
Chapter 019 Goodbye Policewoman

Fan Tongxin did not live in the mayor of Xihong. He came here, saved Hu Rui from Wang Dongcheng, and took Wang Dongcheng as his own dog. After two days of lingering with Hu Rui, he left Xihong City and returned to the provincial capital.

After all, Xihong City is too remote, and many men don't have anything they like to play with. At least Fan Tongxin doesn't want to play.

As soon as Fan Tongxin left, Hu Rui was really relieved and had time to take care of her bar. But at this time, she found that Zhao Ba Neng had not appeared in the bar for the past two days, which was simply absent from work. If it hadn't been for Ma Sanwa's injury, Hu Rui would have deducted his salary.

At night, it was hard to catch Zhao Ba Neng, and Hu Rui was not polite. What covered her face was a roar. Women who did business alone were fierce. Even if they usually looked gentle, the foundation was still fierce.

"If you don't want to do it, get out! I gave you Ma Sanwa's medical expenses. Don't rely on me for this!"

"I want to do it, will you?" Zhao Ba can stand opposite the desk, and Hu Rui sits. In the summer, Hu Rui's shirt with the third button just convenient for men's eyes. Coupled with this obviously ambiguous words, Hu Rui's face suddenly became more ugly.

"Are you a hooligan?"

The body fragrance rushed to Zhao Ba Neng with the surging momentum, making him instinctively take a deep breath, "Men are not hooligans, and their development is abnormal. Boss, you don't even understand this, do you? This, you should understand.

The more Zhao Ba Neng doesn't pay attention to Hu Rui, the greater the anger in Hu Rui's heart.

Whenever she roars a few words, Zhao Ba can always take advantage of the gap to say a few words.

"Boss, I'm not talking about you. How old is Fan Tongxin's little white face this year? What's going on with his family? Do you think it's possible between you? Why don't we find a real one? What do you think of us? Age, identity, status, the most important thing is that we stand together. They all say it's a golden boy and a jade girl!"


Zhao Ba Neng's words finally made Hu Rui laugh.

"I have never seen such a shameless thing in my life!" Xianyu pointed to Zhao Ba Neng's little white face and Hu Rui said, "Don't see that your face is white, and the wrinkles are sandwiched with fly legs, Gui Geng? Do you have any status and status? Return the golden boy and jade girl? Old naughty boy!"

But women are just like that. As long as they are amused, their big temper will disappear. It's night... Don't get me wrong, Zhao Ba can not go to Hu Rui's bed, but just continue to work in the bar.

Mr. Bi Zhizhen is quite related to Ma Sanwa's injury. He was taken there by Zhao Ba can do it in a few words. Anyway, he can't die.

After making a few noises in the wine, it has also settled down. On the contrary, it has added a lot of palms to the bar and brought popularity. As soon as there are many people, there are more girls. Zhao Ba can find a place to sit down and narrow his eyes. Just looking at the girls who save resources for the country is also eye-catching.

To his surprise, at 12 p.m., the familiar fragrance floated into his nose again.

"It's not good for women to stay up late, especially older women!"

"Well, then it's okay for me to survive for a few more years!" Hu Rui obviously drank with the old guest again. With Hongxia on her cheeks, she fell to the opposite side of Zhao Ba Neng and opened her mouth, which almost made Zhao Ba Neng drunk.

"Business is good today..." Zhao Ba can deliberately not look at Hu Rui's shirt. The button that is about to crack has the unique ** power.

"Zhao Ba Neng, I just answered the phone and said that you broke Wang Dongcheng's arm?"

"Nothing, he hit it himself!"

"Where did you hit?"

"I hit my stick!"

Zhao Ba can look at Hu Rui, "Did the little white face call you?"

When it comes to Fan Tongxin, the smile on Hu Rui's face suddenly disappeared and sighed, "Actually, I also know that it is impossible between me and Fan Tongxin. What he wants is me, and what I want is his *. Women are difficult, really difficult. Without the shade of the big tree of the Fan family, my road in Xihong City will be more difficult. Zhao Ba Neng, don't laugh at me. I don't sleep with Fan Tongxin, so in Xihong City, I don't know how many men I want to sleep with today! At least Fan Tongxin still has a small white face and doesn't look too disgusting, does it?"

Hu Rui is telling the truth. Single women do business, especially beautiful women, and the process is often very... This is the national situation.

Zhao Ba can keep silent.

"But you broke Wang Dongcheng's arm. It's good. I'm very happy!" He picked up the cup and took another sip. That's how people are. If you don't drink it at the beginning, you won't be happy if you don't drink it to a certain extent! Hu Rui has drunk to a certain extent. Zhao Ba can see it, so he didn't stop her.

"But you have to be careful of Fan Tongxin."

Before the fragrant wind drifted away, Hu Rui left such a sentence.

"What did you say, the same bed and different dreams?" Zhao Baeng curled his lips. He was not worried about Fan Tongxin at all. Because the first time he met, he already knew that he would bump into Fan Tongxin sooner or later, but he hasn't figured out what Fan Tongxin is going to do when he comes to Xihong City?

Hu Rui probably won't tell him about this problem. Don't think that women are really stupid. Women who can exchange their bodies for benefits are never stupid, just a little naive.

But Wei Xiaohai may know.

Yuan closed in the wine. Zhao Ba Neng didn't plan to spend the night in the bar. He was going to take care of Ma Sanwa.

It was 3 p.m. when I walked out of the bar. To be precise, it should be 3 a.m.

The morning wind is very cold, and it also blows away Zhao Ba Neng's burnout. Walk along the street, because Xihong City is small after all, and Zhao Ba Neng has no idea of fighting.

I just walked halfway through the street, "Pa!" Two beams of light lit up in front of me. These were beams of xenon headlights of off-road vehicles, which were dazzling.

"If you walk too much at night, you will hit a ghost!" With his hand in front of his eyes, Zhao Ba could see the figure next to the SUV.

"Zhao Ba Neng, I have something to ask you about the situation!" Duanmuying came straight to the point, so that Zhao Ba had no room to refuse. Besides, he is a policeman. If he really wants to find you, can you refuse?

When getting on the car and closing the door, Zhao Ba Neng is puzzled. Why is there still a fragrance in the car wearing * Duan Muying all day long? It is definitely not the smell of car perfume, but the fragrance of Duan Muying.

"Have you seen Fan Tongxin?"

Fan Tongxin? Do you know each other well?"

"Don't care whether you are familiar or not. Let me ask you, what did he do in Xihong City?"

It's strange, why does Duan Muying care so much about Fan Tongxin? According to Zhao Ba Neng, the Duanmu family and the Fan family should be the so-called world friends. Everyone is fishing for food in these two provinces. The Fan family is mainly engaged in real estate, while the Duanmu family focuses on supermarkets and other service industries. It is not a big conflict of interest, but two industries that complement each other.

'This girl's tone is not very good. Is it possible that she doesn't match Fan Tongxin's little white face?' Zhao Ba can't get used to drinking, so his mind is still very clear at this time. If it is related to work, the black-faced god will not block himself on the road at 3 a.m. Maybe it should be her private matter!

A beautiful woman's private affairs always make men curious, especially a uniformed beauty like a black-faced god, whose private affairs are often an excuse to get close to a beautiful woman.

If Zhao Ba can have such a plan in mind, well, if he really has, maybe he should be unlucky! Women like Duan Muying are measured in an ordinary way of thinking, and it must be men who will suffer in the end.

"I don't know, I was the victim at that time! By the way, what about Wang Dongcheng? Why didn't your police arrest him? He took hostages, which is a very bad criminal act!" Zhao Ba Neng's voice was very high. He did not forget the "criminal fact" that he made Duan Muying suffer at the gate of the mall. At this time, he did not gain a moral foothold. I'm afraid that Duan Muying would have the courage to impose "Ten Tortures in the Qing Dynasty" next. He could not reason with women, especially with a beautiful woman who is a police officer. , which is even more unreasonable.

"How dare you mention Wang Dongcheng? What did you do today? You hijacked Wang Dongcheng's car, then pulled him to the garbage dump, and broke his arm after being humiliated. Everyone in Xihong City knows about this matter. Do you think I should arm you?"