
Chapter 001 Horses are not fat, and people are not rich

Horses are not fat without night grass, and people are not rich without wealth.

Zhao Ba Neng six years ago regarded money as dung. Now Zhao Ba Neng can't wait to turn himself into a flower and insert it into the "dung" forever. On that lightning, thunder and heavy rain, he fell alone on the edge of the Taoist temple in Majiatun, was taken in by the old road, and then stayed in bed for three months. Fortunately, thanks to Lao Dao's careful conditioning, he was reborn. The name Ba Neng was given by the old Taoist priest, because he didn't say anything except that his surname was Zhao.

Since the old man died three months ago, Zhao Ba has sold everything that can be sold in the temple, and even the rotten rafters on the top of the Taoist temple have been removed by him as firewood for grain and oil. The only gap between the Taoist temple and the "four walls of the family" is that there is also a doorway and a statue of Sanqing - like a mud embryo, and the doorway is hemp stone.

But Zhao Ba can not be afraid and never call him poor, because he never feels poor. The whole Ma family is his home. Whose yard door is not open to him?

The land of Majiatuner has always been the territory of the Ma family. Although Zhao Ba can dominate for a while, he can't dominate for a lifetime. Recently, he also began to worry. After the old man's death, Yu Wei dispersed for three days. In a nest surnamed Ma, there was finally a clear person who was going to stand up.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. The reason why Zhili's famous saying is that it can be used no matter what era and where it is.

Zhao Ba can sit on the mashi gate against the scorching sun, boringly clasping the firewood bud marks on his chest that are not much bigger than sesame, and taking a big sip of water. Wuqing came from the path under the mountain with bruises in his eyes.

"Stupid bird, have you been beaten? Ma Sanwa's animal was dry. Before being seen by Wu Qing, Zhao Ba could simply lie down.

It is Zhao Ba Neng's habit to sleep on the stone. On a hot day, it is cool.

"Brother Ba Neng, I went to Aunt Ma's restaurant today and was beaten by Ma Sanwa."

"Brother Ba Neng, you are talking! The TV in Aunt Ma's restaurant can receive 15 TVs. It's so beautiful. I just drank some wine on credit and sat there watching TV for a while. Ma Sanwa actually hit me. What the hell is going on?"

Wuqing was an orphan who was exiled to Mashantun five years ago. The old Taoist priest felt sorry for him and adopted him like a cat and a dog. However, unlike Zhao Ba Neng, Wuqing was not an apprentice of the old Taoist priest, and at most he could be regarded as a doorkeeper. Wuqing, who was 13 years old, has been able to correct his position and take Zhao Ba as the boss.

"If you are poor, you will be beaten!" Zhao Ba can finally sit up. He tilted his mouth and looked at Wuqing with a smile: "This Majiatun is no longer my Zhao Ba Neng's Majiatun! Boy, are you in the mood to go out with your brother? What have you learned after watching TV from Aunt Ma for so long?

"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon! Jiuyin Zhenjing!"

Shanliwa is simple. Speaking of TV, Wuqing, who was just 18 years old this year, suddenly forgot that he had been beaten. He hummed several postures and danced like a toad.

"Bah! If you really learn it, you can't even make a Ma Sanwa?

"Brother, Ma Sanwa is the best in Tuner! Of course, except you, brother! I'm definitely not his opponent!"

"Bullshit! Ma Sanwa, I can't win!" Zhao Ba Neng tilted his mouth, raised his foot and kicked Wu Qing. This trick has been used by Wu Qing for five years, and Wu Qing will hide with his eyes closed.

"You dodge the ball! Go and call Ma Sanwa for me. I'll take him today!"

"Brother, are you finally going to show your Taoism? Great, brother, I'm going to open the incense altar!"

If you can open the incense altar in the Taoist temple of "four walls of the family", it will become the ninth wonder in the world!

He was punched on the shoulder by Zhao Ba Neng, and Wu Qing ran to find Ma Sanwa. Wu Qing has also used a punch for five years, but he has never avoided it.

'Ma Sanwa, Ma Sanwa, do you really treat me as a sick cat? In the middle, since you want to practice this Lawson's "The Book of Wealth", take your baby as the vanguard!' Holding his chin, Zhao Ba Neng looked up at the bright sun. Three or four o'clock sunlight just passed through the hole in the eaves, and a beam of sunlight fell on the bridge of Zhao Ba Neng's nose.

Zhao Ba Neng is really not handsome. He is not a good person at a glance. The only characteristic is white. Wuqing lives the same life as him and basked less sun than him, but the two stood in a row. Zhao Ba Neng had to set Wuqing off like a piece of charcoal. In Wu Qing's words, Zhao Ba Neng's face could be directly used as a mirror under the moon.

Zhao Ba Neng's figure is also very ordinary. He doesn't stand up like Optimus Prime. He doesn't squat down like a mountain tiger. Only two thin eyes can save such a little fierce momentum and frighten the countryside.

But Ma Sanwa is different.

Ma Sanwa is a collection of spirits and spirits in Majiatun for decades, and is an example of the all-round development of morality, intelligence, physis, beauty and labor. Since his reincarnation, he has been Zhao Ba Neng's idol - those who can choose the village head's family are not ordinary fetuses! It is said that he was able to walk after landing. At the age of three, he began to practice on his father. In primary school, he beat the only teacher in the village to hospital. He went to the countryside to study in middle school and was almost arrested for peeking at girls going to the toilet. Well, he was escorted back by the police uncle, and he almost made Wuqing, who was two years older than him, unable to take care of himself. He was simply a talent!

"Tut, if such a person doesn't become a pioneer, it's simply sorry for Ma Jiatun's feng shui!" Zhao Ba Neng, who stood up with his eyes narrowed, returned to the empty Taoist temple to pack up his things.

In fact, there is really nothing left in the Taoist temple. Zhao Ba can turn out the best set of clothes and put them on, and walk to the clay statue of Sanqing.

The mottled Sanqing looks like an old man with no rafter, and a ray of sunlight falls on the roof, just shining on the face of Lingbao Tianzun.

Reflecting the flashing bright light, Zhao Ba could raise his hand and rub his eyes. Just at that moment, he felt that Lingbao Tianzun seemed to be smiling, and it was like the smiling face he was most familiar with in recent years.

"Old man, you forced me to do this! What a bullshit, the bullshit "Fortune Sutra", I have been refined by you to become a god who can't eat the fireworks in the world. You have been promoted to that world again. All right, I'll go. Anyway, Qingwazi also made evil. In the 21st century, how many people have broken the void, and he is still practicing the eighteen palms of the dragon..."

lowered his head and said to himself in front of Lingbao Tianzun for a while. Zhao Ba could raise his head, and there was a trace of moisture in the corners of his eyes: "Old man, I'm leaving. I hope I can come back to kowtow to you in the future!"

In fact, Zhao Ba Neng did not kowtow in front of Lingbao Tianzun from beginning to end, but he said that if he kowtowed, it was kowtow!

After a meal, Zhao Ba Neng had just sorted out his clothes and saw Wu Qing's body, which was no longer short, followed by a black tower-like thing, coming in the direction of the Taoist temple.

Isn't the black tower the Ma Sanwa who is afraid that the dog will run away when he sees it?

'I'm only 15 years old this year, and my son of a bitch is actually a whole head taller than me. Your father gave you fertilizer! Forget it, waste utilization, don't waste this board, put it around ** it will always come in handy for a few years.' Looking at Ma Sanwa's figure, Zhao Ba can slander hard in his heart. Anyway, the judge can't be convicted and can also regulate endocrine.

"Zhu Bajie, are you looking for me?"

Ma Sanwa is the only animal that can call Zhao Ba to Zhu Bajie. Not to mention, "Zhao Ba Neng and Zhu Bajie" are quite smooth.

Zhao Ba couldn't agree. Anyway, he didn't admit that his name was Zhu Bajie. He just looked at Ma Sanwa, who had thick eyebrows, big eyes and a big mouth, and maintained that smile on his face.

"Let the black-bone chicken come to me just to see your shrimp ball face?" Ma Sanwa sneered vigorously on her face. Others were afraid of Zhao Ba Neng, but Ma Sanwa was not afraid. The teacher said that it was called feudal superstition and wanted to be defeated!

Thinking of the word "playing", Ma Sanwa began to turn her wrist. Today, she has opened a fast on Wuqing's face. If she fights with Zhu Bajie, is it regarded as what people call "double happiness"?