
Chapter 030 Let's go to the school first

Finally, Wei Xiaohai and Zhao Baeng agreed to repair the school first. If someone in the Xinrong Township Government put forward their opinions, then contact them about the road construction. Judging from the financial resources that Wei Xiaohai and Zhao Ba Neng can provide, the road between Balipu and Xinrong Township is already the limit. As long as it is not adjacent to the national highway and provincial highway, it does not necessarily require approval in Xihong City.

Thinking of Bi Ziyao's tears and the school hidden in the cracks of the rock, Zhao Ba Neng couldn't wait to start work immediately.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaohai is not only a professional in this field, but also has enough experts in Wei Xiaohai's company.

Building a primary school is not just pulling over the materials to start construction, but also involves positioning, design planning and other things. Zhao Ba can't know anything about these things, but Wei Xiaohai's company has capable people, and it is very simple to deal with these things.

To determine the location, Wei Xiaohai asked the driver to take two experts invited by the province to Balipu, and it was finalized in one day. As long as the village secretary does not object, the villagers have no objection. One is not a primary school. At most, it is a street kindergarten-sized building. It is easy to choose a site, especially in a place like Balipu. Most of the surrounding areas are open spaces that cannot be cultivated. If you want, you can repair it. The role of experts is to ensure that the foundation is reliable. In addition, it is happening. During geological disasters, it is not easy to be impacted.

After the site selection is finalized, the city planning and design institute will produce the drawings. Because it was a personal act, Wei Xiaohai usually had a good relationship with the Planning and Design Institute. He only spent a little money to take out a full set of drawings.

Zhao Ba Neng also looked at it and was very satisfied.

Three classrooms and three dormitories, office toilet activity area and greening are all available. The whole school has a construction area of about 1,000 square meters and three-storey small buildings. The main body is all made of concrete cast-in-place shear wall structure, and the pile foundation requirements are equally high.

To be honest, the main body of a three-story school is made of concrete cast-in-place shear walls. Even the designers feel a little exaggerated. It doesn't feel like a school at all, but a bunker.

This is the decision made after Zhao Ba can discuss with Wei Xiaohai.

Although the cost has been greatly increased, considering the specific situation of Balipu, such a building can play a significant role in the event of another geological disaster, such as flash floods and landslides, mudslides, and may save many lives.

The earthquake that occurred in Sichuan in 2008 has attracted a lot of attention. Everyone is very concerned about the quality of buildings, but in fact, the attention to school buildings gradually became indifferent for a period of time after the earthquake. Zhao Ba can't want to build a grave for the children of Balipu in order to save money.

In half a month, Balipu Primary School finally broke ground.

A truck of construction equipment and materials began to pull into the eight-mile shop. The sun was shining brightly, and the dust raised on the road almost broke through the sky.

Zhao Ba can sit in the co-driver's seat of a large truck carrying the mold, hanging the handle on the door with his right hand, and his body can't help shaking.


The driver suddenly braked. If Zhao Ba Neng's right hand was not strong, he would have hit his head on the windshield.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, the car in front of me suddenly stopped!"

At this time, the convoy had just got off the provincial road and entered the territory of Xinrong Township. Zhao Ba Neng chose not to pass through Xinrong Township, but rubbed the edge of Xinrong Township and turned directly to the dirt road paved in Bali. His original intention was not to let people in Xinrong Township know too much.

"Ouch, all the cars have stopped!"

There was no air conditioner in the truck, and the fan hanging in front of the driver's head buzzed, but it couldn't stop the driver's sweating.

As soon as the car stopped, the wind coming in through the window also stopped.

In just two minutes, the heat in the cab made Zhao Baineng's shirt wet. Because of the high temperature, the plastic parts in the cab also began to emit an unpleasant smell, mixed with diesel, engine oil and human oil, which is very pungent.

"I'll go and have a look!"

The cargo ship pulling the mold is the seventh of the fleet. Since the whole fleet has stopped, the problem must be the vehicle in front of it.

Zhao Ba can step on the hot road and move to the convoy step by step. After passing two cars, he saw the blue and white lights, "tra traffic police?"

Yes, the convoy was stopped by the traffic police.

When Zhao Ba was able to walk to the side of the first car, he found that it was not only the traffic police, but also the road administration.

One of Wei Xiaohai's men are busy spreading smoke to the traffic police. At the same time, they can't help saying, "Brothers, all right. We are donating building materials to Balipu to build the school. Everyone is flexible!"

The cold hum sounded, and Zhao Ba could hear a hoarse voice.

What donation? Which of your bosses has a conscience? Bah, don't use these lies to confuse me. Let me tell you, even if you are a money truck today, as long as you are overloaded, you must pay a fine. You don't have to call to find a relationship. I'm the leader here. 800 yuan for a car. If you don't pay, you will deduct the car!"

Is the car overloaded?

Zhao Ba can shake his head with a wry smile. He knew very well that it was overloaded all the way. In fact, in addition to buses, how many trucks in the country are not overloaded? Unless he pulls cotton, raw cotton!

Perhaps when he saw Zhao Ba Neng's figure, the foreman named Dang Yuanqi quickly ran over to report to Zhao Ba Neng.

Zhao Ba can wave his hand and signaled to the party. Needless to say, since the overload was caught, it is not good to continue to pester the road administration and traffic police. After all, the state-owned law cannot be said that it can break the law casually for charity.

Originally, Zhao Ba could think that this was over. Who knew that as soon as he returned to the car, Dang Yuanqi came over with a bitter face.

"Brother Zhao, their leader said that a car costs 800 yuan, which is no ticket, and the ticket is 1,200 yuan. You say, if there is no ticket, it's not easy for me to tell Brother Hai when I go back!"

"Don't have a ticket? Eight hundred?"

This fleet has a total of 21 trucks, one car is 800, and 21 cars is more than 16,000 yuan. The head of Xinrong Township Road Administration is thinking like this!

"Fuck, it's actually on me!"

The more angry Zhao Ba can be, the calmer he will be.

"One thousand two, invoice them!"

After thinking about it, Zhao Ba was able to make an unexpected decision.

Originally, Dang Yuanqi came to Zhao Ba Neng, but hoped that he could make a certificate and return it to Wei Xiaohai for the order. As for the ticket, it doesn't matter if the private enterprise is approved by Wei Xiaohai.

But Zhao Ba can say that 21 cars have to pay more than 8,000 yuan, which is enough for fuel!

"Brother Zhao..."

"Listen to me, ask for a ticket!"

About 20 minutes later, the motorcade restarted. When the car passed the police car parked on the roadside with blue and white lights, Zhao Ba could stare fiercely at the guy who claimed to be in charge just now: the leader, it's not a good thing!

Zhao Ba can not be upset, but in fact, the person in charge is also uncomfortable.

Obviously, I don't want tickets, but this 16,000 yuan goes into the big guy's pocket. Hello, everyone. Now as soon as it opens, it seems that there is more money, more than 20,000 yuan, but no one dares to move the money. All of them have to be handed over first. Even if today's big action is in vain, he has to stick two taels of cucumbers. Can he not be angry?

So when Zhao Ba can stare over, the person in charge also stared back fiercely, "Kid, be careful! If you are overloaded again in the future, I won't fine you. Just detain your car!"

Looking at the person in charge gritting his teeth and saying such a sentence, Zhao Ba can suddenly laugh.

It's just that he smiled ironically, because in his feeling, it seemed that the person in charge of the road uniform just now said: 'I planted this tree, and I drove this road. If you want to live from now on, stay to buy road wealth!'

Familiar, that expression, that look, Zhao Ba can suddenly feel that it is simply too familiar. Isn't this face quite common on TV?


Balipu suddenly became lively.

After Zhao Ba can come here earlier, he has never appeared in Balipu again. Even Bi Xiang almost believed that this matter was probably yellow, and he almost forced Bi Ziyao to hang up Zhao Ba can.

Bi Ziyao has always insisted that Zhao Ba Neng is not that kind of person and must be kept his word.

Fortunately, a few days later, the expert who determined the address came and let Bi Xiang's hanging heart fall to the ground.

Who knows that after the expert left, there was no movement for a week.

Just as everyone was talking, the fleet of transporting equipment and materials made the people who care about this matter happy.

Bi Xiang was the first to find Zhao Ba Neng, and the fleshy palm held Zhao Ba Neng's hand tightly. "Ba Neng, you are here. I'm looking forward to the stars and the moon!"

Zhao Ba can smile and say nothing more. Sometimes his actions are often more convincing than words.

But today, there are obviously more people in Balipu than when he came last time. Zhao Ba Neng felt a little strange. Among the villagers around the convoy, Zhao Ba can see many middle-aged men, that is, the strong workers in the countryside. Last time, Zhao Ba Neng did not see any of them.

When asked Bi Xiang, Zhao Ba can know that after the emotional expert came to determine his position, Bi Xiang couldn't help calling out one after another to find someone.

Naturally, he was looking for those strong workers who went out of the village. Since they are going to repair the school for Bali, even if it is for their own children, they should come back, right?

Anyway, I'm still working hard outside. When I come back to help repair the house, even if I earn less, it's still for the children of Balipu.

Not to mention, the vast majority of the people who notified Bi Xiang, who can lay down their jobs, have returned. The rest will be back when it is finished.

"Now more than ten people have come back. After a while, I estimate that more than 50 people can come back. Although they haven't read any books, it's their job to repair houses. Eight cans. You can pay the salary at your own. If you don't ask for more, they will be willing to do it if they have enough food!"