Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 29 Hell's Magic Knife

"What about the ancient martial arts created by your ancestors? What are your tips for cultivating immortals? What about your organization's technology? What about your feng shui metaphysics? What about your countless brilliant cultures? What about your traditional Chinese medicine? What about your acupuncture? ......”

Nirvana No. 9 has a series of speeches and questions like the Taotao River, which made Zhang Yi and the three of them blush and bow their heads in shame. Each of these words hits everyone's weakness. Although it is not the fault of themselves and others, their ancestors must have an inescapable responsibility!

"Okay, okay, some of them look dead, and I also know that all this is not your fault. Having said so much is nothing more than hoping that you can recognize the reality. Don't give up the end. The nine-turn Xuanyuan secret and the nine-turn Xuannu Heart Sutra you have practiced are also the top skills that countless people have dreamed of in our master's era.

"Especially in activating the bloodline in your body, it absolutely surpasses all other mental methods. Of course, I also know that you have not learned much. You are indeed lucky. An ancestor of the Ji family once died not far from the Nirvana Tower, and I just picked up his things. And it also happens that there is a full version of these two sets of skills. As the direct descendants of the Ji family, these two things should be returned to the original owner. You can choose what to do!"

After Nirvana No. 9 finished speaking, two snow-white jade slips appeared in his hand and handed them over to Ji Tianxue.

"Thank you"

Ji Tianxue trembled all over, and countless fog appeared in her eyes. She bent down and took Yu Jian and sincerely thanked her.

"Ha ha, this is your thing, mainly for me or my master, its value is not as high as the nuclear emperor's formula. But for those of you who have such special blood, it is a supreme treasure. I hope you don't spoil such a treasure!"

"Well, you haven't told me what kind of cold weapons you like to use? Remember to choose the one that suits you, and remember the principle of being greedy and chewing!"

No. 9 said very seriously.

"Kword, sword, sword, I don't know"

Needless to say, Zhang Yi chose the knife, while Ji Tianxue and Luo Ting both chose the sword. Only little Lori Xiao Jiayi was too young, so I didn't know.

"Ha ha, I knew you little guy would say that. It doesn't matter. Just come to Uncle 9 when you decide later!"

No. 9 doted touched the little girl's head, said with a smile, and then turned his head to look at the three adults.

"It's almost the same as I thought. This may be the so-called God's will. Coincidentally, the master left this set of knives with me. Then I will pass this set of hell magic knives to you. One thing you need to remember is that the hell magic knife is too murderous, which can easily damage the mind and make it bloodthirsty and crazy, so you must always pay attention to self-cultivation and have extremely high requirements for the state of mind in the future!"

No. 9 turned his head and looked at Zhang Yi, with two sharp rays in his eyes, and said extremely seriously.

"Hm, no problem, as long as it's powerful. I use it to guard, not kill for killing!"

Of course, Zhang Yi knew that there was something in the other party's words, so he patted his chest and promised.

"Well, this is the original. After you recognize the Lord with blood, you can open and watch it according to the password key I gave you. Remember that after you are fat, your direct descendants can't pass it on!"

Nirvana 9 solemnly handed a crystal-like transparent round sheet to Zhang Yi's hand and said.

"You like swords, and you are all women, so I will pass on this set of sword dances of destruction to you. This is the skill practiced by my grandmothers in those years. I hope you don't bury them. In fact, it doesn't matter if it is buried, because you will also pay the price of your life for it. Remember that you have to be ready now. Once you get out of here, it is the moment you always face death!"

"The emperor's road fights, the mountains and the sea of blood, the law of the jungle, the success of the king and the defeat of the bandits, the winner is the emperor's loser or die! You can only move forward but not backward. You can take care of yourself! The method and opening method of this set of swordsmanship secrets are the same as the hell magic knife. Both of you and this little guy can learn. Well, that's it. I'm going to rest!"

After Nirvana No. 9 sent the secret book to Ji Tianxue, he fell asleep immediately, causing Zhang Yi and others to slander. Do you still need to sleep and rest as a robot? Go lie to the devil!

"The weapons for cultivation are in the weapon cabinet in the lounge. Find them by yourself!"

Just as Zhang Yi and others were worried about weapons, the voice of Nirvana 9 sounded faintly. This angry guy was really speechless. Everyone slandered him!

Zhang Yi quickly found a weapon somewhat similar to an oriental knife, while Luo Ting found a regular ordinary-style sword, while Ji Tianxue unexpectedly found a wide giant sword about two meters long, which made people a little scared and weak! Little Lori didn't know where to find a dagger. As a whole, it is made of crystal material, which is gorgeous, luxurious and beautiful!

Zhang Yi quickly followed the steps, opened the secret book of the knife method, and then began to study carefully, and was soon attracted by the horrible knife method recorded in it.

A cold light shines on the ring,

Ghosts have been crying and howling for thousands of years.

Blood and empty bones become stars,

There is no rebirness between gods and demons.

As soon as the magic knife comes out, the blood will be collected, and the god will block the god, and the devil will kill the demon.

These words alone make people shocked and excited. How arrogant and domineering it is. At the same time, the murderous intention that comes to the face also makes people shudder!

This knife method evolved from the swordsmanship of "Hell Magic Sword", and then fell into the hands of our predecessors, and finally flowed into my hands, and I modified it into a 100% suitable supreme knife method according to the characteristics of "Nuclear Emperor's Secret". This knife method is too serious. All inheritors must always know how to control their own killing thoughts and mood, and have extremely high requirements for their mood. Remember that it is a human sword, not a knife. Only with the nuclear emperor's formula can the magic knife exert maximum power!

This paragraph almost explains the origin of this knife method. I didn't expect that it evolved from a set of swordsmanship called Hell Magic Sword, and then it fell into the hands of the hands that may be the owner of Nirvana No. 9, and then it was modified to its current appearance.

There is a huge question mark, that is, it fell into the hands of our clan, that is to say, the earliest "Hell's Magic Knife" was not owned by the owner of Nirvana 9 at all. Were there any other intelligent races at that time?

Many things can't be clearly thought of by Zhang Yi now, so in the end, he can only give up and start to concentrate on watching the practice formula.

There are ten sets of hell magic knife methods, which are: drawing method, broken sky type, dragon-killing type, heart-breaking type, ten thousand ghost type, soul-breaking type, Shura style, hell type, demon-killing type, god-killing type. There are nine changes in each style, including recruitment and killing, even if it is used for defense, it is mainly offensive.

As the predecessors who created this set of knife method said, the best defense is to attack. Those who use knives should have a supreme hegemony that is invincible, invincible, and fearless. The knife is the hegemon of hundreds of soldiers, the main killer, and 100 soldiers are destroyed with one knife!

"Drink... draw a knife!"





In the top mask of the huge round Nirvana Tower with a diameter of 100 meters, Zhang Yi in one corner is constantly practicing the first type of Hell's Magic Knife again and again: drawing a knife, which seems to be simple but extremely difficult to practice. It has extremely high requirements for the bones, toughness, speed and explosive power of the whole body, and must always be Only in this way can we exert its due power with the corresponding operation method of the Nuclear Emperor's Secret.

The long knife came out of the sheath and moved at will. The nuclear energy stored in Dantian immediately gushed out of Dantian, bringing rolling blood along the aorta into both hands or one hand, and then pouring into the long knife to turn into a knife light to hurt the enemy. Of course, long knives that can withstand and serve as a medium must be specially made, and general weapons cannot exert the power of nuclear energy.

Nuclear energy has many characteristics, the first is fast and has the same speed as light; the other is heavy, because pure concentration is heavier than gold; it is penetrating, which can ignore many things and cause damage to the target. It can conduct electricity and insulate, resist high temperature and cold, and can create magnetic fields and resist magnetic fields. It is corrosive and corrosion-resistant. There are almost no other weaknesses and nemesis to remove serious pollution!

Who doesn't want to control such a perfect power? It's just that this thing really can't be controlled by ordinary people. If you want to get the same amount of effort, Zhang Yi can only master some of the most primitive application methods. As for the subsequent transformation, fission, fusion, etc., it still needs one. An extremely long process!

There are nine knife drawing postures, each of which has a completely different angle and strength. There are six positive knives and three reverse knives. The positive knife is a normal move that can be used to hold the knife, and the reverse knife is a move that can be used under the backhand knife. These two can be said to have their own advantages and disadvantages. Of course, the positive knife is easier to be mastered, and it is really too difficult to practice the reverse knife!

Although it is difficult to practice, Zhang Yi still enjoys it and feels that he is making continuous progress and is very satisfied. Not far away, Ji Tianxue and Luo Ting are practicing "Destruction Sword Dance" and see them dancing like fairies, but their breath has a faint sense of destruction. It can be said that there is heaven in their eyes and hell in them. It seems that they not only cause damage to the surroundings at all times, but also always cause damage to the spirit. And perception causes harm!

At a glance, the whole mind and body seem to have a feeling of falling into it. Its horror can be imagined. It is really the perfect embodiment of angels and demons. It is worthy of the combination name of the diametrically opposite mood of Sword Dance!

The two women now seem to have completely integrated their minds into it, with a smile on their faces, showing the angelic beauty, but the horrible sword light with a sense of destruction is daunting and cold!