
Chapter 025 Caught

"Be careful." Regardless of Zhao Ba Neng's idea, Duan Muying stood up and left.

Looking back at Duan Muying's back, Zhao Ba Neng shrugged his shoulders and continued to eat hot pot.

What kind of way will Fan Tongxin find his own trouble? In fact, even if Zhao Ba Neng has been very clear, Fan Tongxin, whose eyes have been swollen, will definitely deal with the injury first and lose face in front of the beautiful woman. Zhao Ba Neng can understand Fan Tongxin's mentality very well. Such a huge hatred must be reported in front of face to be enjoyable. Since we have to deal with the injury first, it is estimated that Fan Tongxin will find someone to hang himself tonight. At this time, it is safer not to follow Duan Muying.

"Well, I'm full!"

Leaving the hot pot restaurant and picking his teeth all the way. When passing by a mobile phone store, Zhao Ba Neng went in and bought a mobile phone.

"Dongcheng, it's me, Ba Neng!"

Directly dialing Wang Dongcheng's phone, Zhao Ba Neng's tone did not seem to be finished with his enemies, although the outside world believed that Zhao Ba Neng and Wang Dongcheng were sworn enemies.

"Fuck! Your stick is so cruel!"

Wang Dongcheng complained first, and then laughed again, "I heard that you have lost face to Fan Tongxin, haha!"

"It seems that there is no one around you! Didn't the little white face ask you to find someone to film me?"


"That's troublesome!"

"Why?" Fan Tongxin didn't look for trouble, and Wang Dongcheng didn't know where the "trouble" Zhao Ba Neng said came from.

"If I don't look for you, he must have found a master. If I were in his position, he would immediately shoot me with a gun!"

"You seem to have experienced it, not to mention death. Have you ever played with a gun?" Wang Dongcheng's tone is full of contempt, because in his concept, Zhao Ba Neng is a complete unruly people in the mountains.

"Within't saying this, wake up. If the little white face calls you, remember to call me this number!"

"Fuck! I hate being a 25th kid!"

Wang Dongcheng hung up the phone.

Zhao Ba Neng didn't go to the wine. He called Hu Rui and said that he had not come out of the bureau. The police asked him to find out the situation and asked for leave.

Hu Rui has nothing to say about this kind of thing.

Fan Tongxin's revenge is bound to come, and Zhao Ba can still be prepared.

It's almost nine o'clock in the evening. Zhao Ba can walk around the street and confirm that there is no tail behind him before getting into the "home" prepared for them by Wei Xiaohai

At this point of Ma 30,000, he is actually standing on the pile!

When Wuqing opened the door, Zhao Ba could see the sweaty Ma Sanwa at a glance.

"Huh? Hard work?"



"In order not to be beaten!"

Ma Sanwa's thinking is linear. When he was beaten, he knew that he could come to Majiatun, not because his strength was enough, but because his reincarnation skills were good! But now after coming to Xihong City, Ma Sanwa knows that compared with Wang Dongcheng's people, his reincarnation skills are really nothing.

Connate deficiency, make up for it the day after tomorrow!

Mr. Zhou is very good in his belly and good at guiding. As soon as he flirted with a few words, Ma Sanwa's heart changed dramatically. The simple Ma Sanwa finally realized that only fists are the most reliable!

Zhao Ba Neng did not intend to persuade Ma Sanwa's hard work. A person's path has always been taken by himself, especially as a man. When it is time to bear it, he must stand up bravely and bear it!

Compared with Ma Sanwan, Wuqing is purely an oil head. When Zhao Ba Neng was away, he guarded the TV without moving his buttocks.

"From tomorrow, Wuqing, don't go out. Sanwa, after you go to practice with Mr. Zhou in the morning, you will go home. Don't go out. Tell me what you need, and I'll buy it!"

"What's wrong?"

Wuqing was clever and suddenly heard the prudence in Zhao Ba's words. If nothing had happened, he would never say such a thing with Zhao Ba's lazy personality.

"I've offended people, and it's a big deal!"

After briefly telling Fan Tongxin's story, Wu Qing clamed fiercely, "Brother Neng, why don't you be him!"

Touching Wu Qing's forehead, Zhao Ba can shake his head, "Child, watch less TV in the future, especially that kind of series. If you watch too much, your IQ will decline!"

If you say you will do it, you will do it. That's TV, and it's an extremely exaggerated TV.

In real life, it may be easier to kill a person, but it is difficult to make up your mind to kill a person, especially to kill a person like Fan Tongxin. Unless Zhao Ba can consciously become a superman, he will never do that.

"If you want to play the game, you have to abide by the rules of the game. Fan Tongxin is just a pet raised by the Fan family. You haven't seen a real master yet!" Squint your eyes and light a cigarette. Xihong City was originally the place where Zhao Ba Neng planned to make his own fortune, but now it is abruptly involved in the Duanmu family and the Fan family, which makes Zhao Ba Neng's plan completely destroyed.

If you want to return to the original trajectory and follow the initial plan, Zhao Ba can feel that the first step is to destroy the cooperative relationship between the Duanmu family and the Fan family.

There is someone who can make good use of it.


As Zhao Ba Neng expected, after Fan Tongxin got up from the ground, smashed a cart of roses at the door of the public security bureau, and then drove away with Porsche 911.

He went to the hospital first to simply treat the wound. In fact, there was no wound, just bruises, but for Fan Tongxin, this was more uncomfortable than killing him. He wanted to kill Zhao Ba Neng immediately, but before killing Zhao Ba Neng, what he needed more was to vent!

Rich people, it is not a problem to vent.

In the best hotel and the best room in Xihong City, Fan Tongxin waited for his partner to vent - two young girls.

This is the prey that Fan Tongxin's men held for him. As for whether the two girls were forced or willing to enter the door, it doesn't matter.

After more than half an hour, Fan Tongxin finally felt much more comfortable. At this time, it was almost midnight.

While the two girls entered the bathroom, Fan Tongxin took out the phone and called Duan Muying.

"Xiaoying, what are you doing?"

When he said this, Fan Tongxin thought to himself that if Zhao Ba Neng's poor man really accompanied Duan Muying, he would immediately pay for a killer and let him shoot Zhao Ba Neng on the street tomorrow!

"Are you bored at work? I'm not free. Don't call me anymore!"

To work?

It is naturally impossible for the police to take a man to work. Thinking of this, Fan Tongxin actually felt better, "Oh, Xiaoying, you work so hard. Why don't we go to have a snack when you get off work?"


Duan Muying's phone was hung up directly.


Fan Tongxin's mood suddenly became worse. At this time, the two girls came out of the bathroom wearing pure white bath towels, with a strong fragrance, stimulating a nerve in Fan Tongxin's body, making him jump and press the two girls in **.

"Have you washed it all?"

Two girls nodded.

"I'll check it!"


Two white bath towels flew away like wings, revealing two bodies that were whiter than bath towels. Fan Tongxin bent down and smelled the intoxicating fragrance of the two young bodies. "Wonderful, it's really wonderful. I didn't expect that you could come out of Xihong City. Beauty, tut, I'm really lucky today, really good!"

The two girls' expressions are a little strange, like rejection, but also a little worried and hesitant.

Although they had just done everything, they were still a little nervous when they were pressed by men, because Fan Tongxin's behavior just now caused some small injuries to their bodies, which reminded them of the legend that there is a kind of person who has a unified name - pervert!

Fan Tongxin's movements ranged from gentle to rude, and the voices of the two girls also changed from low to high.

Don't think that women only make a sound when they are excited. In fact, when people are in pain, they will also shout very hard!

But Fan Tongxin was very happy to hear this high-sounding voice at this time.

Just as this symphony was about to enter the high tide, "Boom!", the door of the suite was knocked open!

The loud sound made Fan Tongxin tremble all over and almost fell ill. Although he was the second young master of the Fan family, when he was doing such a thing, he was suddenly broken into the door, which would also cause psychological obstacles. However, unlike ordinary people, Fan Tongxin was nervous for a moment, and then he didn't even react to ordinary people grab the sheets and wrapped himself. He turned over and opened his mouth to scold the person who broke the door.

"What the he did..."

The words were just out, and after Fan Tongxin saw the people who came in clearly, he was suddenly dumbfounded.


"Catch them all! Two women are taken back to make a record. This man will be detained first!"

The black-faced god had a black face, and his eyes fell slightly after patrolling Fan Tongxin's smooth body. The mixed smell emitted from the room can explain the problem even if three people wear clothes, not to mention that the two women are like two white rabbits, um, pure white rabbits.

"Why did you detain me?"

Duan Muying's eyes finally made Fan Tongxin wake up, and he shouted at the two policemen who came over.

"Someone called the police and said that there was a rape case here. We suspect that you are a suspect. Be honest, or you will suffer!"

The two criminal policemen in handcuffs actually met Fan Tongxin at the gate of the bureau in the afternoon. Now seeing this scene in front of them, Fan Tongxin's position in their hearts was immediately rewritten: Sure enough, rich people don't have a good thing! The boss's eyes are still clear and he hasn't been fooled!

Fan Tongxin didn't understand why Duan Muying, as a criminal investigation detachment, suddenly started to investigate the room? Isn't this a police matter?