Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 18 Nine-turn Xuanyuan Recipe

"In this case, I will pass on what I have learned to you as much as possible. As for how much you can learn in the end, it depends on your own talent and ability."

There are still not many "female demons" words, and there is no emotion at all. Although she knows that she is good to everyone, she always gives people a feeling of rejecting people thousands of miles away. Fortunately, Zhang Yi is used to it. Especially since they have been "intimate" with each other for so long, the girl occasionally says some vague dreams at night. Obviously, she has an unknown and very sad past. Now there is no need to expose other people's scars.

" there also my share?"

Luo Ting asked with surprise and joy. You know, as a person close to some fields, she knows a lot of secrets. This kind of profound skill and method will not be spread casually. If he dared to spread this skill three months ago, he would be ruthlessly chased. As for now, the death and injury of those guys can't even protect their own lives. Who cares about this?

"After all, we are a small group now. If we want to live, we must be united, and we also need strength. To say something you may not like, taekwondo is really not useful, and it can't even be good-looking. This is just for performance, and what I have learned is the real killing skills.

The "female demon" said proudly and confidently. At this moment, Zhang Yi felt that she exuded an unparalleled charm and temperament all over her body, and seemed to have a strange feeling of looking down on all sentient beings. At this moment, it seems that in front of her, everyone should be humbly and lower their high-profile head.

In the following period of time, the "female demon" began to teach Zhang Yi seriously, and even the little girl finally joined them. Zhang Yi also began a very painful practice career every day. Because he has no foundation, to say that there is no standing posture or sitting posture, everything has to start from scratch.

It's just that one thing worth praising is that its endurance and physical quality are far beyond what he used to be. Now he doesn't even need to pull the ligament anymore, otherwise a single ligament will make him suffer a lot. Considering that Zhang Yi is a man and has no foundation at all, the arrangement given by the "female demon" to Zhang Yi is to practice mental methods sooner or later, and the rest of the time to practice basic moves, such as horse steps, long fists and knife basic moves.

In the words of "female demon", all the moves of martial arts have evolved from basic moves. If a person can't even practice basic moves, it will be useless no matter how you practice the following. As the saying goes, if you want to build a high-rise building, you always need to lay a foundation first, and the basic move is the foundation, and no one can cross it directly.

Even Luo Ting, a taekwondo master, is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the "female demon", and its foundation is still very thin. Of course, it must be much better than Zhang Yi, so she has to learn the basic moves. In the morning and evening, it is around dawn and around dark, especially in the morning, when the so-called aura is the most active at the yin and yang meeting, which is the most appropriate time to practice internal skills and mental methods.

And the mental method taught by the "female demon" is very exciting, called: Jiu Zhuan Xuanyuan Tips. Of course, for Zhang Yi, who has read many kinds of online novels, it looks so plain, and there is a faint feeling that this will be a lie to himself. The reason is very simple. This seems to be the name of martial arts that only appears in immortals or fantasy novels. In reality, I have never heard of it.

Facing Zhang Yi's doubtful eyes and expression, the "female demon" directly gave him a shudder and spit out two cold words: idiot! Zhang Yi was embarrassed for a while, and then the explanation of the "female demon" was also half-confident, and there was some slander in his heart, but he did not show it.

The reason is that her explanation is very fantasy. In the words of "female demon", you have to study the set of "Nine Zhuan Xuanyuan Tips" I taught you, which is many times better than all the so-called Shaolin's Yijinjing, Wudang's Pure Yang Gong and other unique skills. These so-called famous martial arts are all scum. !

The kung fu cultivated by those so-called martial arts schools is just the so-called martial arts. They can't even talk about real martial arts, let alone more powerful martial arts, and this set of martial arts is a real martial arts. As long as you practice the first two, you can cross the world and practice to the first Triple, it is also easy if you want to kill the beautiful imperial president living in the White House.

According to the code recorded by their ancestors, the nine-turn Xuanyuan secret is practiced to nine turns, which has the terrible power of destroying the earth, moving mountains and seas, and picking stars with one hand. Unfortunately, the second half has been lost for thousands of years! Zhang Yi was stunned by these words, as if he were listening to a fantasy fairy tale.

To be honest, Zhang Yi now doesn't believe what the other party says, but there is a strange heart that is eager to try, so there is not much opposition. Anyway, there is nothing to do now. Let's try it for a few days to see if there is any shrimp feeling. If you feel good, then practice it. If you don't feel it, it's perfunctory. You just need to learn some basic moves.

Then Zhang Yi still practiced slowly according to what the "female demon" said. The foundation is relatively simple, that is, to do this strange movement and breathing method. The difficulty is actually the action. Think about doing a strange ten minutes at the same time, and it is completely against the balance of the body, and it is extremely difficult, plus the action that tortures the bones, joints, ligaments, organs and other parties.

After ten minutes, change the next set. The first one, that is, there are nine sets of movements in the first turn. It must be completed continuously to play the greatest role. That is to say, it takes about an hour and a half to complete the first nine sets of actions each time, which is really painful for Zhang Yi, who has just begun to practice.

After completing the first time, every part of the body, every bone and every inch of muscle are extremely sore, and they will sweat a lot, but the only strange thing is that they obviously feel the increase in strength, the spirit is very good, and the brain seems to be very refreshing and flexible, which makes Zhang Yi vaguely feel that this thing seems to be real. My "wife" didn't lie!

For three days in a row, Zhang Yi was half tired to death every day, and his whole body was in pain all the time, constantly challenging his pain nerves. Many times he really hoped that he would faint in pain. Unfortunately, things are not as good as people wish. Not only did I not feel faint at all, but also because of the strange state of energy and brain brilliance, it always leads to my clear feeling and the uncomfortableness of every part of the body!

Due to the painful practice of these three days, Zhang Yi hugged his "wife" at night and wanted to have a shot. Even the little guy was very active, but his body, especially his muscles, could not stand it at all. This directly leads to the great pain of Zhang Yi at bedtime every night. Think about the need to see your little brother being seduced mentally, but every muscle and every cell in your body is extremely painful, including your evil little guy. This kind of pain in the soul and body is very imaginable and endured. !

On the fourth day, after Zhang Yi practiced the first mental method, his whole body suddenly shook, and there was a sense of so-called qi in the meridians of his body, which made Zhang Yi suddenly excited and felt that the hardships of these three days were completely worth it. The only difference from what the "female demon" said is that this feeling is a little abnormal.

According to the different focus of people's own physical attributes, there will only be weak feelings such as slight heat, coolness, freshness, thickness, sharpness, lightness, coldness, vitality, sunshine, etc. in the meridians. However, I feel slightly hot, slightly cold, and a feeling that is really dominant, not alive at all, seems to be completely separated from the body, like metal, like water, like stone, etc., which is completely not what normal people should have.

"I don't know what's going on. Maybe it's because your body has mutated, but at present, I'm not sure whether it's good or bad. As long as you work hard, this power is still controllable and powerful at present. No one knows what will happen in the future. If I guess correctly, this is caused by the current environment.

After listening to Zhang Yi's words, the "female demon" still said coldly, and then closed her mouth. As for her performance, it seemed that she seemed to have the same problem, since she didn't care about herself and was afraid of hair!

Then Zhang Yi honestly practiced with Luo Ting and the cute little girl according to the words of the "female demon". Of course, the "female demon" did not stop and also practiced very hard not far away. It's just that what the three women practiced is completely different from Zhang Yi. After chatting, they learned that what the "female demon" has practiced for their mother and daughter, which is only suitable for women's cultivation and the "Nine Heavenly Xuannu Heart Sutra", which is still a very fantasy name.

However, at present, it seems that they are really beautiful to practice, and there is a strange beauty of fairies coming down to the earth and dancing. Although the movements are still strange and difficult, each action looks so beautiful, so elegant, and so non-eating the fireworks of the world!

After that, three women and one man practice hard every day except for eating, bathing and sleeping. Of course, the little girl often can't stand to play by herself. During this period, everyone seems to be very good, which makes the "female demon" occasionally smile with joy, although it is still very short!

It is worth noting that during this period, there was also a very sad thing in this group of people, that is, the two people suddenly had a strange disease, their muscles were rotten and their blood vessels burst. In just two days, there was only a pile of dead bones left, which once caused everyone to panic!