Nuclear God of War

Chapter 419: Arriving at the Hometown of God of War

Qingtian was very happy to hear that He Sheng agreed to his request and said, "Thank you, He Sheng. I can really get rid of it this time. The only regret is that my sister Qingchu refused to forgive me, which is the most helpless thing.

"Qingtian, although I agree to your request, I want to tell you that I will only do as you said if I have no choice. But if I have a way to get rid of being controlled by others, I will definitely help you change your fate. He Sheng told Qingtian that he would not take action easily.

When Qingtian heard Hesheng's words, he smiled, patted Hesheng on the shoulder and said, "Hesheng, if you can really change my fate, I will definitely do my best to help you and defeat any enemy you want to defeat."

"Okay, let's make a finale. I will do my best to help you change your destiny, because I really need helpers like you.

"I hope so. Well, Hesheng, you can have a good rest now. I've already said what I want to say, and I won't disturb your rest. After saying that, Qingtian walked out of Room 2 of the rest cabin.

After Qingtian returned to the cockpit, Xiaolongzi flew over and asked curiously, "Qingtian, what did you talk to Hesheng? Why have we talked for so long?"

"This is the secret between me and He Sheng. I don't want to tell you now. When I want to tell you, I will naturally tell you." Qingtian said with a relaxed expression.

"Well, I respect your choice, and I won't ask you about this again." Xiao Longzi understood what he should do.

"Then I will also go to rest, because I want to nourish my spirit. In the face of what is about to happen, I will definitely do my best to help and win, gain his divine consciousness and complete his reincarnation." After saying that, Qingtian turned around and walked to the cockpit exit.

After Qingtian turned around and left the cockpit, Guo Wei said in surprise, "Qingtian, what's wrong with him? Why has there been such a big change? He was against us before. How can he change?

"Qingtian's transformation may have something to do with his conversation with Hesheng." Di Xiaoer guessed.

"What exactly did Qingtian talk about with He Sheng just now? Why did it change the blue sky so much? I'm really curious." Guo Wei said more and more curiously about the conversation between Qingtian and He Sheng.

"I think when we should know, I think Qingtian or Hesheng will definitely tell us all their conversation today. We should believe that Qingtian and Hesheng, don't you think? Guo Wei." Di Xiaoer persuaded Guo Wei not to think about it.

"Well, you're right. We really should believe in the blue sky. What I want to do most now is actually hope that we can reach the Ares soon, which is what I am most concerned about. After all, it is related to the future fate of our earthlings. Guo Wei said seriously.

"Yes, I'm also looking forward to the day when Hesheng gets the divine consciousness, completes the reincarnation of God, and becomes the god of battle. Di Xiaoer nodded and said.


In the main building of the Great Council on Earth, Black Wing led many nuclear power mutants to see the President of the Earth Eagle and others, the deputy speaker of the Nuclear Council of Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council - the re-killing, and said very excitedly, "Great, what Lord Hamidas said is true. You are really resurrected."

"Well, we are indeed alive now, but we are not resurrected, because we are not dead at all." Black Wing replied to kill again.

"How is this possible! Normally, weren't you killed by ice fighters when you were in the Antarctic? The re-killing was stunned.

Lan Shike, the deputy speaker of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, was also surprised and said, "You were killed by ice front fighters. Why are you still alive now?"

"In fact, in the Antarctic, the emperor system did not really kill us. It transformed all our dying nuclear people, allowing us to have the bodies of ordinary people. The * people you saw before are actually us. Blackwing explained.

"Alas! It seems that the emperor also cheated me. This is really too much. Deputy Speaker Lan said angrily.

"This is what the emperor's god king means. He does this in the hope that we can slowly adapt to the new life like normal people." Blackwing explained.

"Since the emperor's intention is that you can live like normal people, why do you all return to the form of nuclear people today? We are here now." Deputy Speaker Lan said confusedly.

"This is the last order of the emperor's god king. Before closing himself, it tells us to show our true bodies and face the powerful star hunter with you." Black Wing continued to explain.

After listening to Black Wing's explanation, the president of the Grand Council - Di Ying and Vice President Lan, understood why many nuclear power people such as Black Wing suddenly appeared.

After understanding the reason for their appearance, the ground eagle president said, "Black wing, we can't be the opponent of the God Hunter now. Although they evacuated from the earth, when they appear again, we can't be their opponents."

"Why are you afraid of being so timid? Are you really scared by the Hunter? Black Wing didn't expect the president of the ground eagle to say so.

"I'm not timid. I'm thinking about our human beings, so we must act carefully, otherwise it will bring disaster to our human beings." President Earth Eagle said helplessly.

"Although we are not in danger now, their star hunters will come back sooner or later, so we must find a way to deal with their second invasion." Black Wing believes that the Hunter will definitely return to Earth again.

"Even if the star hunter really comes back, do you think it is possible to defeat the powerful star hunter with our earthman's current ability?" The president of the ground eagle sighed.

"Are you going to wait to die?" Black Wing said angrily.

"Of course not. We are waiting for the return of Hesheng and Hamidas." President Earth Eagle said seriously.

"So! Lord Hamidas, aren't they on earth now? Black Wing was surprised.

"Yes, Hamidas takes He Sheng to a distant planet. When they return to Earth, He Sheng will have the power to defeat the Oro Hunter." President Earth Eagle explained.

When Di Xiaoer left the earth, she had asked Xiaolongzi to send a notice to the president of the ground eagle, telling the president of the earth eagle that they were going to a distant planet.

When Black Wing heard what President Earth Eagle said, he sighed, "Alas! Well, then do as you say. After all, this is what Lord Hamidas means. Let's wait for Lord Hamidas and the King of War - and the winner.

After saying that, the black wing turned back into a human figure, turned around and said to the nuclear man behind him, "Since our Lord Hamidas is trying to get the power to defeat the god hunter, let's wait for Lord Hamidas to return. We will become a human form now and forget us. It's a nuclear man. Let's live in peace with human beings.

Hearing Black Wing's words, the seven-level nuclear energy man - Cut Water Day, quickly encouraged the nuclear energy people around him and said, "Let's wait for Lord Hamidas and our war king - the return of victory."

Under the persuasion of Black Wing and Cut Water Day, all the nuclear people who can return to human form have returned to human form and are ready to return to their normal life for ten years.


On September 18, 2035, the dragon roaring warship, which flew at a dragon-shaped acceleration for more than ten days, has now entered the planetary system of the star system where Ares is located.

After Xiaolongzi closed the dragon-shaped acceleration of the Longxiao warship, he flew up from the console in front of the central seat and asked Di Xiaoer, saying, "Master, can we call Hesheng now?" According to him, we are entering the star system where Ares is located, and we should call him here, shouldn't we?

"Xiao Longzi, the reason why I don't ask you to mention the notification and Sheng is that I don't want you to disturb He Sheng, because since He Sheng first woke up from the hero's original core, he hasn't had a good rest until now, so I want Hesheng to have as much time as possible." Di Xiaoer said to Xiaolongzi.

"Okay, master, can we call Hesheng now?" Xiaolongzi asked his master Di Xiaoer.

Suddenly, the cockpit door opened, and He Sheng walked in and said to Xiaolongzi, "No, I'm already here."

Di Xiaoer saw Hesheng coming, immediately stood up from the center seat, walked over to Hesheng and said, "Hesheng, are you all right now? Do you think you are feeling better after resting for a while?

"Xiaoer, thank you for your concern. I'm fine. I have been asking Dilong to teach me the combat skills of the first generation of super-ancient civilization in the past few days, which is very helpful for the improvement of my combat effectiveness. I believe that I will gain divine consciousness and complete the reincarnation of my gods, and then I will definitely defeat all enemies. He Sheng said quite confidently.

"Well, He Sheng, I believe you, you must be able to defeat all enemies, including those hateful star hunters." Di Xiaoer believes that Hesheng has this ability.

Xiaolongzi flew to Hesheng and said, "I am now ready to enter the atmosphere of Ares. I want to confirm again that you really want the Longxiao warship to enter the atmosphere of Ares in the state you said?"

"Of course, this is our way to fall on the God of War." He Sheng answered Xiaolongzi with a serious and serious expression.

"Okay, then I will control the Dragon Xiao warship now and enter the atmosphere of God of War." After Xiaolongzi confirmed this, he was ready to control the Longxiao warship to enter the Ares atmosphere.

Longxiao warship slowed down and slowly entered the atmosphere of the God of War star with blue, green and yellow as the main colors. Xiao Longzi suddenly found that Hesheng's judgment was completely correct and said, "Hesheng, it seems that my master believes you are right." →[End of this chapter]