Nuclear God of War

Chapter 484: Son of Light Energy VS the King of War

When the Hunter saw the ten generals in front of him, he said angrily, "How did you come to the earth? Didn't I order you to come to Earth earlier?"

When Lun Longfei heard the reprimand of the Hunting Emperor, he hurriedly apologized to the Hunting Emperor and asked for forgiveness. He said, "Please forgive the Hunting Emperor. The reason why our ten generals came late is that we went to the God of War to rescue the giant leopard imprisoned by the ghost of the God of War. Therefore, we delayed the time to reach the earth."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Hurry up and teach me a lesson to win." The Hunting Emperor said impatiently.

"Yes, we wait for the top ten generals, let's teach them a lesson. I don't know the peace and victory." Lun Longfei obeyed the order and said.

The ten lists knelt on their knees to see the ten generals of the Hunter Emperor, stood up, turned around together, and faced the leisurely peaceful victory sitting on the desk opposite side.

He Sheng is very clear that if he wants to really defeat the Hunting Emperor, he must first remove all the right-hand man of the Hunting Emperor, and the most powerful right-hand man of the Hunting Emperor is the top ten generals.

He Sheng came down from his desk and said, "Wanlongfei, last time we only played half of it at Ares, and you ran away. This time, you don't run away by half of it."

"Hawa Sheng, I must let you know the power of our top ten generals this time. Just wait to be defeated by us." Lun Longfei said with a serious expression.

He Sheng heard what Lun Longfei said and said indifferently, "I'm going to kill all your ten generals today, so that you can't hurt other lives."

After saying that, He Sheng quickly attacked Lun Longfei, the great general among the ten generals, with a lightning-fast attack.

The phantom around Lunlongfei knew that Lunlongfei was not as fast as Hesheng and could not avoid the attack of Hesheng. He said, "General Lunlongfei, let me help you."

The phantom circle moved to the side of Lunlongfei, ready to take Lunlongfei out of Hesheng's attack range. However, what surprised him was that Hesheng saw him appear beside Lunlongfei, and Hesheng quickly accelerated the attack speed.

Hesheng suddenly increased his attack speed. At the moment when the phantom ring did not take the wheel dragon fly away, he punched the wheel dragon fly's chest. While the wheel dragon fly's body flew out, the phantom behind him also crashed out.

Xiao Jiaosi and Meng Ga Taqi quickly flew over, grabbed the left and right hands of Lun Longfei, and wanted to pull Lun Long Fei. Un imagine that they were also taken out by Lun Long Fei.

After Lun Longfei was punched by He Sheng, the strong impact generated by his body made Xiao Jiaosi and Meng Jiataqi unable to drag the Lun Longfei flying backwards.

The wheel dragon flew against the wall of the heaven and earth nuclear council headquarters, crashed through several walls, and flew out of the heaven and earth nuclear council headquarters.

Lunlongfei's body has been flying thousands of meters high, and then it was dragged by Xiaojiaosi and Menggatachi. The phantom behind Lunlongfei sighed: "Alas! I didn't expect that my speed was not as fast as this guy.

"Phantom, you don't have to blame yourself. It's not your fault. Don't forget that Hesheng is the reincarnation of the son of light energy, and his strength is also taken for granted." Lun Longfei persuaded Huan Huanying not to blame himself.

Just as Lun Longfei was preparing to fly back to the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament with Xiao Jiaosi, Huanying and Meng Ga Taqi, they found that their other brothers were also beaten out with Sheng.

After He Sheng's ten generals in the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament were all blown out, he said to the Hunting Emperor, "When I defeat your ten generals, I will come back to deal with you."

He Sheng flew out of the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, suspended in the sky of the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, and said, "The ten generals of the Star Hunter, listen to me. Don't waste time. You'd better attack me together."

"Hawa Sheng, you asked for it. Don't blame us." Lun Longfei said seriously.

"I'd like to see how powerful your ten generals are and whether they are really very powerful." He Sheng said confidently about his own strength.

After hearing what He Sheng said, Lun Longfei turned around, turned his back to Hesheng, and turned his face to the top ten generals of the God Hunter and said, "Brothers, whether we have any kindness and resentment before, we now have to work together to complete the mission entrusted to us by the Hunter. Let's meet nuclear energy."

"No, nuclear energy exchange is meaningless. I won't exchange nuclear energy with you." Liekus refused to exchange nuclear energy with Lunlongfei.

Waiting for Longfei to ask Liekus, Xiao Jiaosi first asked Liekus and asked, "Shikus, what do you mean? Do you want to disobey the order of the Hunter?

"No, Xiao Jiaosi, you misunderstood me. I will never disobey the order of the Great Hunter. I refuse nuclear energy to meet because I already have a way to integrate like the earthlings." Liekus explained.

Xiao Jiaosi, Lun Longfei and others were very surprised to hear the explanation of Liekus. Mengga Taqi asked, Liekus, do you mean that we can completely integrate like the four-color warriors of the earthlings?"

"Yes, I have used my Falcon to analyze the principle of the integration of their nuclear energy people. Now I have mastered the principle of integration, so we can also integrate." Liekus said confidently.

He Shengyi heard what Cuss said and said to himself, "If we integrate their ten generals, it's really not fun. I can't let them integrate."

After talking to himself, He Sheng quickly rushed to the top ten generals to attack the weakest giant leopard Sisi among the top ten generals.

Suddenly, Sanxuan led a large number of star hunter warriors to stand in front of Hesheng to block the way, so that Hesheng could not hit the giant leopard with one blow.

He Sheng angrily said angrily to the abrupt Shangcun and Sanxuan Yinxiang, who blocked his way, and said angrily, "You little people still want to stop me. This is really funny."

"Hawa Sheng, don't look down on people too much. I'm the commander of the Starfleet of the Third King of Hunter. If you think I will deal with it, then you are very wrong." San Xuan said very seriously.

He Sheng heard what San Xuan Yinxiang said and said very coldly, "Do you know Qiu Fengling? He was killed by me. How long do you think it will take for me to end your life?

"What! Has Qiu Fengling's life ended by you? He is the commander of the Star Fleet of the Second King of Hunter. How can he be killed by you? Sanxuan Yinxiang said in surprise.

"Well, I won't talk to you anymore. I still have to prevent the top ten generals from becoming one. You are not even qualified to fight with me." Hesheng looked down on Sanxuan Yinxiang and others.

After talking with Sheng, he quickly bypassed Sanxuan Yinxiang and others and appeared in front of the giant leopard Sisi, ready to solve the weakest giant leopard Sisi among the ten generals first.

Lun Longfei doesn't want any of their top ten generals to die at the hands of victory and quickly use the power of his King of the God of War.

Runlongfei, the king of the God of War, is preparing to fight to the death with Hesheng. The Hunting God Emperor suddenly appeared between Hesheng and Lunlongfei. The Hunting Emperor turned his head, looked at Lunlongfei and said, "You ten generals, go and integrate quickly. He will give it to me."

The Hunting Emperor turned around, looked at Hesheng and said, "Hesheng, if you want to stop the integration of the ten generals, the only way is to smash my body, no, it should be said that the body of Sirius, otherwise, you can't stop the ten generals from integrating."

"Emperor Hunter, you despicable and shameless guy, if you have the ability, don't use my father's body to compete with me." He Sheng said very angry but helplessly.

The Hunting Emperor said proudly, "This is a key factor for me to defeat you. How can I give up easily?"

"Emperor Hunter, I will definitely let you pay the price. I will make you lose your soul and disappear in the universe. After that, I will kill all your god hunters." He Sheng said angrily.

He Sheng, who was overwhelmed by anger, did not notice the ten generals at all and began to continue to merge. He was still angrily trying to find a way to make the soul of the Hunting Emperor fly away.

The nuclear energy ball in the sky of heaven suddenly made a sound and said, "He Sheng, don't be carried away by anger. Hurry up and stop the top ten generals from becoming one."

He Sheng heard the voice of Di Xiaoer from the nuclear energy ball and noticed that the top ten generals of the Hunter were about to complete the fusion.

Between Sheng's hands, an extremely powerful nuclear energy ball was formed in an instant and said, "Ten Generals of Hunter, you die together."

The blue nuclear energy ball gathered by He Sheng's hands hit the ten generals of the ten stars, but San Xuan Yinxiang suddenly appeared in front of the ten generals of the ten stars and blocked the attack for the ten generals.

Sanxuan Yinxiang was melted by the blue nuclear energy ball played by Hesheng, and the blue nuclear energy ball continued to attack the top ten generals who had not yet completed the fusion.

It suddenly appeared that Sanxuan Yinxiang had sacrificed for their top ten generals. He knew that Sanxuan Yinxiang could not be sacrificed for nothing, and he could not let the victory's attack prevent the ten generals from integrating.

Suddenly, he also stood in front of the ten generals of the top ten of Hunter, blocking the deadly attack launched by the top ten generals who have not yet completed the integration.

The abrupt body was gradually melted by the blue nuclear energy ball, and the blue nuclear energy ball abruptly disappeared, and continued to attack the ten ten generals who shined.

Suddenly, the ten generals of the Ten Hunter quickly dissipated, lowered their heads, and received the blue energy ball with one hand.

After the ten generals of the Star Hunter became one, they merged into the 'Ten Complete War King', raised their heads, their eyes flashed with red killing light, and said, "Hesheng, I want to kill you." After saying that, he rushed to Hesheng. →[End of this chapter]