
Chapter 009 The Meaning of the Boss's Lady

A Wei Xiaohai, a Wang Dongcheng, and a Hu Rui.

Three names can't help hovering in Zhao Ba Neng's heart: 'How can I make a lot of money?'

Ma Sanwa and Wu Qing don't know what Zhao Ba Neng thinks at this time. In their opinion, they can get 200,000 yuan of such a 'big money' in a day after entering Xihong City. Zhao Ba Neng is not only a fairy, but also a god of wealth!

"Dog baby, follow Brother Neng out and make a break, right?"

"Well, black-bone chicken, you're right. 200,000 yuan, ask for a city woman, and then go back to Mashantun to build a house. It can't be used up!"

'The little boy who doesn't even know how to please his mother-in-law all day long. Why don't you ask him back to be a mother!' Wu Qing stared at Ma Sanwa depressedly: "Your father has designated not to be biological. He not only gives you fertilizer, but also hormones, right?"


In the evening, Yuan was operating normally in the wine. Yesterday, the two veterans with "work-related injuries" did not appear, so the heavy responsibility of watching the scene fell on the thin Zhao Ba Neng's shoulders. Zhao Ba Neng just let Ma Sanwa stand next to the dance floor with a wooden stick with a thick arm. The whole edge in the wine was like the East China Sea Dragon Palace with a golden staff, which was very stable.

Later, Hu Rui also came, with a little light makeup on her face, and the light purple eye shadow made her look more charming.

When the boss's wife arrived, she had to drink two cups with those regular customers, and said a few words about half meat and half vegetarian jokes. When Hu Rui, who was full of alcohol, turned to the corner of the bar, she found that Zhao Ba could sit there all the time, calmly drink a bottle of pure water.

"Hey, I said, are you a man or not? If you keep a bar, you don't know how to drink some wine? Can't I treat you to drink?"

Hu Rui sat down and raised her hand to invite girls to come over and send some wine to Zhao Ba to drink.

"I don't drink!" Zhao Ba Neng knocked on the table and said, "You should drink less. Let me ask you something!"


"Wei Xiaohai came at noon today and lost 50,000 yuan for you. I left it at Mr. Bi. You haven't had a chance to talk to him, have you?"

Hu Rui nodded, and she absolutely trusted Mr. Bi.

"50,000, I'll draw 10% as your bonus, and I'll ask Mr. Bi to give it to you later."

10% is 5,000 yuan. From the boss's point of view, Hu Rui's doing so is benevolence and righteous. Unfortunately, Zhao Ba can look down on 5,000 yuan at all. "I privately charged him 200,000 yuan and sold him the surveillance video last night!" Zhao Ba Neng has not concealed his own deal with Wei Xiaohai at all.

"Tut, 200,000 yuan, my small bar, it will take at least two months to make a net profit of 200,000 yuan. Zhao Ba Neng, you are awesome!" Hu Rui didn't seem to be angry about this, but raised his glass to Zhao Ba. The sound of the gob touching the plastic bottle was very dull, just like Hu Rui's mood at this time.

She is worried: 'Has Zhao Ba Neng been bribed by Wei Xiaohai?' 200,000 cash, in some cases, it is enough to buy a life.

"Well, what a huge fortune!"

"If you want it, I'll give it to you!"

"I'm not interested, it's not clean money, and I don't want a penny! Do you think I have no bottom line like you?"

Zhao Ba Neng curled his lips slightly: "Well, I do have a bottom line, usually for at least an hour!"


Hu Rui felt that her face was very hot, and the guy in front of her was really a rogue!

The noise of the bar seems to be difficult to infect this corner. In the blurred light, Hu Rui suddenly felt that the man sitting opposite him was very interesting. Although he was not handsome, the lines on his face were very sharp, and dragons and snakes were hidden like swords. Such sharp lines were usually smooth in his eyes. The world is neutral and can't be highlighted. Only when the man lowers his eyes slightly or closes his eyes will he be noticed. What kind of man is this? If you smoke five yuan a pack of cigarettes, can you give people 200,000 yuan? Is this the so-called atmosphere?'

Zhao Ba Neng didn't look at Hu Rui, so he didn't know what Hu Rui was thinking at this time. He was just looking at Ma Sanwa standing on the dance floor. Ma Sanwa, like a black tower, is very obedient. Standing on the edge of the dance floor where the music is deafening and the rhythm can make the wine glasses dance, Ma Sanwa did not dance with it. Of course, he can't dance. Do you expect a black tower to twist his buttocks?

It's just that now there is a little girl shaking her head and twisting her buttocks around Ma Sanwa. Although Ma Sanwa's people have not twisted, their eyes have twisted like a twist, Tianjin marijuana flower.

Zhao Ba Neng frowned slightly. He was a little angry, but he turned to think that Ma Sanwa was only 15 years old this year and left Ma Jiatun yesterday. Zhao Ba Neng was relieved again. Not everyone is evil. Ma Sanwa is already against the sky if he can have a demonic body. Do you still expect him to have a evil heart? Ma Sanwa's body is at most an animal.

"Hey, don't you have something to tell me? That's 200,000 things?"

It doesn't feel good to be ignored, especially for a beautiful woman. Even if she only has a little tail of youth left, she still can't tolerate being ignored by the opposite sex.

"What is the purpose of your opening this bar?"


When Zhao Ba Neng suddenly asked, Hu Rui was stunned. In fact, she didn't know what her purpose of opening this bar was. At the age of 25, she came to Xihong City alone, and then invested and opened a bar for five years. Sometimes Hu Rui didn't know what was in Xihong City. She attracted herself and stayed for so long. Maybe it was to escape. Maybe it was because of the fate she expected in Xihong City?

"If you don't want to say it, forget it. Today, Wei Xiaohai wants me to help him get the fate in the wine."

"Do you agree?"

"No, but I didn't refuse, so I came to ask you." Zhao Ba can never deceive a person easily. He always likes to tell the truth, because in many cases, lying can only bring immediate benefits, but it may lose greater benefits in the future. In lay terms, it is called "outweigh the losses".

"What else do you know?"

"I heard that there is another one named Wang Dongcheng, tut, I'm starting to doubt whether there is an ancient tomb under my feet or buried gold. Why don't we find two hoes and dig them later?"

"Stupid! Country bumpkin!" Hu Rui smiled and said, "Do you think these things are the only thing that makes people excited? Do you know what is the most valuable thing in the city now? The land itself is gold, that is, antiques. Do you still have to dig?

"So you know, Mr. Hu," Zhao Ba can narrowed his eyes and the girl who twisted her hair crazily around Ma Sanwa was about to wipe Ma Sanwa's chest. Zhao Ba can even see that some part of Ma Sanwa's body has begun to swell, and the ups of her chest seem to be more exciting. A little fierce.

"The fifteen-year-old baby just can't stand temptation. Alas, find an opportunity to help him break it!"

"What are you talking about?"

Zhao Ba Neng's muttering voice was a little low. Hu Rui was not sure for a moment, but she heard the general meaning clearly, "Who are you going to break?"

"Can you still break it?"

"Bad hooligan!"

It seems that Hu Rui will only scold Zhao Ba Neng like this, but if it goes on like this again and again, Zhao Ba Neng will doubt that in Hu Rui's heart in the future, his face will be equal to the three words "stinky hooligan". In fact, Zhao Ba doesn't mind being a hooligan, but he really doesn't like the word "stinky".

"Drink less. I found a few different guests in the bar tonight!"

Zhao Ba Neng's eyes slowly glanced at the whole bar. He did not choose this position at will. Only here can sit still and have a panoramic view of the whole bar.

There is still a trace of blush on Hu Rui's face, which has nothing to do with alcohol. It's all Zhao Ba Neng's fault. However, when Zhao Ba could say that, Hu Rui put away his daughter's posture and said coldly, "Ba bastard?"

" strips, three." Zhao Ba can raise his hand and pinch his chin. His chin is very distinctive. There is a thing called 'beauty ditch' born on his daughter's face. It seems that Lin Qingxia has one. Zhao Ba can also have one on his chin, but in normal times, his black beard hides this ditch.

"What do they want to do? I'm very clean here!"