
Chapter 089 Is Miss not a human?

In China, everything can be delayed, but only what really makes money will not be delayed.

It's like this Xi'e Highway Investment Co., Ltd., it only took less than a week from the application for listing to the formal completion of the formalities. Before New Year's Day, Zhao Ba Neng became a veritable boss, and he didn't even provide his ID card.

Can Zhao Ba have an ID card?

Of course, there is no. The Fan family helped him complete all the formalities in Danyang City, including an ID card that Zhao Ba Neng has never seen before.

Everything was handed over by Fan Xiaomin to Zhao Ba Neng, and the only thing Zhao Ba Neng would do was to go to Danyang City.

"Why don't I ask Xiaoling to take you there?"

Fan Xiaomin really cares about Zhao Ba Neng, but her concern directly makes Zhao Ba Neng tremble all over, "Forget it, I'm allergic to her Cayenne!"

Of course, Fan Xiaomin will not force this kind of thing, but she must come to her before Zhao Ba can leave. In fact, Wei Fatty has long wanted to drive the Fan sisters away from the small villa. Anyway, the experts in the big villa have left. When they go to the factory, the rooms are almost empty. They can invite the Fan sisters to live in the big villa. Fatty Wei means to give this villa to Zhao Ba. In Wei Pangzi's words, it's ridiculous to be the chairman and live in an apartment building soon.

Today is the 28th. Zhao Ba can nod, "Okay, I'll come back tomorrow morning."

He has a good plan. Since he is going to Danyang, he can contact two people to see if they are willing to help themselves.

Leaving the villa, Zhao Ba Neng could only brazenly call Wei Fatty and borrow Q5 for a trip. Naturally, Fatty Wei will not refuse. However, after hanging up the phone, Zhao Ba can begin to consider whether it is time to buy a car. He always borrows a car from Wei Pangzi. Even if there is no problem now, it will be troublesome if there are too many times.

Early the next morning, Zhao Ba can drive a car and come to find Fan Xiaomin after being full of gas.

It's not surprising that Fan Xiaomin wears professional clothes, but the woman standing beside Fan Xiaomin wearing a dark professional dress is Fan Xiaoling? Zhao Ba Neng couldn't help looking at it and finally made sure that it was really Fan Xiaoling.

"You take these materials with you. After you arrive in Danyang, someone will contact you."

"It won't be your second brother, Fan Tongxin, right? I don't like him."

"I know, no, oh, by the way, I brought my sister. Her Cayenne was requisitioned by me and I was just going back to Danyang City."

Zhao Ba can really refuse Fan Xiaomin's request. The Fan family has sent Fugui to his door. How dare you not take anyone away? Moreover, Fan Xiaoling is not like Sister Furong Feng, and sitting on Q5 will not affect the appearance of the city.

Then let's go.

Looking at Fan Xiaoling sitting on the co-pilot with a blank face, Zhao Ba can say goodbye to Fan Xiaomin with a smile and launch Q5 on the road.

Along the way, Zhao Ba can listen to the radio. Even if it is the original imported Q5, when the radio should have a current sound, it will not be less, and the current sound is still surrounded.

"Can't you play some music to listen to?" After getting on the highway, the windows were closed, and due to the poor signal on the highway, Fan Xiaoling finally couldn't help opening his mouth.

"The car is borrowed. I won't do it. If it is broken, there is no money to compensate!"

Zhao Ba Neng's reason sounds lame, like a third-rate actor.

Although she can't deal with Zhao Ba, Fan Xiaoling still has her own dignity. Naturally, she will not personally adjust the sound that makes her almost endocrine disorders. She can only hold her hands and close her eyes and pretend to sleep.

There are not many cars on the highway, and it is easy to experience a situation of speeding when there is no one to chat with.


When Zhao Ba can think of looking at the speedometer, he bows his head, but it is already 180.

The speed limit of this highway is 120, which is 50% faster.

"I hope it won't be so unlucky~"

Looking at the girl at the highway toll station smiling at him, Zhao Ba can politely take out his wallet and punch in to pay for it. Originally, he thought it was over, but before he stuffed his wallet back, two traffic policemen in uniforms and hats walked to the front of Q5 and gestured.


With a silent curse, Zhao Ba can drive the car aside according to the traffic policeman's fingers, slowly stop, and put down the window, "Comrade police..."

"Hello! Please show your driver's license and *."

While speaking, the traffic police also saluted Zhao Ba Neng. The procedure was quite standard, but Zhao Ba Neng touched his pocket and it was broken!

"This is *... driver's license... I didn't bring it with me..."

How can a person who doesn't even have an ID card have a driver's license?

The faces of the two traffic policemen have changed, okay? Not to mention the serious speeding of the highway, they are still on the road without a license. "Comrade, please get out of the car and show me your ID card!"

In a blink of an eye, it was no longer two traffic policemen around Q5, but several traffic policemen. One of them directly reached out to take off the key after Zhao Ba could get out of the car, which was also a procedure.

"What the hell!"

Originally, in order to resist those noises, Fan Xiaoling, who really fell asleep, was finally woken up by the sounds around him. He opened his eyes hazyly and suddenly understood that there was trouble.

"Idiot, what did you do?"

"Speeding, no driver's license, no ID card, immediately committing a misconduct..." Zhao Ba, who was sandwiched between the two traffic policemen, turned around and smiled bitterly at Fan Xiaoling.


Fan Xiaoling was actually very happy to see Zhao Ba can be embarrassed. She even wait for the traffic police to drag Zhao Ba into the police car and beat him up, which is more relieved.

"This lady, if you are a companion with him, please ask his family to send his driver's license and ID card as soon as possible, otherwise we can only impose administrative detention on him first..."

"Detain him. Anyway, I don't know him~"

Fan Xiaoling's unintentional words made the traffic policeman's face more serious. Perhaps some traffic policemen were thinking, "Have you caught a big fish?"

"Hey, Fan Xiaoling, I'm here to talk to your uncle about business. If this is delayed..."

"Deed! Your business is not my business~"

Although he said so, Fan Xiaoling obediently took out the phone and dialed the number and said to the traffic police, "Are you all executives? Wait a minute, I'll make a call~"

Danyang City is the provincial capital of Danyang Province, and everyone knows some things.

So after hearing Fan Xiaoling's words, which was not an ordinary girl at first glance, the traffic police were silent.

"Dabai, my friend and I were stopped at the highway exit. What, I don't care. My friend has nothing. Isn't it just a speeding? You can't handle it. Don't come to my house in the future. In addition, I tell you that this friend is my uncle wants to meet by name, and now my uncle is waiting for him. If you don't Believe it, just call my uncle!"

Fan Dingsheng did not say that he would meet Zhao Ba Neng, but Zhao Ba Neng is indeed Fan Dingsheng's friend, so it is difficult to tell whether Fan Xiaoling's words are true or false.

The traffic police around look at each other. Although they are all wearing uniforms, they are actually the most basic staff. They don't know who the "big white" in Fan Xiaoling said is, but many people have a hunch that this person who has neither ID card nor driver's license and is still speeding on the highway is afraid to leave.

Sure enough, less than a minute after Fan Xiaoling hung up the phone, the phone rang from a responsible traffic policeman at the scene. When answering the phone, the traffic policeman was a little far away. Zhao Ba could not hear what he said, but as a result, the car key returned to Zhao Ba Neng's hand, and then Q5 started again.

"The energy is quite large..."

"What is this... a small matter, as long as there is no death in a car accident, it doesn't matter."

"I hate privilege!" Zhao Ba can shrug his shoulders.

"Fake clear! No privilege, go to the detention center today!"

Zhao Ba knew that Fan Xiaoling's words were true, so he didn't interface and changed the topic.

"Didn't your sister say that someone contacted me after entering the city? What about people? The phone didn't ring either. Is it possible that you Fan family like to be late?

"Miss I'm not a human?"