any other way?"

"No, this is the only way to keep Xiaoyan from being discovered. We have no choice." Yu Fengxin shook her head and said sadly.

"Will our little beauty be like this all her life? This is so unfair to her." Xu Feng felt sorry for his daughter Xiao Pingyan and said very sadly.

"Xu Feng, it doesn't matter. As long as Xiaoyan reaches the age of 16, when she touches the nuclear energy, the nuclear energy in her body will break through the seal little by little, and then her body will recover and become stronger. It's just that Xiaoyan must not be hurt before she is 16 years old, otherwise, Xiaoyan's life will be in danger.

"I will take good care of our daughter Xiaoyan until the seal in her body is lifted." Xu Feng assured his wife Yu Fengxin.

With no choice, Xu Feng and Yu Fengxin began to seal nuclear energy for their daughter who had just been born for a few months to save their daughter's life.

In Yufengxin, they used their strongest technology, 'particle manipulation', to completely seal the nuclear energy in their daughter Pingyan's body.

Ping Yan, who was just a few months old, didn't even have the strength to cry after being abolished, and became very weak, which made the feather phoenix core holding her very sad.

Yu Fengxin gave her daughter Pingyan in her arms to her husband Xu Feng and said, "Xu Feng, General Yusen is coming to the earth. You'd better take our Xiaoyan away from my spaceship and go to the ground."

"Xiao Yu, do you really want to return to Yu Xiangxing? That's too dangerous. Can you not go back?"

"Xu Feng, I can't bear to leave you and our daughter Xiaoyan, but if I don't leave, I will not only be sorry for General Yusen who helped us, but we will also implict the whole earth. We can't be so selfish. I must return to Yu Xiangxing with General Yusen."

"Xiaoyu, when will we see each other again?" Xu Feng said reluctantly.

"I believe that we will meet again. Maybe we will not see each other again in this life, but we will definitely see each other again in the next life." Yu Fengxin said with tears in her eyes.

After saying that, Yu Fengxin quickly pushed Xu Feng away, went out, locked herself in the cockpit, drove the spaceship to land on the ground, and said through the walkie-talkie, "Xu Feng, take our daughter Xiaoyan back to the ground."

"Xiaoyu, I'm so incompetent that I can't even protect you. I'm really a loser."

"No, Xu Feng, I can't blame you. Even if you have a strong power to defeat General Yusen, I will still go back to accept the punishment, because this is the punishment I have to bear, and I am willing. Xu Feng, I just hope that you can take good care of Xiaoyan now and never make Xiaoyan dangerous.

"Xiaoyu, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of our daughter Xiaoyan. I will never let anyone hurt her, no matter who she is." Xu Feng assured his wife Yu Fengxin.

Suddenly, Yu Fengxin found that General Yusen's warship had arrived on the earth and would soon land on the earth. He said, "Xu Feng, General Yusen is here. Please leave quickly, otherwise, General Yusen may find something about Xiaoyan."

"Okay, I'm leaving now, Xiaoyu, you must take care of yourself."

"Well, I will. Don't worry, I hope we can meet again." Yu Fengxin said very sadly with tears.

After Xu Feng got off the spaceship, Yu Fengxin drove the spaceship to meet General Yusen's spaceship. →[End of this chapter]