
Chapter 111 Hidden contractor

Can Zhao Ba erase the happiness of these migrant workers for a year because of a Li Ming? He can't let them return to their hometown with empty hands and face their wives and children with helpless faces, so Zhao Ba can decide to pay.

"But Mr. Zhao, as far as I know, basically several segments have similar problems. If we compromise the five segments, it means..."

"Isn't it just money? Xiaoming, your parents also seem to have come from the countryside, right? Strictly speaking, you are also a farmer's child, aren't you? There is also an unhappy childhood, right? Compare your heart to yourself. If you can't even eat meat, can it be regarded as a New Year? Don't think about it, that's it, pay! Oh, tell Li Ming's construction site manager that we can bring the money immediately, but Li Ming must come forward! Tell my friends and migrant workers what I said!"

Forcing Li Ming to come forward!

Since Li Ming used this disgraceful way to force Xi'e Company to pay, now, Zhao Ba can use money to force Li Ming to come forward with those migrant workers surrounding the construction site and government departments that come to solve problems!

"Leaders, migrant workers, I just received a call from the general manager of our company. He has agreed to advance the labor salary owed by our Xi'e Company. Now, Director Fan of our company has been coordinating with the bank and believes that the bank will send this salary to everyone immediately. However, in order to ensure that everyone's legitimate rights and interests are not infringed, our company must meet your contractor, Li Ming. After Li Ming personally reaches a consensus with our company, we will pay this money according to people's hair!"

Ming Feiping talked with hundreds of eyes, with a calm tone and a sincere expression. Both government officials and those migrant workers who really ask for wages have accepted this statement.

However, some people still disagree!

Some "migrant workers" began to shout, "Who are you waiting for to pay!", "Will we still cheat your wages?" "Li Ming won't pay if he doesn't come?" What if he can't come back abroad?


"Comrades, noise is not the fundamental way to solve the problem! Since Xi'e Company has made it clear that they are willing to bear the salary difference of 700,000 yuan, our government believes that this is a good start and an attitude to solve the problem! But you can't blindly fool around. The government will protect everyone by asking for wages through formal channels, but if it is unreasonable, it is disturbing the social order and will be punished by law!"

Government officials began to speak again. In fact, when they heard that Xi'e Company was willing to take out the money immediately, most migrant workers were no longer willing to make trouble. Seeing that the Spring Festival is coming, is it possible that there are still people who really want to squat in the kiln?

"Call Li Ming out!"

"Yes, let Li Ming come out immediately!"

"I heard that Li Ming embezzled the money! Xi'e Company is willing to pay. Why can't Li Ming's bastard come out?


With the passage of time, the anger of migrant workers has shifted. It is no longer aimed at Xi'e Company, but at Li Ming, the contractor. Especially when people say that local workers have already received wages, and Li Ming deliberately does not pay their wages to these workers from other places, the atmosphere at the scene It is becoming more and more beneficial to Xi'e Company.

"Money is coming, money is coming!"

Soon, the bank's special cash truck slowly stopped on the roadside next to the construction site, and two policemen with live ammunition got out of the car and guarded the cash truck.

"Comrades, the money is in place. Now we will wait for Li Ming. As long as he comes to the scene, you provide your ID card, and we will pay your salary after copying!"

Ming Feiping roared loudly.


"Why hasn't Li Ming come yet?"

"Call him to come quickly! Otherwise, we will go to his house. I know where his house is. Let's catch him!"


Seeing the situation at the scene, Zhao Ba Neng finally smiled. At least now, the people who had just been provoking trouble among the migrant workers no longer dare to speak. The simple migrant workers pay attention to "affordable". Now, the money is in the cash truck to prevent the money from flying into the pockets of these migrant workers. It has become The "missing" Li Ming.

Ten minutes have passed.

Half an hour has passed.

An hour has passed.

Two hours later, Li Ming, who could not withstand the pressure from all sides, finally appeared on the construction site. This guy came by taxi. After seeing a bald head coming down from the taxi and confirming that he was Li Ming, Zhao Ba Neng couldn't help sighing that this bald head was really smart.

If Li Ming drives here, no matter what car he drives, maybe he won't want to drive away today.

But he came by taxi, which is really hard to say.

"Let's get out of the way. Li Ming is here and let him explain to Xi'e Company!"

"It's getting dark. We have to ride more than 60 miles of motorcycles when we get home. Hurry up and pay!"

Li Ming's appearance boiled again at the construction site.

Touching his bald head, Li Ming didn't care. Even when he met and shook hands with government officials, he looked extremely arrogant.

"What if you have to let me come? I'm here, but you guys give me money!" Two fierce eyes stared at Fan Xiaoling and Ming Feiping. He knew Fan Xiaoling. Every time he received money, he had to deal with Fan Xiaoling. Li Ming, who did not understand Fan Xiaoling's identity at the beginning, once had Fan Xiaoling's thoughts, but his behavior fell into Fan Xiaoling's eyes, that is, the scum with only five combat effectiveness, which was not enough.

Fan Xiaoling, who has learned from Ming Feiping that Zhao Ba can be at the scene, doesn't need to show Li Ming at all, "Is it coming? Okay, we will pay the money now, but Li Ming, you have to sign the salary form to prove that these workers should indeed receive the money. They are all your workers. You should know the most well whether they have paid and how much they have paid, right?

"Signature? Sign the word J8! I'm illiterate and can't sign. In short, since you have shipped all the money today, you have to send it. If you don't send it, you have to send it!"

I don't know if Li Ming's level is too low. I don't know Xi'e Company's * or because Li Ming deliberately did it. In short, his attitude in front of Fan Xiaoling and government officials was still very bad. It was not until the workers standing outside the project department shouted that he found that the situation seemed to be wrong. Those The workers are clearly targeting him.

"This is Li Ming, who said our money!"

"Let him make an IOU! If he doesn't fight, we'll kill him today!"


The anger on Li Ming's face is still the same, but with the call of migrant workers, the initial calmness in his eyes is gradually disappearing, "Signing is okay. Anyway, I won't admit that I'm short of money!"

The payroll has been made. Li Ming signed the form one by one under the confirmation of the construction management personnel at the site. Fan Xiaoling and Ming Feiping were watching, while Zhao Ba Neng had already walked to the periphery of the crowd. He decided to follow Li Ming and find the place where the boy settled.

Taking advantage of the worker's payment, Zhao Ba can call Fan Xiaomin, ask the driver to drive over, hide it, and listen to his arrangement later.

It took more than an hour to pay money. Even if the bank arranged personnel to participate and the three money counters were busy together, it took more than an hour to distribute all the 700,000 wages, and even Fan Xiaoling was sleepy to death.

"The money is shining. Is there nothing wrong with me? I'm leaving!" After yawning, Li Ming stood up.

Ming Feiping wanted to stop Li Ming from leaving, but was pushed back by Li Ming's fierce eyes.

After all, Ming Feiping is just an ordinary person, and he dares not fight with a desperate man.

And government officials will not intervene in such economic disputes at all. When more than half of the 700,000 wages have been paid, government personnel from relevant departments will drive away, leaving only people from Xi'e Company and migrant workers who have not yet received wages.

"Fuck, waste my time!" Li Ming scolded and walked out of the office of the project department. Several people who had been mixed with migrant workers also came out at this time. Following Li Ming, the group of people staggered to leave the construction site.

"Keep up, don't let them walk!"

Zhao Ba can sit in the Mercedes-Benz car, with big sunglasses covering half of his face, and the cold atmosphere spread in the Mercedes-Benz car.