
Chapter 125 Duanmu "Curiosity"

When Li Ming lay on the table, Zhao Ba could get everything he wanted to know.

The Ma family is also the Ma family.

In fact, Zhao Ba Neng had expected that most of the things on the construction site had nothing to do with the Ma family. The only thing he couldn't figure out was why the Ma family stared at him?

'I don't seem to have done anything worthy of such a great fight for the Ma family, right? Tut, is it because of Fan Tongxin's matter? Are the people of the Ma family too righteous?

Compared with studying the motives of the Ma family, Zhao Ba can be more interested in the guy who "robbed" Li Ming 1.5 million.

Using a simple eavesdropper makes Li Ming obedient and has no momentum to oppress. I'm afraid he can't do this. Obviously, this person should be friendly with himself, but who is he?

It is very likely that the person who took action also listens to other people's arrangements. So, what kind of big man should he be who can make such a person?

Rubbing his forehead, Zhao Ba was able to pay the bill, threw Li Ming to the young man waiting in the car, and then walked slowly along the road outside the hotel.

When he was in Majiatun, Zhao Ba Neng had already developed this habit. When there was something he couldn't figure out, he walked away, and his whole body's blood was smooth, as if his brain was clear. Many things that he couldn't figure out could also figure out.

From the hotel to the company.

Although Xihong City is not a big city, I'm afraid ordinary people will not do this when walking from the hotel to the company, because Zhao Ba can walk for two hours.

Although the weather was cold at this time, Zhao Ba Neng, who walked all the way, had hair and sweat on his forehead, and his coat was also untied and put on his wrist.

"Thinking about it, only Mr. Fan of the Fan family has this kind of motivation and strength. Tut, in this way, the three people of Mulan should also be arranged by Fan Dingsheng. Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot. If he doesn't move, he is always like thunderous. Ha, Duan Muying, a little girl, is afraid of such a headless case. You've been scratched your nose many times!"

It seems that walking thinking is indeed a very reasonable thing. At least Zhao Ba can feel that he has found the answer.

Back to the office, before she finished drinking a cup of hot tea, Bi Ziyao came over and said that she would go to Su Hong's house for dinner in the evening.

'No, this aunt Gao really regards Bi Ziyao as her own daughter!' Zhao Ba can rub his forehead. The big fish and meat he ate at noon have not been digested yet. It's time to drink with Su Hong at night.

Su Hong, the secretary of the municipal party committee, is also a different person. He rarely eats outside. Zhao Ba can hear that many enterprise owners in Xihong City are proud of inviting Su Hong to dinner, and even show off, which shows how tight Su Hong's mouth is.

With a self-deprecating smile, Zhao Ba can feel that people like him can go to Su Hong's house for a family banquet at any time. If they want to show off, I'm afraid they will envy many people.

At Su Hong's home, Gao Minghuan was as enthusiastic as ever, which made Zhao Ba Neng feel embarrassed. Su Hong hasn't come back yet, but there is an extra nanny in the family.

"Lao Su, I just can't take care of myself, and I can't stay with him every day. I'm worried about finding someone from home to take care of him. Well, I'm going through the internal withdrawal procedures recently. When the formalities are completed, I can also live in Xihong City every day and be with our Xiaoyao every day."

was held by Gao Minghuan and sat on the sofa. Even if she was very familiar, Bi Ziyao still looked a little cramped, probably because of an extra nanny.

Although Zhao Ba Neng has not deliberately inquired about the situation of the Gao family until now, he can see some clues from the 50-year-old nanny in front of him.

She is moderate and well-doed. I'm afraid she knows more about how to talk than many rich women, and she is extremely good at things, not to mention her dress. Although she is not fashionable, she is very neat. Zhao Ba can see the nanny's ten fingers, which do not look rough, and the nails are very neat and clean!

These are the characteristics that only real big family servants will have.

Zhao Ba can remember that in the Zhao family, if every servant wants to officially start independent work, he must go through at least three to half a year of training, and there is also a one-year inspection period. Only after layers of assessment can he be qualified to serve the core personnel of the family.

Don't underestimate the servants. In fact, Chinese people are used to talking about things at the dinner table. Many families often know the secrets of these nannyes from core positions, so even if the wages received by servants are not very high, as long as they are willing, they can always use this information to get a larger income for their families. Benefit. Of course, if any servant spreads the master's conversation without authorization, the consequences will certainly be tragic.

"Her name is Zhang's mother, and she will stay in Xihong City in the future. Ba Neng, don't cook by yourself and Xiaoyao. You can come home to eat at night. Just make a phone call. Zhang's mother will prepare!"

Gao Minghuan said that Zhang's mother nodded beside her with a smile, as if she would not have trouble cooking more meals for two people at all.

After Su Hong came back, Zhang's mother began to hold the dining table and quickly began to eat. Zhao Ba Neng found that Zhang's mother's craftsmanship was probably no worse than those of the chefs in the Xihong Hotel.

"Zhang's mother, the old man in Gao Laozhuang is good at craftsmanship. My family has been eating the food cooked by Zhang's mother since he was 20 years old. Ha, you're welcome, Xiaoyao, eat vegetables." Su Hong has no airs at home. He chatted with Zhao Ba Neng and drank at the same time.

Of course, Su Hong and Zhao Ba Neng are still discussing the engineering issues of Xi'e Company.

"We can't disturb the people, we can't create a lot of environmental pollution, we can't cut corners, and we can't owe wages"

The four can't be, which is Su Hong's basic requirement for Zhao Ba Neng, that is to say, as long as Zhao Ba can meet these four requirements, no matter what happens, he can find Su Hong to solve it.

Zhao Ba Neng naturally has no problem with Su Hong's four requirements. Now that he has known his true identity from Cao Zheying, Zhao Ba Neng is relatively light-looking at many things. Whether Xi'e Company can make money or how much money it can make, whether it is Zhao Ba Neng, Fan or Duanmu, doesn't care. What everyone needs is just a platform and a posture.

In business, what the Fan family and Duanmu family like is the direct relationship between Zhao Ba Neng and Su Hong. The relationship between the two is a guarantee and gives Zhao Ba Neng benefits. It is of great benefit for the next step to enter the real estate and transportation and warehousing industry in Xihong City. The Duanmu family has a long-term vision, but for the Fan family, it is more meaningful to have a good relationship with Zhao Ba.

In fact, until now, the Duanmu family has not figured out what else is worth investing in the Fan family in addition to Su Hong's "s son-in-law".

But the Duanmu family is not a fool. As time goes by, Zhao Ba Neng is also gradually entering the sight of the senior management of the Duanmu family.

As the saying goes, there is no hatred for no reason, and there is no love for no reason,

The Duanmu family is a businessman, so the Fan family is not a businessman? If there is no reward for throwing a lot of tickets on Zhao Ba Neng, unless Fan Dingsheng is a fool! But judging from Fan Dingsheng's performance over the years, this old man is smarter than others.

So with the Fan family's attention to Zhao Ba Neng, the Duanmu family finally couldn't sit still.

During the Spring Festival, Duan Muying was asked by the owner to talk alone many times when she came home. In addition to the old marriage with Fan Tongxin, the most common topic was around Zhao Ba Neng.

Unfortunately, Duan Muying's understanding of Zhao Ba Neng is indeed very limited, limited to Zhao Ba Neng's not very good side. Therefore, Duanmu Wu Rui, the owner of the Duanmu family, felt that he could not dig out more information just by relying on his own granddaughter who lacked brains.

After some thinking, Duanmu Wu Rui still decided to find someone else to touch the details of Zhao Ba Neng.

This person is Duan Muying's cousin, Duanmu is heroic.

Duanmu is worthy of his parents' name. Of course, he deserves the homophonic word, not "grand" but "curiosity".

From childhood to adulthood, Duanmu has shown a unique curiosity, and he has still been an adult.

Fortunately, his curiosity is not all focused on the opposite sex, so it is also a useful talent for the Duanmu family.