
Chapter 075 Chasing and Interception

Xiaoqian, whose real name is Qian Li, is the leader of a key department in Danyang City, and his mother's family is a businessman.

Because Qian Li is the only one in the two families, he is very spoiled. But I don't know if it's because Qian Li grew up with six or seven sisters and three or five sisters. Before he was an adult, he had a sexual tendency. His family also sent him to the United States and Europe for psychological treatment, but the actual effect is really not flattering. Maybe it's because the psychology of Easterners and Westerners is not For the same reason.

Back to Danyang City, Qian Li insisted on living in his own way. He couldn't control it at home, so he didn't care about it.

Qian Li's mother's family has a good relationship with the Fan family, so Qian Li and Fan Tongxin are friends who grew up wearing crotch pants. As for Ma Zhengguo, his grade is higher than Qian Li and Fan Tongxin. Qian Li has many friends in Danyang, not only the group of young ladies, but also some heroes he met after opening this club.

In Qian Li's view, it is natural to help Fan Tongxin. After all, how strong Fan Dingsheng is and can't care about his Qian family. After a phone call, Qian Li called Fan Tongxin again, "Brother, it's done. Just wait for the good news!"


The performance of Audi Q5 is naturally speechless. Even if it is a dirt road, it will not have the uncomfortable feeling of ups and downs, like rippling on the water. Bi Ziyao was touching the jade bracelet on her wrist all the way, which was handed over by Su Hong and given by Gao Minghuan.

"Brother Neng, why are godfather and godmother so kind to me?"

There are two full travel bags in the back row of the carriage, which are full of things that Gao Minghuan bought for his adoptive daughter, from underwear to daily necessities. Everything is considered carefully.

Zhao Ba can't answer Bi Ziyao's question. He can only persuade Bi Ziyao to accept it sincerely and remember this kindness. In fact, Zhao Ba can also remember that if it weren't for Bi Ziyao's relationship, Su Hong would not have been able to find a bank to provide a loan. It is difficult to say the final result of the matter just by relying on the Fan family. The highway to Emei City will cause earth-shaking changes to the economic environment of Balipu.

How to make Bi Ziyao decide to live in Xihong City is Zhao Ba Neng's biggest concern now. With the transformation of Balipu into a government, Zhao Ba Neng can no longer rest assured to leave Bi Ziyao in Balipu.

On the way back, Zhao Ba can still think about this problem. Bi Ziyao's attitude is very resolute. Unless she can find a teacher with enough trust to replace her, she will not leave her children.


In thinking about the problem, Zhao Ba Neng did not pay attention to the distance from the car and almost caught up with the car in front of him.

"Fuck, it's great for you to drive an Audi?"

Since it was not installed, it is reasonable that the other party should not stop. Looking at the four people jumping off the Guangben, Zhao Ba Neng's heart suddenly hung up: Looking for trouble?

The car license plate is not local in Xihong City, or even from the province. Looking at the four big men who rushed to Audi, they are not that kind of stubble.


The fan-sized palm slapped heavily on the hood of the Audi car, leaving a sunken fingerprint, which is not something that ordinary people can do.

"Get out of the car!"

The back was blocked, and the car in front of it stopped again. The front and rear doorless Audi car could not start. Zhao Ba was calm down, grabbed the big metal bar used by Fatty Wei to lock the steering wheel, and slowly lowered the window. "Brother, if you want to make money, can you move the car? Let's go to the side to solve it."

"There are so many bullshit, come down quickly!" A man with a scar on his eyebrows has walked to the window of the car. Although he was empty-handed, Zhao Ba Neng noticed that the two guys walking behind him should have their hands behind him.

They all said that they would not fight an unprepared battle, but in fact, this is an ideal state. If Zhao Ba can encounter trouble on the way like this, how should he prepare?

He held the door with his left hand and loosened the door lock. Zhao Ba could smile at the man with a scar on his eyebrows through the window, but suddenly pushed the door open!


The heavy door of the Audi car directly hit the man and stabbed back, and Zhao Ba could take the opportunity to jump out of the car, followed by the steering wheel pole in his right hand, and smashed the guy who came to the situation!


The pole is very heavy, with the sound of wind. If it hits a person's head directly, I'm afraid it will kill people. But Zhao Ba Neng didn't really hit the man's head, because a steel pipe of almost the same thickness blocked it.

The huge impact made people's ears ring, and the power of Zhao Ba Neng's seemingly thin body was surprising!

"What a lot of strength, I'll do it!"

The man who just slapped his handprint on the hood easily crossed the front of the car and rushed to Zhao Ba Neng.

Zhao Ba Neng wanted to escape at first, but the man's movements were so fast that he could hardly give Zhao Ba Neng a chance to escape. Before the person arrived, the big palm of the fan was slapped over. Zhao Ba Neng instinctively raised the lock rod to resist. The two collided, only felt that his arms shook and the tiger's mouth hurt, and he almost couldn't grasp the lock rod.

"Sure enough, he is a practitioner!"

Zhao Ba, who was wary, continued to retreat, but the man who had just been knocked back by the car door came over from the back, and the corners of Zhao Ba Neng's eyes skimmed with a cold light - it was a knife!

"It's a big trouble!" The other party lit up the steel pipe and showed a dagger. Obviously, it was not a sudden situation. The other party was obviously prepared. Who is planning behind it? Zhao Ba Neng is not in the mood to figure out how to escape from these guys at this time is Zhao Ba Neng's wish at this time.

"I didn't expect to be right by Fatty Wei!"

Zhao Ba Neng, who rushed out, secretly scolded Wei Fatty's crow's mouth in his heart. The four guys started late, but it was obvious that the person who practiced the family was extremely high. In the blink of an eye, he ran back and back with Zhao Ba Neng. His obviously swollen right palm patted Zhao Ba Neng's shoulder fiercely.


After a muffled sound, Zhao Ba Neng's original forward momentum intensified again. Under the strong impact, his feet left the ground and flew over a distance of one or two meters, his whole body lost his balance and fell on the soil by the roadbed.

Fortunately, it's the mud on the side of the roadbed, otherwise, like Zhao Ba can't do this dog's clay posture now. I'm afraid he will break the phase. If he is unlucky, I guess his nose will have to wipe off a piece of skin!

"Brother Zhang is still sharp!"

Four guys followed and surrounded Zhao Ba Neng, who was lying on the ground. Two of them viciously showed the steel pipe with thick arms, waiting for the man with a scar on his eyebrows.

Zhao Ba, who fell a little dizzy, turned over, and his eyes swept over the faces of the four people at a very fast speed. He spat heavily, and the blood lived in the mud and sand.

"Don't think about running away. I should have broken your shoulder blades with a slap just now. If you are calm, let us break our legs, lie in the hospital for a while, and walk, otherwise..." Brother Zhang's face is very calm, and he seems to be very confident in that slap.

That palm was really heavy, and Zhao Ba could feel that his shoulder blades seemed to be really broken.

But it's just like, but it's not really broken!

Just now, when "Brother Zhang" slapped him, Zhao Ba was really worried about whether he could resist it. The warm current suddenly rushed out of the firewood and Huhua marks on his chest made Zhao Ba Neng avoid a disaster. Although the warm current could not completely offset the palm power contained in it, it allowed the damage of the palm power to Zhao Ba Neng's body to be controlled within an acceptable range.

So the actual situation of Zhao Ba Neng's body is not as bad as it looks.

"Can you tell me who asked you to come before you do it?" The corners of Zhao Ba Neng's mouth twitched, as if his words would be involved in the "wound" on his shoulder, and he felt that he couldn't bear it.

"Nonsense! Boy, if you want to complain about your bad luck, if Brother Zhang hadn't been free today, you might have really run away!" Thinking of Zhao Ba Neng's sudden move just now, the guy with a scar on his eyebrows was still beating a little. If it hadn't been for the slap of Brother Zhang and the blocked Zhao Ba can walk, he really didn't know how to tell him.

"Choose for yourself, boy, is it the left leg or the right leg? Of course, if you want to abolish the middle leg, we don't mind doing it for you!"

The arrogant language attracted the loud laughter of three people except Brother Zhang. Zhao Ba Neng's eyes narrowed slightly, like a poisonous snake ready to go.