Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 20 Life and Death Escape

Hearing Qin Hao's words, Zhang Yi was so angry that his blue veins burst out, and his hands were clenched with a "kake" sound. For a man, what kind of hatred is the greatest is nothing more than the hatred of killing his father and his wife, and now this hatred happens in front of him. No matter what the "female demon" thinks in her heart, she has regarded it as her own forbidden in Zhang Yi's heart and does not allow any other man to touch her finger, and now there are people who want to cuckold themselves face to face!

How can you stand it as a bloody man? So Zhang Yi held the "female demon" in his arms with his left hand. At the same time, there was a flash of inspiration in his head, stretched out his heart and his right hand, and then hugged Luo Ting in his arms. Suddenly, he hugged her left and right, and said with a sinister face:

"What a domineering tone and a domineering way of doing things, but it's a pity that they are all my women now. If they want to step over from my body, otherwise I will definitely destroy your nine races!"

After Zhang Yi said viciously, a sullen breath dissipated and his mind was much clearer. Finally, I noticed the row of black muzzles and suddenly felt excited all over. After that, I was still too impulsive. Sure enough, the impulse was the devil!

After listening to Zhang Yi's words, two blushes appeared on the "female demon"'s face, and nothing else. Instead, Luo Ting's face turned red, a hot air swept her face, and her heart beats inexplicably quickly. She was shy, happy, overwhelmed... and so on, countless strange feelings swept her whole body, as if she had returned to the moment of first love.

On the contrary, the little girl raised her little head, with a puzzled and doubtful face. Finally, she asked innocently, "Uncle, when did my mother become your woman?" Do you want to be the father of the little one?

It's okay not to ask. As soon as I asked, Zhang Yi stood on the spot, and his face blushed with embarrassment. Although there are occasionally a little evil thoughts in my heart, my family knows my own affairs, and it is still very clear how many pounds I have. It has been lucky to have such a woman as "female demon". How dare you really think too much? Occasionally, this idea is also quickly suppressed.

You should know that some things can't be thought about for a long time, especially if the goal is around for a long time. If you think too much, it's easy to go crazy and make mistakes. Don't make a basket in the end, or grab the reality in front of you first. Just now, this was just a momentary fever in the head, and it was a stopgap measure. Now I was asked by the little one who didn't know how to answer for a while!

"Children, don't ask nonsense!"

Luo Ting was also confused for a moment. In the face of her precious daughter, she really didn't know how to answer, so she had to make a lesson that she thought was fierce.

"Okay...Okay...Okay...You are fine. Up to now, the family of four is still flirting. Tell me, how do you want to die?"

I didn't expect that the goddess in my eyes was actually the woman and lover of the stupid little boy in front of me. Now she is still in the mood to flirt, which is simply unbearable, so Qin Hao slowly walked out and shouted with a gloomy and vicious face in anger.

"Ha ha... Don't worry, your grandfather's family will die of old age, but they won't die halfway like you and be punished by God!" Zhang Yi's eyes were gloomy, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. He walked to the other party step by step and said slowly word by word. As soon as the voice fell, his face suddenly sank again. Tang Dao came out of its sheath and cut Qin Hao's head like lightning. At the same time, he shouted at Luo Ting and the three of them, "Run with your little girls!"

"Huh... looking for death!"

Qin Hao snorted coldly, and his body suddenly flashed quickly to the left. At the same time, his body squatted forward and punched Zhang Yi's stomach as fast as lightning.

Qin Hao's reaction and counterattack was incomparable. Similarly, Zhang Yi's reaction was not slow. Feeling the crisis of the stomach, he immediately used a set of light body skills @ method recorded in the "Nine Zhuan Xuanyuan Secret": Teng Longbu, one sideways dodged a move of Yunlong probe, and cut down with a sword instead of a sword.

However, Zhang Yi's reaction is very fast, but the actual combat experience is really too little. How can it be compared with Qin Hao, a guy who has been fighting since childhood? This guy narrowed his eyes slightly, turned around to avoid the knife light, and bombarded Zhang Yi's chest with an ordinary straight fist.

Suddenly, Zhang Yi's internal organs had a colic, and his body twitched like a broken kite. He flew back to the feet of the "female demon" and hit a piece of dust with a "touch".

"Became them away, my queen!"

The "female demon" had a gloomy face and said to Luo Ting coldly for ten thousand years. Tang Dao came out of the sheath and turned into a wisp of smoke to kill Qin Hao's men.

" Take care, let's go!"

Luo Ting nodded heavily and kicked the two broken floor tiles under her feet to Qin Hao. At the same time, she turned around and hugged the little one with her left hand, and flew out with her right hand to hold **'s wings.

"Worse, it's surrounded!"

After rushing out of the back door, Luo Ting sadly found that more than a dozen robberies had been aimed at the three of her. Obviously, the other party had already prepared to catch everyone.

"There's nothing we can do now. Protect the little one, and we'll rush out!"

At this time, Zhang Yi, who had recovered his breath, looked unprecedentedly dignified, straightened his body and clenched the weapon, and said with a resolutely low face. Obviously, the other party will not let go of himself and others. Instead of begging for mercy and waiting for death in a low voice, it is better to fight vigorously. Maybe there is still a trace of vitality.

"Good! Close your eyes and hold your mother tightly!"

Luo Ting is a decisive and independent person. Of course, she knows what to do at this time. She loosens her wings with her right hand and hugs the little one with her left hand.

"Prepare to rush!"

Zhang Yi shouted in a low voice, kicked the chicken nuggets around and kicked them out. At the same time, they used a dragon step, with several lightning-like flashes in a row. Two knife lights flashed out in an instant, and two heads landed.


A series of gunshots sounded, and the target was almost aimed at Zhang Yi, forcing him to jump left and right to dodge bullets with the help of light body skills.


Seeing that the enemy was aiming at Zhang Yi, Luo Ting knew that her opportunity had come, so she shouted and picked up the little girl to perform the light body skills in the Nine Heavenly Xuannu Heart Sutra: Flying dance steps, the whole person is like a fairy down to the earth as a wisp of erratic, fairy-like figure, and the knife light brings a A gorgeous blood flower, and the three fell down in an instant.

The "female demon" in the room killed five people in an instant, and at the same time pointed directly at Qin Hao and fought with him in an instant. I have to say that although Qin Hao is a dhow and does all kinds of evil, his skills are really good. Especially in the case of the sudden double speed of power, the war with the "female demon" has become a draw, and no one can do anything about it.

"Let's go, we must leave this woman!"

As Qin Hao's best friend who grew up together, he also belongs to the martial arts family. They also serve together and are also assigned together by relationship. Zhou Peng, as Qin Hao's think tank, is very ambitious and pays attention to profit in the world. He does everything he can to achieve his goals, but he is only loyal to Qin Hao. His martial arts skills were extremely high, coupled with his shrewd mind, and he immediately saw the situation on the scene, so he ordered several former "wulin masters" and special masters around him.

These people have always been convinced of Zhou Peng. After all, they are intelligent, powerful and strong. Who dares not to accept it? Hearing the instructions of the second master, how dare not to obey, so they put down their guns and stabs to join the battle group. Their wind direction changed instantly, and the "female demon" retreated one after another!

"Sister Ting, take the little girl first, and I'll pick up the 'wife'"

After rushing out of the siege, Zhang Yi was worried about his "woman", so after talking to Luo Ting, he turned around and returned again.

"Hmm! Take care!"

Luo Ting knows that due to the existence of the little lingering, it is a burden for everyone, but for Luo Ting, this is all about herself and her hope to survive. Therefore, the little one can't do anything wrong. Everything should put the little one's safety first, and everything else will be behind, including her own life.

She has no objection to Zhang Yi's current arrangement and performance, but she feels a little guilty and is very gratified. This is what a man should do. It's really look like you used to be. How are you in heaven?

"Why did you come back?"

Seeing Zhang Yi, who was stained with blood, rushed to him, the heart of the "female demon" who had just protruded from the siege trembled, and a pair of watery eyes were full of fog, and she asked with a slight crying voice.

"You are my woman, the first woman. I can't leave you alone. Unless I die, nothing will happen to you!"

Zhang Yi was a little stupid, and at the same time, he said loudly indisputablely.

"They have a lot of masters. We are not opponents. Run!"

The "female demon" was extremely moved, and her delicate body trembled. She took a deep breath and pulled Zhang Yi to run in the direction of Luo Ting.

"Damn bitch, if I can't get it, I will destroy it myself and kill them... Kill them all!"

Qin Hao touched Liang Youyou, with a trace of slightly painful balls, and raised his hand and there were a few drops of hot blood in his palm. This hateful woman broke her crotch with a knife and cut the egg skin at the tip of the knife. Fortunately, she hid quickly, otherwise her lifelong happiness would be cut off! At this moment, his love for the "female demon" instantly turned into endless hatred, so he roared with a gloomy, vicious and gritted teeth.

"Ah... Go by yourself, leave me alone!"

Facing dozens of masters of the other party, he held a very powerful hot weapon in his hand. Because of Qin Hao's injury and madness, he issued a 'must kill order' to Zhang Yi and others. Zhang Yi and others, who led to escape, faced the opponent's fire-fire like a rainstorm. Unfortunately, as Brother Chu's left shoulder and right leg were hit by bullets, and there was no hope of escape. In this case, why drag others down, so Zhang Yi said to the "female demon" with a frustrated and desperate face.