Nuclear God of War

Chapter 457: The Conspiracy of the Hunter

At this time, a person hiding in the temple is full of confusion and doesn't know how to do it. He thinks: Is the meaning of my existence to destroy the star hunter? I really did this, so what's the difference between me and their star hunters?

He Sheng suddenly thought of who could help him make a choice and said, "Yes, I can connect with the emperor and let him help me guide the mystery."

After speaking, He Sheng sat on the seat in the temple, closed his eyes, and began to try to connect with the emperor system on the earth.


Above the throne of the Hunter in the Hunter's palace, the Hunter Emperor, who existed with blue nuclear energy gas, suddenly shot a beam of light into the emperor's throne below.

An earthman appeared on the throne of the Lord Hunter. This earthman is a soulless body, and the current god hunter with blue nuclear gas flew into the body of this earthman.

The earthman wearing a wolf's head mask opened his eyes and said, "It's time for me to accompany Xianling now, otherwise, she may return to the earth impulsively."

After saying that, the Hunter Emperor stood up and disappeared into the hunting palace of the Hunter.


On the mothership of the Starfleet of the Third King of Hunter, a beautiful middle-aged woman in a light blue robe was blocked by two Hunter warriors.

This beautiful middle-aged woman is Hesheng's mother, Xianling. She said to the two star hunters who prevented her from leaving, "Get out of the way quickly, or I will be rude to you."

"Sorry, 'Star Queen', I can't let you go to Earth. This is Sirius*'s order. Please don't embarrass us." A star hunter persuaded Xian Ling.

"I really can't wait. I want to go to the earth alone first. You'd better not stop me, otherwise, I really have to fight with you."

"Star Queen, even if you kill us, we will not let you leave the Star Fleet of the Third King of Hunter." The Hunter said decisively.

At this time, Sanxuan Yinxiang, the commander of the Star Fleet of the Third King of Hunting, came over and persuaded Xianling: "Star Queen, please calm down and don't worry too much. I believe that it won't be long before we can go to the earth. Please believe me, okay?"

"I have believed you many times, but I have never returned to earth. What do you mean? Can Sirius deceive me if he is not here?

"No, behind the stars, we didn't deceive you. Now is really not the time to go to the earth, but I promise you that we can go to the earth soon."

"Sanxuan Yinxiang, is that true? You're not lying to me again, are you?" Xianling said doubtlessly.

"Please rest assured that it's true this time. I will never deceive you. We can go to the earth soon." Sanxuan answered Xianling seriously.

Hearing Sanxuan Yinxiang's persuasion, Xianling's eagerness to go to the earth eased a little and said, "Okay, Sanxuan Yinxiang, I'll believe you again."

"Thank you for your trust in me, thank you. I still have something to deal with now, so I'll leave first." Sanxuan asked Xianling for instructions.

"Okay, then you can go ahead." Xianling nodded and said.

San Xuan Yinxiang heard Xianling's answer and said respectfully, "Yes, Xinghou, then I will leave first."

After speaking respectfully to Xianling, Sanxuan turned around and left and walked in the corridor of the mothership of the Third King of the Hunter Star Fleet.

San Xuanyinxiang, walking in the corridor, was very confused and thought: Why did things become so chaotic? This really surprised me. Why are there so many secrets hidden on the earth?

Sanxuan Yinxiang really didn't expect that Xianling, the queen of the star, would be an earthman, and he didn't expect that the earth that General Xiao Jiaosi let him destroy was a planet with huge secrets.

San Xuan said to himself as he walked, "Alas! What should I do now? If you really let the star return to the earth, it will be really troublesome to get home.

"Commander Yinxiang, I just received a new order from General Xiao Jiaosi." Suddenly, Shangcun came over from the opposite side and said.

"Shangcun, what is the new order of General Xiao Jiaosi?" Sanxuan Yinxiang asked.

"General Xiao Jiaosi ordered us to go to the planetary system where the earth is located and surround the whole earth." Suddenly, he reported to Sanxuan Yinxiang.

"Alas! This is really troublesome. We can't drive the fleet to the earth. San Xuanyin sighed.

"Commander Yinxiang, what do you mean? Why don't I understand?" Suddenly, I couldn't understand what Sanxuan Yinxiang meant.

San Xuan Yinxiang did not answer the question of Abrupt Shangcun, but said to Abrupt Shangcun, "Shangcun, you go to the communication room with me, and then you will understand why?"

"Yes, Commander Yin Xiang, I understand." Suddenly, he nodded his head and replied.


In the temple in the three-ring star imperial city, Hesheng sitting on the seat has never been successfully connected to the emperor system on earth.

He Sheng opened his eyes and sighed, "Alas! It seems that what Xiao Longzi said is true. It seems that the signal of the emperor can't monitor me, so I can't connect with the emperor. Alas! I can only ask Xiaolongzi how I can get in touch with the emperor.

He Sheng was about to get up and leave. The ring god and the first god of war, Guo Wei, came back. Guo Wei said anxiously, "He Sheng, let's go to the demon star quickly."

"Brother Guowei, what do you mean? Why did we suddenly go to the magic star? He Sheng said incompretiblely.

"Ho Sheng, the Ring God and I have just received a help signal from the Demon Star, and now the Demon Star has also been fiercely invaded by the Hunter." Guo Wei replied very seriously.

"Is the demon star the home planet of the forbidden god?" He Sheng asked seriously.

"Well, the god on the demon star is indeed forbidden." Guo Wei nodded and replied.

"Then we should not worry about the demon star. I believe that the forbidden gods can defeat the god hunters who invade the demon star." He Sheng said confidently to the forbidden gods.

The ring god hurriedly followed Hesheng and said, "No, Hesheng, we can't let the demon star defeat the hunter with its own power, just as our three-ring star can't use our real power to resist the star hunter, and the demon star can't use real power to resist the hunter. The invasion of the stars, otherwise, the demon star will really be in danger of extinction.

"Alas! I really don't understand why you did this. He Sheng said helplessly.

He Sheng walked out of the temple step by step and said, "Brother Guowei, let's go and go to the demon star to help."

Guo Wei, the first god of war, was very happy to hear this and promised, "Okay, let's go to the Demon Star."

While Guo Wei agreed to Hesheng, he waved his hand to the Ring God. While following Hesheng out of the temple, he said to the Ring God and said, "The Ring God, we will meet again on Earth."

"Well, the first god of war, we will see the earth." The ring god looked at Guowei who left the temple and promised.

After Guowei and Hesheng returned to the Longxiao warship, the Longxiao warship immediately turned around and flew away from the Three Ring Star to the Magic Star invaded by the Hunter.


San Xuan Yinxiang on the mothership of the third king of the Star Fleet has come to the communication room of the mothership with abruptly and said, "Shangcun, don't say anything for a moment, okay?"

"Yes, Commander Yinxiang, I understand that I will never speak during your communication." Suddenly, there is a guarantee road.

After hearing the sudden guarantee, Sanxuan Yinxiang turned around and faced the main display screen of the communication room to open the communication with Xiao Jiaosi, one of the top ten generals of the Star Hunter.

Xiao Jiaosi appeared on the monitor and asked, "Sanxuan Yinxiang, what do you want from me? Has your third king of the hunter star fleet arrived on the earth?

"Report to General Xiao Jiaosi, I can't go to the earth, and my fleet can't go, because the Queen of the Stars is with me." Sanxuan said nervously.

"What happened to the star queen in your fleet? Isn't this more helpful for you to surround the earth?

"General Xiao Jiaosi, you don't know that the Queen of the Stars is an earthman, and her son is also on the earth now. Do you think I can go to the earth?"

"How could this happen? How can the star queen be an earthman? Xiao Jiaosi said in surprise.

"I didn't expect that it happened more than ten days ago." Sanxuan Yinxiang told Xiao Jiaosi that he learned that he was an earthman after the star.


More than ten days ago, San Xuan Yinxiang visited the star on his third king star fleet and asked, "How is your life in my fleet? Are you still used to it?"

"You're not bad here. I'm very satisfied." Xinghou - Xianling asked.

"Then I'm relieved. I'm always worried that you can't adapt to everything I prepared for you." San Xuan said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I will tell the truth in front of Sirius. You don't have to be too nervous."

"Then ask the star queen to say a few words to the third king of the star fleet in front of Sirius*." Sanxuan said shyly.

"I will. By the way, where are we now?

"We are now in the galaxy." Sanxuan answered casually.

"Real! Then take me to the earth. I haven't returned to the earth for ten years. Xianling said with a sad expression.

"What! Back to Earth? Star Queen, what do you mean by going back to Earth? Sanxuan asked in surprise.

"I'm actually an earthman, and my son is also on earth. I really want to go back to the earth to have a look." I don't know that Xian Ling, who is invading the earth, really wants to go back to the earth to have a look.


Xiao Jiaosi in the monitor asked nervously, "Did you go to the earth after the star?"

"No, under my strong persuasion, Star Queen did not return to Earth. She did not know the current situation of the earth."

"Sanxuan Yinxiang, you should evacuate the Milky Way immediately and never let the stars know the current situation of the earth." Xiao Jiaosi said nervously. →[End of this chapter]