
Chapter 098 Fairy Tea

Overturning two walls in a row, Zhao Ba can easily pat his hands and pat the dust away.

Those thirs who followed Qian Li have long been unable to keep up with Zhao Ba Neng's footsteps. They do not have the ability to fly around - compared with them, Zhao Ba Neng's skills like parkour can indeed be regarded as flying eaves and walls!

However, Zhao Ba Neng did not intend to take the opportunity to leave. As the saying goes, he is a master and bold, supported by the strong body brought by the cultivation of the Book of Wealth. Zhao Ba Neng is really not afraid of a few hooligans. The reason why he wants to avoid the edge for a while is that he does not want to expose his ability in these aspects.

But he didn't plan to run too far, because the strange-looking young man and his gloomy facial expression made Zhao Ba feel something.

You are not afraid of enemies, but you can't become enemies for no reason. Zhao Ba can't know where he offended this young man, but his courage to summon thugs to blatantly commit murder in broad daylight proves that he has considerable energy in Danyang City. Such an enemy can be resolved if it can be resolved, and it cannot be resolved. It is better to figure out the details first.

The footsteps are far away. Those young people with sticks and simple heads don't know at all that the target they want to pursue is actually a wall apart. Of course, it is also possible that they don't want to compete closely with a "master" who can fly around.

Fan Xiaoling was about to leave when the phone suddenly rang. It was a text message.

"Who is that young man?"

"Qian Li, Mulan's husband!"

Fan Xiaoling's text message was only a few simple words, but it was concise enough to let Zhao Ba understand why Qian Li hated himself so much.

In fact, he is also depressed. Zhao Ba can't know who did it now. How can this account be on his head?

But who killed Mulan?

Zhao Ba can lean against the wall. He doesn't want to go back to find Qian Li now. I guess the two have nothing to say. Meeting is a desperate situation. Although he is not afraid, it is not necessary.

"Who are you?"

Just when Zhao Ba could lean against the wall, thinking about his own affairs and completely ignoring the surrounding situation, a voice suddenly sounded beside him.


Turning his head, Zhao Ba could see a woman in blue.

"I'm Zhao Ba Neng..."

If this is also a good answer, then Zhao Ba can really give an impeccable answer.

"Zhao Ba Neng, oh, hello, can you tell me why you are in my home?"

Her home?

Zhao Ba Neng began to take a serious at this woman at this time.

The facial features are decent, which is neither beautiful nor charming. In short, it is upright and gives people an impeccable feeling. She is wearing blue clothes, not the kind of blue clothes in the play, but light green, a little like Hanfu. She looks very refreshing and clean, and matches her figure very well.

But she said that this was her home, and Zhao Ba Neng was a little strange.

You know, the club where you just ate is not an ordinary place to have a five-digit and six-digit meal. When he came, Zhao Ba Neng also observed the surroundings and didn't seem to see any apartment complex around him, not even a high-rise elevator. In terms of the current real estate market in Danyang City, this situation is difficult to explain.

Moreover, when he just climbed over the wall, Zhao Ba can find that the bricks and tiles under his feet are not modern industrial products, but quite historical building materials, which are completely different from the wall of the clubhouse next door. He almost thought that this is a tourist attraction or something.

But now this woman in blue actually said that this is her home, which can't help but make Zhao Ba feel strange.

"May I ask the girl's name?"

"Cao Zheying, Cao Cao's Cao."

Cao Zheying, a very good name.

"You haven't told me why you came to my house?"

"If I say I'm passing by, will you believe it?" Zhao Ba Neng stood up and patted the dust on his body. He thought that his action would surprise Cao Zheying, but he did not know that he was motion at all. It seemed that he had not seen Zhao Ba Neng's behavior at all. He just smiled and suddenly felt like spring on the earth.

"xin, I just heard that there was a lot of noise here. You must have come to my house to escape the disaster, right? However, I heard the magpie scream when I got up early in the morning. I have only seen you as a guest until now.

'Guest?' Zhao Ba can listen to Cao Zheying's words, but he doesn't know whether he should cry or laugh. Can a person who secretly climb over the wall like himself can also be called a "guest"?

"The visitors are all guests. I think you seem to be a little tired. Why don't you come with me and have a cup of tea to express your feelings!"

Isn't this woman too hospitable? What if I'm a bad person? Cao Zheying is generous, but Zhao Ba can be a man, but his heart is twisted. However, his twist is only a few seconds. Judging from Cao Zheying's performance just now, Zhao Ba can believe that this woman has never heard her name at all. Since the beauty invites her to taste tea, it is also an elegant thing.

Speaking of elegance, when Zhao Ba can shuttle through the courtyard of this room under the leadership of Cao Zheying, he was stunned to find that he had not noticed just now that his feelings were such a suppressed courtyard.

There are all kinds of pavilions and pavilions, fake landscape pavilions, weeping willows and plums, pine and cypress bamboo forests.

"Why didn't you find it just now~" Zhao Ba Neng couldn't help complaining at this time. It seems that sometimes people are really in a hurry, and the beautiful scenery is around them, and they often forget to appreciate it.

Cao Zheying's tea room is in the waterhouse.

It is said to be a waterhouse, but it is actually not big. Zhao Ba can walk in and have a look, and there are only four or five people kneeling in it, including a dead tree tea tray and an iron charcoal stove.

"I was making tea just now, but you chose a good time."

There is a copper pot on the charcoal stove, but at this time the water in the copper pot has boiled, and Cao Zheying directly poured the boiling water into the pool, but it is not used.

Zhao Ba can still understand the principle that there is no need to boil tea.

"Water is mountain spring water. I drive to the mountain to get it every other day. It's not far. It will arrive in three or two hours. Unfortunately, this tea can only be drunk every other day. The water is watery and dies from the root. The water the next day, without spirituality, the tea brewed will inevitably have a little taste." Cao Zheying talked about it. Zhao Ba could shrug his shoulders. "I drink buckets of water every day, but I drink the body."

"It's not impossible for you to say so. Well, in fact, I also want to find a place full of mountains and rivers to live for a long time, but I am doomed to have nothing left, so I have to live here and wait for the predestined person.

"Do you live?"

Is this kind of accommodation or swirly?

Zhao Ba Neng felt that he should despise this woman named Cao Zheying. If this is called a swelling house, the house provided by Wei Fatty to Fan's sisters can only be said to be a thatched hut. As for the apartment where Zhao Ba Neng lived in, he barely reached the edge of the dog kennel.

"Each has different standards, and the dulness is gloomy. Even if the carved beams and painted buildings are beautiful, they are also dwelling, and the aura is full of aura. Even if it is a thatched wooden house, it is better than Yuyu Qionglou..."

Listening to Cao Zheying's words, Zhao Ba can feel more and more that he has bumped into a psychopath, and he is also a psychopath of a large family, so he simply locked her in this place?

In fact, Zhao Ba Neng doesn't know anything about tea. He just saw old people tasting tea at home when he was at home and asked him to learn tea, unless the sun rose in the west.

But today, when he saw Cao Zheying making tea, he had a sense of mutual understanding. For the first time, making tea was actually an art.

"Cremaking tea is not only art, but also the art of cultivation, but making tea is sex."


I have to say that this word came out of Zhao Ba Neng's mouth and floated out of Cao Zheying's mouth, which has a completely different taste.

Even a woman like Cao Zheying couldn't help glancing at Zhao Ba Neng, as if she was looking at whether he was unintentional or intentional.

"It's mental nature. Hey, I'm starting to doubt that the magpie kept screaming this morning. Is it not the time yet? But since you're here, you'd better taste this tea.