Nuclear God of War

Chapter 471: Nuclear Star! Source of nuclear energy

Di Xiaoer tilted her head, looked curiously at Guo Wei, the first god of war, and asked, "Guo Wei, if you have anything you want to ask me, just ask, and I will answer you."

"Xiaoer, you should know that you may be the reincarnation of the king of nuclear energy, right?" Guo Wei bluntly asked Di Xiaoer.

"Well, I know this. What's wrong? What's wrong?" Di Xiaoer asked curiously.

"No, there's nothing wrong. I just want to tell you something. This is about the king of nuclear energy. Xiaoer, would you like to listen to it? Guo Wei explained.

"Guo Wei, just say it quickly. Don't be mysterious here, okay?"

"Xiaoer, don't worry, I'll tell you the legend about the king of nuclear energy."

Guo Wei, the first god of war, went to sit down on a sofa made of blue soft metal and told Di Xiaoer about the king of nuclear energy.


is not a person or a god, but a supercomputer system, which is the first system in the universe that can control nuclear energy. It integrates intelligent life with nuclear energy and becomes a nuclear man.

The supercomputer system of the King of Nuclear Energy is the only machine intelligence in the universe that can be upgraded and evolved by itself, with exactly the same thinking mode as intelligent life.

After the 'nuclear star', where the king of nuclear energy is located, was invaded by the Hunters, the Hunters obtained the strongest orthodox nuclear energy, so that they can still do whatever they want in the universe when they lose the power of the Hunter.

[Nuclear energy star: the super planet corresponding to Ares Star, which is the top planet in the universe and the earliest birthplace of nuclear energy]

While the nuclear energy star was destroyed by the Hunter, the main body of the nuclear king has quietly left the nuclear star, so it has not been destroyed by the Hunter, but since then, the nuclear king has disappeared in the universe, and no one knows its existence.

However, the king of nuclear energy has been looking for a way to restrain nuclear energy. Legend has it that once the king of nuclear energy finds this method, it will appear in the universe in the form of a living organism to prevent the Hunter from doing whatever he wants.


After listening to Guo Wei, the first god of war, she was very confused and said, "Guo Wei, am I a native of the earth?" Or a robot?"

"Xiaoer, I tell you the truth, you are indeed not an earthman, but you are not a robot. You are a living body with flesh and soul." Guo Wei explained seriously.

Di Xiaoer was even more confused when she heard Guo Wei's explanation. She could no longer understand what she was.

Sa Rui, who has been following Di Xiaoer and Guo Wei, said, " Major General Guo Wei, I'm surprised. How can you know so many things?"

"Although my consciousness has been in the God of War Palace of God of War, my consciousness has been looking for other ways to defeat the God Hunter, so I have found these things about the nuclear king." Guo Wei answered Sarido.

Guowei saw Di Xiaoer's lost look and said, "Xiao'er, although you are not an earthman, you have a natural fate with Hesheng. I think this should make you happy, right?"

"Guo Wei, what do you mean by saying that I have a natural fate with He Sheng? I don't understand." Di Xiaoer said suspiciously.

"Xiaoer, if you want to know why, I really can't answer you. You can only find the nuclear star rebuilt by the nuclear king, and let the main body of the nuclear king tell you everything." Guo Wei said truthfully.

"Can you tell me where the nuclear star is now?" Di Xiaoer wanted to know the truth, so she was eager to meet the king of nuclear energy.

Guowei stood up, walked to Di Xiaoer, lay in Di Xiaoer's ear, and whispered, "Nuclear is in a planetary system on the edge of the star system where Ethor is located. Xiaoer, you must not let others know the location of the nuclear star, otherwise the nuclear star will be destroyed or the person who knows about it will be killed.

"Hmm! Guowei, I know what I should do. I won't say it. Di Xiaoer nodded and said.

After saying that, Di Xiaoer turned around and walked to the door of Yuxiang Xingwang's room. He Sheng, who was lying on Yuxiang Xingwang**, suddenly sat up and said weakly, "Xiaoer, don't go first. Please wait for me. I can rest for a while, and I can go to the nuclear energy star with you."

"Hawasheng, you can't go to the nuclear star. You have something more important to do now, that is, we have to go back to the earth." Guo Wei persuaded and won.

He Sheng stood up from ** excitedly and said, "Brother Guowei, I must not let Xiaoer go to the nuclear energy star alone. That's really dangerous. I can't let Xiaoer take risks by herself."

"But, Hesheng, do you want people on earth to be in danger?" Guo Wei persuaded.

"Brother Guowei, didn't you say that the Hunters would not do anything to the earth? They will use the earth to endanger me and will not destroy the earth. He Sheng said to find a reason for himself.

"In fact, the earth will not be destroyed, but the people on the earth will definitely be destroyed like demons." Guo Wei continued to persuade.

When He Sheng was about to continue arguing with Guo Wei, Yuxiangxing Warrior Wang knocked on the door and said, "The first god of war, there is an earthman named Kufeng outside. He said he was your friend. Do you want to see him?"

Guo Wei in the room was very strange and said, "Kufeng, how could he appear here?" What's going on? Is it a trick of the God Hunter?

"No, Major General Guo Wei, he should be the real captain of Kufeng. That's the thing..." Sa Rui told Guo Wei about Qianyin God of War contacting them.

"So that's it, so why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I didn't expect that Captain Kufeng could come from Ares to Yuxiang in such a short time."

"This is indeed a little incredible. How could Kufeng come from Ares to Yuxiang in such a short time?" Guo Wei is deeply skeptical about this.

I still suspect that Kufeng who came here is Guowei, who is a trick of the Hunter, and said, "Xiaoer, you and Sa Rui will stay to take care of He Sheng first. I'll go out and see if the Kufeng who came here is true or false."

Guo Wei, who finished speaking, opened the door of Yuxiang Xingwang's room, went out, and went to see Kufeng outside Yuxiangxingwang's palace with Yusenxiang.


On the mothership of the Third King of the Star Fleet, Sirius walked to Xianling happily and said, "Xianling, I'm going to tell you a good news now. Guess what it is?"

"Look at your happy expression, can't it be? We can go to the earth." Xianling made a bold guess.

"Xian Ling, you're right. The Hunting Emperor has agreed to go to the earth." Sirius said very happily.

Xian Ling, the queen of the stars, was very happy to hear what Sirius said and said, "Great, we can finally go back to the earth to visit our son and Sheng."

"Well, yes, we can finally go back to Earth. I have wanted to go back to the earth for a long time, but we can't go back to the earth without the order of the Hunter Emperor. Sirius sighed helplessly.

" Sirius, what are we waiting for now? Hurry up and go to the earth." Xianling said anxiously.

"I have ordered San Xuan Yinxiang to start his Star Fleet, the Third King of Hunter, and go to our earth. I think we can get to the earth soon." Sirius said in no hurry.


After Guowei saw Kufeng and learned what Kufeng said, he was relieved to Kufeng and said, "Kufeng, in this way, you can move anywhere in the universe in a very short time, right?"

"Yes, my round mecha has such an ability." Kufeng nodded and said.

"That's really great. We can go back to the earth in the shortest time now." Guo Wei said happily.

Guo Wei walked into Yuxiang Xingwang's room with Kufeng and said with a smile, "We can return to our earth in a very short time."

Hearing this, He Sheng immediately cheered up and said, "Brother Guowei, are you telling the truth? Can we really return to Earth in a short time?

"Of course, Kufeng has the round mecha of Good Sivar, so he can send us back to Earth." Guo Wei said seriously.

Weak He Sheng, after listening to Guo Wei's answer, stood up and said to Kufeng, "Kufeng, please take me and Xiaoer to the nuclear star quickly, and then we are going back to Earth, okay?"

"Yes, but I don't know where the nuclear star you mentioned is?" Kufeng replied helplessly.

"This is not a problem. Xiaoer already knows the specific location of the nuclear star. You just need to promise me to send me and Xiaoer to the nuclear star." He Sheng explained to Kufeng.

Because Hesheng is very important in Kufeng's heart, Kufeng agreed to Hesheng without hesitation and said, "Okay, Hesheng, I'll send you to the nuclear star."

However, Di Xiaoer said to Kufeng, "No, Kufeng, you don't have to take Hesheng to the nuclear energy star with me. I can go alone."

"Kable and Sheng hope to go to the nuclear star with you." Kufeng said.

"It is said that nuclear energy is a very dangerous place. I can only go there, and no one else can go. Kufeng, if you are good for peace and victory, then don't listen to peace and victory. Go back to earth with peace and victory and the dragon Xiao battleship outside Yuxiang.

"Well, then I'll listen to you. You are also for peace, and you should also be more careful."

Kufeng, who finished speaking, turned to look at Hesheng and said, "Hesheng, I'm sorry. I'm also good for you. Don't blame me."

Kufeng waved his right hand, and he disappeared in front of Di Xiaoer together with Guowei, Hesheng and Sa Rui. In Yu Xiangxingwang's room, only Di Xiaoer was left. →[End of this chapter]