Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 8 Doubt

"I killed..."

Zhang Yi's eyes were blank, and his expression was heavy and dull, which had a great impact on him. As a long-term imprisonment of exam-oriented education and thought, and under the profound influence of honest people for such a serious event as killing, the impact on Zhang Yi's thoughts is really unparalleled!

Although I once fantasized that I had become an omnipotent master, I could live a righteous and happy life everywhere and eradicate all injustices in the world with the sword in my hand. But that's just imagination. It's very different from reality.

Now Zhang Yi, like many ordinary people, appeared as frightened as most people after killing the first kind of his life. For a person who was born in the countryside but is reluctant to kill a chicken, killing a person is as serious as the sky falling!

Many people may say that even such a big mouse and centipede can be killed without any psychological pressure! It's too illogical to become like this because of killing a villain! However, this is the truth. You should know that this is a human life, not a pig, a dog, a cow or a sheep. For any normal human, there will be a psychological burden to kill a person no matter what kind of person.

This is everyone's normal reaction. Even those soldiers who have been on the battlefield, even those who have done all kinds of evil, no matter how they regard human lives now, when they kill for the first time, most people will have similar mood swings, because this is the behavior of normal people. How can you distinguish it from animals?

At this time, Zhang Yi has never noticed where to lie on the ground, with countless small scars all over his body. Even if it is polluted by countless wounds and dust, he still can't hide his peerless enchanting and unparalleled face. Body. From the original lifeless and endless despair of mood swings to now there is a little life.

A pair of cold, empty, lifeless and lax desperate eyes finally began to turn around, and the beautiful but expressionless eyes finally began to gather in focus, with a faint and flexible vitality. The gray eyes finally began to change to black and bright, but the tears in the corners of the eyes still slipped silently, as if in Keep crying about the terrible experience of the master!

The pale and dusty face is as beautiful as carved jade, and there are still a few blood-red marks, which are very red and swollen. Several cracks appeared in the delicate cherry lips, and the bright red blood beads slowly condensed, and traces of blood kept flowing from the corners of the mouth, and several clusters of messy green silk sticking to it.

The perfect proud peaks that slowly rise and fall, but they are no longer so holy because of a few bruised claw prints and several embosses. Smooth lower abdomen, with a few weak wounds and a few sands faintly visible on it. How can the charming forest that countless men dream of, but now it is polluted with a little dust, and the mysterious secluded place is looming. How nice it would be if the perfect legs are not covered by wounds and sand!

A cold wind blew, and finally pulled Zhang Yi, who was dull, back to reality. He turned his head slightly, and a scene that made his blood swell came into his eyes. He immediately swept his body and mind, and his head hit the machine again. His eyes were as wide as a cow, staring at the beauty in front of him, afraid of missing it at all, and two drops of hot bright red ** came out of his nostrils.

The place where the lower body is covered by the tattered rat skin has now been proped up by a small tent, and the sense of expansion keeps reminding the owner of its need and desire!

"'re fine..."

Because it was too swollen, he finally pulled it back to reality. Zhang Yi was at a loss and said to the woman on the ground with a red face. For a guy like him, a pure virgin who has never really been in love, the scene in front of him really doesn't know how to deal with it.


A thunder cut through the sky. Looking up at the sky through the twilight, you can obviously see countless dark clouds, which are rapidly converging. The pressure of the sky is getting stronger and greater. In the blink of an eye, bean-sized raindrops began to fall, and colleagues are accompanied by gusts of wind!

"Smm... there is still something wrong with this rain. Are you all right?"

Raindrops fall on the body, still as if they were stabbed by a needle tip. Obviously, it still has a corrosive effect, which is very depressing. Fortunately, they are used to it and can withstand it. But looking at the moment when falling on the beautiful woman's wound and emitting smoke from time to time, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that the rain had more serious corrosion on the wound, so Zhang Yi asked anxiously.

"What's wrong? Can I help you?"

Seeing that the other party still did not respond for a long time and remained motionless like a dead person, Zhang Yi continued to ask annoyingly.

"Oh...I'm sorry!"

After waiting for a while, the other party still did not respond. The wind and rain were getting heavier and heavier, and the temperature was getting lower and lower. In desperation, Zhang Yi gritted his teeth and immediately came forward to hold her in his arms after saying to the woman. He did not forget to pick up which two rat legs and the steel bar. At the same time, he casually found a direction and began to run to see if he could find a place to shelter from the rain.

The soft and warm body was held in his arms, and the intoxicating fragrance poured into his nostrils. Although his mind was still pure and there was no desire. All he wanted was to find a place to shelter from the rain quickly, but his body still reacted again because of this. He couldn't wait to be reluctant to lose it like this forever!

I was not very lucky. I soon found the remains of a building such as a suspected villa. Looking for a moment, I finally found two almost intact houses with the help of dim light. Although there is nothing in it, it can still shelter from rain and cold, which is perfect for Zhang Yi now!

After carefully putting down the woman, Zhang Yi immediately began to check whether there were anything usable in the room. According to experience, there should always be some tools or something in the room! It seemed that it was transferred. Zhang Yi actually found a hidden door in the second room and smashed the door lock with steel bars. When he entered it, he found a well-preserved storage room!

Looking at some things inside with the faint light, Zhang Yi was immediately ecstatic, and there were many practical things stored in it. The most surprising thing is that two things similar to batteries were found, and there are obviously some supporting tools next to them, such as wires, light bulbs, etc...

So Zhang Yi used his basic knowledge and good manual ability to quickly connect the light bulb and battery accurately through the wire, so the storage room of about ten square meters was suddenly brightly lit, and everything was really clear.

With the light, Zhang Yi soon found the text on the battery, including the manufacturer, the factory date, etc., which were explained in Chinese and English in the middle, especially the manufacturer's name and the factory date, which brought a great shock to Zhang Yi!

Because this manufacturer is a very famous battery and electronics manufacturer in China, which factory date is also used, and it is half a year before its own birth. At the same time, looking at these accessories in his hand is no different from the one used in his life, even the manufacturer's address. It also uses the name of the Chinese country and the name of the city owned in China, and the Chinese language heard on the shelf, which made Zhang Yi, who had been thinking that he had traveled through some time ago, instantly fell into confusion!

From the beginning to now, except for the steel bars and things I have just found, it seems that everything else is completely different from the homeland where I once lived. It doesn't match at all. It's difficult to doubt that I travel. But when I saw the scene in front of me again, I completely disrupted my previous thinking, and now I can't figure out where I am!

I was stunned for a long time and still had no idea. I couldn't think of a reason, so I aimed at other things in the storage room. An old pressure cooker, no different from the one I was familiar with, a new frying pan produced by Fang Tai kitchen utensils, including a spatula.

There are dozens of coal balls next to it, a coal stove, and a box of charcoal, including kitchen knives, bowls and chopsticks, tables and chairs... and so on. And there are tablecloths, blankets, and several old couple's 'Adidas' brand clothes and trousers worn in summer. Aren't all these things familiar to you? Don't tell me that these are all brought by travelers!

Everything in front of you seems to be constantly reminding Zhang Yi that you are not a traveler. But if I'm not a traveler, what's wrong with such a big mouse, cat and centipede? Can't I really even blow up a nuclear bomb?

Perhaps from another perspective, he did not travel or die by a nuclear bomb. Now he has survived and is still on the earth. But why are the mountains, rivers, moon, sun and climatic conditions in front of you not related to anywhere on earth?

After thinking for a long time, I still couldn't give myself a satisfactory answer, so I had no choice but to think about it. At the same time, I thought that I could save the woman. Maybe the answer could be found from her. Thinking of this, Zhang Yi finally smiled a little, and finally found the answer like a heavy burden, at least it comforting herself.

When Zhang Yi came out of the storage room, the night had come completely. There was no light outside, but only a storm and a piercing chill. Through the thunder, you can clearly see the beautiful carbs huddled on the cold ground and trembling all over. The body makes people grow countless tenderness from the depths of their hearts, and a feeling of pity begins to dominate themselves.

sighed and walked over, took the beautiful woman into the relatively warm and well-shielded storage room, and threw the tablecloth and two sets of women's clothes to her, which meant that she could wear by herself. Zhang Yi also ran outside to wash his body, then put on two sets of old men's clothes and trousers and began to prepare for today's dinner.