Nuclear God of War

Chapter 426: The meaning of Xiaofu God of War

After Xiaofu God of War-Futa finished speaking, the black sphere turned into his body suddenly began to stretch little by little, gradually forming a huge black giant, appearing in front of the upper god of war - Lord Yan.

The God of War saw the huge dark energy man in front of him and said, "It seems that I have really underestimated your power before. However, that's good. I can do my best to fight with you today.

"Lord of War - Lord Yan, I really don't want to fight with you. You'd better let me go. I went to the Hunter to destroy the God of War that may appear on the Hunter. Why do you have to stop me?" Xiaofu God of War persuaded the Lord God of War again before taking action.

"Xiaofu God of War - Futa, do it. Unless you defeat me, I will never let you go hunting to death for nothing." The Lord God of War said resolutely.

"Lord Yan, then I'm sorry." Xiaofu God of War began to attack the Lord God of War.

Xiaofu God of War turned into a huge dark energy man. He punched the body of the main god of war, but failed to hit the body of the main god of war. The main god of war instantly moved behind Xiaofu God of War before the fist of Xiaofu God of War was about to hit him.

Xiaofu God of War turned into a huge dark energy man, quickly turned around and punched the body of the Lord God of War, and then held the body of the Lord God of War with his right hand and threw the Lord God of War to the ground.

Although the ground on the God of War is extremely hard, harder than the hardest metal made on ordinary planets, the soul of the Lord God of War still smashes the ground into a small pit. It can be imagined how powerful the attack level of the Lord God of War is.

The Lord God of War stood up slowly from the ground and said, "Futa, what do you mean? Why didn't you do your best just now? Do I still need you to show mercy to me?"

"I just don't want to hurt you, and I don't mean anything else, because I just want to defeat you now." Xiaofu explained to the God of War.

"No, this is wrong. You can't defeat my Lord God of War. You should do your best to let me see. This is the most important thing you should do." The Lord God of War does not need the mercy of the God of War.

"Well, Lord Yan, then I'm really going to attack with all my strength this time." Xiaofu God of War really wants to go all out to attack the Lord God of War.

"This kind of battle is a little interesting." The corners of the Lord God of War raised slightly, and there was a trace of excitement on his face.

Xiaofu God of War turned into a huge dark energy man and quickly fell from the air and stepped on the Lord God of War. The Lord God of War raised his hands to support the foot that Xiaofu God of War fell hard.

The main god of war suddenly exerted his strength and pushed the huge dark energy man transformed by Xiaofu God of war into the air. He jumped up, and his body fell like a meteor, hitting the huge dark energy man and pressing it heavily on the ground.

The Lord God of War was about to hit the God of War again and return the God of War to his original shape. Suddenly, the huge dark energy man he stepped on dissipated in an instant.

At this moment, the Lord God of War knew that he was fooled by the God of War and fought against him. In fact, he was just the three souls of the three souls of the God of War.

Now the three spirits scattered by the Lord God of War have been reuntegrated with the God of War, which made the Lord God of War very angry and said, "Futa, you will definitely regret it."

However, at this moment, the God of War has left the God of War and gone to the God of War to kill the God of War who may become the God of War in the future.

Xiaofu God of War flew out of the planetary system where Ares is located, entered the shadow of an asteroid, integrated with the darkness, and disappeared in an instant.

Not long after, Xiaofu God of War instantly appeared in the shadow of a planet near the planetary system where the planetesis is located.

Xiaofu God of War continued to hide in the darkness, went to the Hunter, bypassed the defense lines of the Hunter, and entered the Hunter.

After the core area of Hunter entered the night, Futa, the god of war, began to quietly look for the god hunter who may become the god of war in the core area of Hunter in the future.

However, Xiaofu God of War never found the god hunter he was looking for, and sighed helplessly, "Alas! Am I really wrong? Why can't I find a god of war who may become a god of war in the future?

When Xiaofu God of War began to doubt his choice, he suddenly saw more than a dozen God Hunter children bullying a poor God Hunter child together.

Xiaofu God of War said to himself, "It's outrageous for so many people to bully one person. Should I poke my nose into other people's business? But I came to hunt the star to do big things. I can't waste any more time. My soul won't last long.

Suddenly, Xiaofu God of War felt that something was wrong and found that the poor Hunter child who was bullied knocked down all the dozen Hunter children who bullied him in an instant.

Futa, the god of war, saw this situation and exclaimed, "No, how can a person defeat so many people in an instant? Is he a star hunter who is likely to become a god of war in the future?

Xiaofu God of War began to gather all his strength to kill the god of war hunter who was likely to become the god of war in the future, saying, "It seems that my choice is not wrong."

However, something unexpected happened to Xiaofu's God of War. He is now surrounded by dozens of Hunter warriors.

A top ten general of the old generation of the Hunter, came over and said, "I thought it was a lonely ghost from somewhere. It turned out to be a ghost from the God of War."

"We haven't seen each other for a long time. If it hadn't been for our ten Gods of War to fight against the Hunting Emperor and die together, you might have reunited with your brothers." Xiaofu said seriously.

"You ten bastards have caused so much pain for our God Hunter. Each of us wants to disperse your souls, but unfortunately we can't board the God of War. Today, you send it to your door, and I can finally avenge my brothers. He said angrily in a sad tone.

"I came to hunt you, and I'm really here to die. However, I want to find a few star hunters to be buried with, otherwise, I would have died in vain. Xiaofu God of War laughed.

"So, your purpose of coming to hunt the star is to die with me?" He said seriously.

"Hahaha, hurt, you take yourself too seriously, and you don't know to let me die with you." Xiaofu God of War laughed.

"What! Are you here to die with our Hunter Emperor? If so, then you are really looking for your own death. Let's go. I'll take you to the Hunting Palace and fight with our Hunting God Emperor. The injury wants to take Xiaofu God of War to the Hunting Palace.

Hearing the wound relief, Xiaofu God of War laughed and said, "What's the use of killing the current Hunter Emperor? A new hunting emperor will appear soon, and I'm not going to die with him, so it's not worth dying.

"What on earth does this guy want to do? I am the only survivor of the ten generals. It's not normal that you don't want to die with me. But you don't want to die with our Hunting Emperor, which is even more abnormal. Tell me, what on earth are you doing here?" The injury questioned Xiaofu's God of War.

"I said I was here to die, but I'm going to bring a few star hunters to the funeral." Xiaofu God of War has always answered the injury like this.

"I don't want to talk to you anymore. You'd better die." The injury suddenly ordered to attack Xiaofu God of War.

However, none of the God Hunter warriors who surrounded Xiaofu's God of War dared to fight with Xiaofu God of War. The top ten generals were relieved and said angrily, "You bastards, let's see how I clean up the soul of this God of War."

Angry, he rushed to Xiaofu God of War and punched Xiaofu God of War, who was gathering strength, but Xiaofu God of War suddenly disappeared in front of the wound.

The injury quickly searched around for the position of Xiaofu God of War, and suddenly found that Xiaofu God of War appeared behind the Hunter child, ready to hit the gathered power on the child.

Seeing this situation, he shouted loudly, "Xiaofu God of War, stop it quickly, or you will regret it."

"My purpose of coming to hunt God Star is to die with him. How can I regret it?" Xiaofu God of War did not mean to stop.

"He has an identity that you don't know. Stop it quickly and I'll tell you his identity, otherwise you will definitely regret it."

"I have guessed his identity, so I want to die with him. I won't be deceived by your rhetoric. I'll kill him now."

After saying that, Xiaofu God of War hit all the power gathered on his hands on the Hunter child. The child lay on the ground, but let him Xiaofu God of War - Futa, unexpected things still happened in front of him.

The god hunter child in front of Xiaofu's God of War actually absorbed all the power he hit, which was completely unexpected by Xiaofu God of War.

The star hunter child, that is, the small wheel dragon flying, absorbed the power of Xiaofu's god of war hitting him and got up from the ground little by little.

Xiaofu God of War said in disbelief, "How could this happen? Why was my attack absorbed by him? Even if he may be the future god of war, he will never absorb such a strong attack from me now? Does it mean that he still has secrets that I don't know?

"Xiaofu God of War, you're right. He just has the power you don't know." He laughed, and then said, "Lun Longfei, get angry quickly and let Xiaofu God of War explain your most powerful power."

When Lun Longfei heard what the injured general said, he quickly released a powerful force and emitted a faint light on his body. This light shone on Xiaofu God of War made Xiaofu God of War very painful. →[End of this chapter]