Nuclear God of War

Chapter 395: The Fury of Hesheng 5

He Sheng knew that if Pingyan and Di Xiaoer were hit by the attack of General Xiao Jiaosi, they would definitely die, so He Sheng was very excited this time.

Hesheng was emotionally and said sadly, "I'm sorry, mother, I still can't let go of my friends, let alone the belief in protecting the earth. Although I don't have nuclear energy now, I will still go all out to fight to the end."

He Sheng shouted sadly, "Xiao Longzi, come here quickly. I have something to ask you for help."

As soon as He Sheng's words fell, Xiao Longzi rushed into the treatment cabin from the outside and appeared in front of He Sheng, saying, "If you have anything, just say it. I think it's nothing more than that you want me to help you have power, don't you think?"

"Yes, is there any way for you to give me the power to help Xiaoyan sister and Xiaoer? This is the key." He Sheng urged anxiously.

"To be honest, I can't let you regain nuclear energy, because I don't have that ability at all. However, there is one thing that can help you restore nuclear energy.

"Xiao Longzi, tell me, what is that and where is it now?"

"This is the big magic stone given to us by the Damo people before. It should help you recover some nuclear energy." Xiaolongzi fell on Hesheng's shoulder and said.

"Then take me to the big magic stone quickly!" After talking with Sheng, he hurriedly refuted his own words and said, "It's too late. Give me the Xiaolong fighter quickly. I'm going to save Xiaoer and Xiaoyan."

Xiaolongzi flew helplessly from Hesheng's shoulder and said, "Hesheng, you don't have to worry about my master Hepingyan now. Look at the situation on the monitor."

After listening to what Xiaolongzi said, Sheng quickly turned his head, looked at the situation displayed on the monitor, and said in surprise, "How could this happen? Why does Sister Xiaoyan have such a strong power all of a sudden? Where did she get such a powerful nuclear energy?


Xiao Jiaosi, the top ten generals of the Star Hunter, shot at the two magic arrows of Pingyan and Di Xiaoer, and now suddenly hovered in the air to stop shooting, in front of Pingyan and Di Xiaoer, who were covered by pink nuclear energy to form a pink transparent sphere.

Xiao Jiaosi was very confused and thought: Why did this happen? Who stopped my magic nuclear energy from killing Hamidas and Pingyan?

Ping Yan, who was trapped in the transparent ball, said, "Don't think that my nuclear energy is powerful and you can kill me and my sister Xiaoer. It's not so easy for you to kill us."

"Who the hell are you? Why can I resist the magic arrow of my magic nuclear energy?

"I said I'm an earthman. How many times do you want me to say it before you can understand?"

"You can never be an earthman. Earthlings can't fight against such powerful nuclear energy as mine. My magic arrow of nuclear energy can be easily shot. How can Menggatachi, a five-level nuclear warrior with dozens of tons of nuclear explosions, not kill you?"

"Don't I have the ability to kill Menggatachi now? This is really great. The next time I see Meng Ga Tachi, I can kill him. Ping Yan said with a smile.

While Pingyan laughed, the magic arrow hovering in the air suddenly moved forward. Pingyan immediately concentrated and released a kind of nuclear energy that she didn't know what it was to stop the magic arrow from approaching her and her Xiaoer sister Pingyan.

After noticing this, Xiao Jiaosi said, "Haha, I thought you could stop my magic arrow as you wanted. Now I understand that you need to concentrate to stop my magic arrow. I'd like to see how long you can hold on."


Xiao Longzi persuaded He Sheng and said, "I think Ping Yan and my master can hold on for a while, so you'd better go with me to get the Great Magic Stone, the most precious treasure of the Demon Star."

"Well, well, let's take the big magic stone now and find a way to reproduce my nuclear energy on my body. Only in this way can I truly protect Xiaoyan'er and Xiaoer." He Sheng agreed to take the Great Magic Stone.

"Okay, let's go to the cockpit first. I'm going to drive the Longxiao warship to the polar city in the Antarctic. My master hides the big magic stone of the Demon Star in the polar city." Xiaolongzi said to Hesheng.

"Okay, don't waste time. Let the Longxiao warship return to Jitian City quickly. This is the key. I'm really worried that my little sister won't last long. He Sheng is now anxious to urge Xiaolongzi.

After Xiaolongzi took Hesheng to the cockpit, Qingchu, Guowei and Sa Rui were very happy. Guowei said, "Hesheng, I knew you would cheer up again."

"Brother Guowei, I'm sorry to worry you. It's my fault. Guo Weige, please help me, Qingchu and Sa Rui, so that I can regain nuclear energy and protect Xiaoer and Xiaoyan's sister in the shortest time, okay?" He Sheng asked seriously.

"Hawa Sheng, please rest assured that Qingchu and Sa Rui will do our best to help you recover nuclear energy and give you the power to defeat the star hunters." Guo Wei patted He Sheng on the shoulder with his mechanical left arm and said.


At this time, in the transparent sphere formed by Yuxiang's nuclear energy, Di Xiaoer recovered a little of her nuclear energy and said, "Xiaoyan, let me help you. I will transfer my nuclear energy into your body to help you gain more powerful power and fight against Xiao Jiaosi."

"Sister Xiaoer, I can still hold on. I don't need your nuclear energy. You'd better restore your nuclear energy quickly."

"Okay, I'll recover my nuclear energy faster. You must hold on." Di Xiaoer also agrees with Ping Yan's statement.

Xiao Jiaosi saw that Hamidas was recovering nuclear energy and said, "Hamidas, I won't let you recover nuclear energy, because I won't give you a chance to breathe and die."

After saying that, Xiao Jiaosi quickly released the magic nuclear energy on his right hand, formed a black magic sword, rushed to Di Xiaoer, launched a fatal attack on Di Xiaoer, and prepared to kill Di Xiaoer.

However, Di Xiaoer's body suddenly changed, and Yuxiang's nuclear energy trapped her was transformed into her own nuclear energy in a blink of an eye.

Di Xiaoer was not bound by Yuxiang's nuclear energy and quickly avoided Xiao Jiaosi's blow and said, "Xiao Jiaosi, don't think I don't have the ability to defeat you."

"You are too self-righteous. Do you really have the ability to defeat me? I'm not Huntingcus, who doesn't have the order of the ten generals, let alone Menggatachi. Do you really think you can defeat me with a little nuclear energy like you?

"You will soon know if I can defeat you." Di Xiaoer suddenly became very confident. →[End of this chapter]