Nuclear God of War

Chapter 379: The Robbery of Filial Piety 9

Ping Yan, who was sad and tearful, took off the value-added armament she was wearing, the purple flame phoenix armor, pulled out the dagger thorned on Hesheng's left chest, held the dagger with both hands, raised it high, and was ready to commit suicide, and died with her brother Sheng.

Menggatachi, one of the top ten generals of Hunter, suddenly shot out a nuclear energy and melted the dagger that was about to pierce Pingyan's body, so that Pingyan did not commit suicide.


At this time, the Xiaolongzi on the Longxiao warship lowered his head and flew to his master Di Xiaoer and said, "Master, I just found that the vital signs of Hesheng have disappeared on the earth."

"What! Xiaolongzi, aren't you kidding me? How can the vital signs of Hesheng disappear? You must have made a mistake." Di Xiaoer didn't believe what Xiao Longzi said was true.

"Master, I'm not kidding you. What I said is true. The vital signs of Hesheng have indeed disappeared from the earth." Xiao Longzi said very seriously.

"No, I don't believe it's true. I don't believe that Hesheng will really be killed. Take me to the last place where Hesheng appeared quickly." Di Xiaoer said with great excitement.

"Yes, master, I will ask the Longxiao warship to take us to the place where Hesheng finally appeared." Xiaolongzi obeyed the order and said.

Qingchu and Qingtian on the Longxiao warship, as well as Guo Wei and Sa Rui, are very worried about the current situation of Hesheng. Guo Wei thought to himself: Hesheng, you must have nothing to do. You are our hope.

The person who is most worried about Hesheng now is still Di Xiaoer. She doesn't want to believe what Xiaolongzi said, let alone believe that Hesheng will really die. She thought: No, Hesheng will never die. This is impossible. Hesheng is the reincarnation of the god of battle. How can he die?


Pingyan, who failed to commit suicide, said angrily to Menggatachi, who prevented her from committing suicide: "Why did you stop me from accompanying me and Brother Sheng? You hateful star hunter."

"I don't want you, I just want to know two things. That's why I stopped you from committing suicide, not my kindness." Menggatachi said coldly.

"No matter what you want to know, I will never tell you anything. You can't learn anything from me." Ping Yan said resolutely.

"Then what if I can bring peace to life? Can you tell me two things I want to know?" Menggatachi said seriously.

"What are you talking about? You mean you can bring my brother and brother Sheng back to life, right? Ping Yan said very excitedly.

"Of course, you can see that my left arm can grow again. Don't you believe that I can bring Hesheng back to life?" Menggatachi said seriously.

"As long as you can bring me and Brother Sheng back to life, you can ask me to do anything. Meng Ga Tachi, please resurrect my brother and Sheng quickly. Pingyan urged in a hurry.

"Sorry, you have to tell me the two things I want to know most, and then I can start to bring your brother Sheng back to life."

"What if you don't let my brother and Sheng come back to life after I tell you this? I won't be fooled by you." Ping Yan refused to answer Meng Jiaqi's question first.

"Well, then I'll suffer a little loss and ask you to tell me something irrelevant first, and then I will start to resurrect you and Brother Sheng. What do you think?" Menggatachi compromised with Pingyan.

Ping Yan became a little hesitant when she heard Menggatachi's compromise words. She was really ready to agree to Menggatachi's conditions and answer Menggatachi's question first.

General Liekus suddenly came to Menggatachi and whispered, "Tachi, do you really want to resurrect Hesheng? This should be a great mistake. Now Hesheng is dead, which is really better for us. Why do you still promise to resurrect Hesheng?

"Cus, you don't know anything. Even if the current peace victory is resurrected, it is impossible to be our enemy again, and if we don't get rid of the strongest source of power on the earth, we will not be able to really rule the earth, understand?"

"Tachi, you're right. It's really like this, but do you think she, a girl on earth, may tell us the source of her power?" Liekus reminded Menggatachidao.

"I think she will agree to my terms, because I can see that she likes the earth monster and victory, so she will definitely tell us everything we want to know." Menggatachi said very confidently.

"Do you think she will really tell us everything?"

"Cuse, if you don't believe it, you can take a look at her next performance." Menggatachi said very confidently.

Menggatachi and Pingyan said in a cold and ruthless tone, "I count three. If you don't promise me, I can only suppress my curiosity and stop understanding what I want to know."

"No, you don't want to do this. I promise to tell you something first, okay?" Ping Yan said very nervously.

"Well, I'll give you another chance. I'm asking you a question now, that is, why can you use the power of the queen beast?" Menggatachi asked softly.

"Queen Beast? What is that? I don't know what the queen beast you are talking about is?"

"Do not pretend to be confused, the queen beast is the holy beast formed by the purple flame you just released! It seems that you don't want to tell the truth. I can only give up what I said before. Menggatachi turned around and was ready to leave.

When Pingyan saw that Menggatachi was really leaving, she thought to himself: I'm sorry, Vutter, I have to tell this matter, otherwise I won't be able to save me and Brother Sheng.

Thinking of this, Pingyan hurriedly shouted, "Menggatachi, wait a minute, and I'll tell you what you want to know. However, you must also bring me and Brother Sheng back to life.

"Well, since you have promised me, I don't have to lie to you. I will let your brother Sheng come alive. Of course, it depends on whether you are lying to me." Menggatachi turned around and said with a serious expression.

"The queen beast you are talking about may be the holy beast called the phoenix by us earthlings. Phoenix is the power released by my value-added armed forces, and my value-added armed forces are the product of the fourth generation of super-ancient civilization on the earth.

"What you mean, the fourth generation of super-ancient civilization on earth has the power to use queen beasts, right?" Menggatachi said very seriously.

"It can be said, but I don't know the fourth generation of super-ancient civilization. I just have some of their power and don't know anything else." Pingyan doesn't want to say too much. →[End of this chapter]