Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 32 New Era

The continent reconstructed on the basis of Antarctica looks like a roaring lion, so it is named: Snow Lion Continent. It is formed by the combination of the moon and the nucleus of the fire star in the center of the Pacific Ocean, and the image is like a curved moon close to a sun, so it is named: the bright moon continent.

The continent emerging from the center of the Atlantic Ocean is round in shape but surrounded by countless islands of various types, large and small, surrounded and protected it like the stars and moon, and is named Atlantis.

The former center of the Indian Ocean was occupied by Jupiter and the Golden Star nucleus, and finally merged into a brand-new continent. Its shape is like a giant tree with lush branches and leaves. Its name is named: Jinmu Continent.

The area of any of the six newly formed huge continents is more than ten times that of the Eurasian continent, and more than 15 times the Phoenix continent. The names of these continents were named after Nirvana No. 9, and in its words, they were raised casually, but Zhang Yi felt that these names seemed to have a deep meaning.

But No. 9 was too tight to get useful information out of this guy's mouth, so he had to stop in the end. The name Atlantis has aroused the extreme interest of Zhang Yi and the three of them. Is this really just a coincidence? Zhang Yi and others will never believe that the legendary site of Atlantis is probably at this location.

I don't know how the once extremely advanced Atlantis sank. Why did such a super civilization completely disappear? In the end, there are almost few clues. All future generations are just speculation about everything. Countless facts prove that it has existed, but there is a lack of specific literature and historical facts!

And now this continent has reappeared in front of the world and has been renamed the same name. Is the mystery of Atlantis now open to people? Does this generation need to unlock its secrets? Thinking of this, the three of them couldn't help but have a burst of blood boiling. What an honor it would be if they could solve this eternal mystery by themselves and others. In fact, everyone has a hero and an exploratory and curious heart!

"Now I'm calling you here to congratulate you for finally leaving here and living the life you want to live! According to your original timing method, it has been two years since the moment you were rescued by me.

"You and I have witnessed this great moment of unprecedented people, and also witnessed the greatness of my masters, calculating everything so accurately after hundreds of millions of years! As their works and their descendants, we should be proud of it, and only they can have this power!"

"You have worked hard and grown up very fast during this period, but it is far from enough. There are countless crises on the reborn planet below. A little carelessness is the time when you die. Now I will give you the basic equipment that should be given to you. Except for the two sets of skills and methods given to you later, everything you can get is exactly the same as the people on the other eight Nirvana towers.

"Generally speaking, because I was the last one created by the owner, and only four of you entered this tower, you personally get much more overall benefits than the other eight towers. This is both a benefit and a disadvantage, depending on how you look at it.

"At the peak of our master's civilization, space technology has been used to the peak. It can be said that everyone in all walks of life holds at least a few items made with space technology. In order to facilitate your future use, I will also give you some life-saving means, so each of you is equipped with a set of basic equipment.

"It includes a minimum space ring for storing weapons and all small things suitable for combat. A space belt for storing food, clothes, tents, etc., and a low-level watch, whose time algorithm has been adjusted to be the same as your previous habits, including two sets of ordinary armor.

"Because of the rebirth of the whole earth, your previous calendar has been abolished. From now on, it will be the first year of the new era, with a fixed 360 days as a year. In a short time, because the trajectory of Taiyin and the sun has not been fixed, the separation between day and night will be very chaotic, so your future timing is completely based on the time of the watch.

"What if the watch is broken or affected by some magnetic field?"

Zhang Yi asked his worries, which is still very important for modern people with a heavy concept of time.

"This worry is superfluous. First, they are difficult to damage unless they are deliberately attacked with weapons. Of course, it is still a little difficult with your current strength, and it is absolutely reliable and durable without any vibration, gravity, magnetic field, radiation, etc."

"Of course, I need to tell you in advance that the armor needs to be unlocked and can be used after half a year. As for why you think about it yourself in the future. I will transmit to you all the usage methods and the relevant science and technology that should be taught to you immediately.

As soon as the voice of No. 9 fell, four white beams shot into the eyebrows of Zhang Yi and others, and then massive information poured in like a tide.

"Wow... What an advanced level of science and technology, huh... Brother No. 9, I have a question. This includes all aspects. How can there be no historical aspects?"

After digesting what has been printed in his mind for a long time, Zhang Yi asked doubtfully that advanced knowledge in physics, chemistry, medical treatment and other aspects have been taught, but history is the only lack, and it seems that history has been deliberately erased, which is too abnormal!

"Want to know the history of my master's race? With your current strength, it is far from enough, and the knowledge I have imparted to you is only the lowest foundation. If you want to learn and get more, you need to get it with your own ability in the future, and you will understand how to get it in the future.

"Okay, take these things. Since there are only four of you in this group, you will be assigned double basic equipment. As for how you use them in the future, that's your own business. By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you. In addition to the inheritance of the owner and grandmother of the Nirvana Tower, there are 90 other strong people. They may be eager to seize your inheritance, because you get the best!"

No. 9 said that there was a gloomy feeling, which made Zhang Yi and others feel cold all over. It seemed that he and others were miserably calculated. Everyone looked at the metal pimple in front of them with hatred!

"Don't look at me like this. If it's useless, you'd better find a way to live. Goodbye, little girl. I hope we can still have a chance to meet. As for the three of you, hey hey... Enjoy the happy time in the future!"

No. 9 laughed proudly and said, waved his metal arm gently, and the figures of Zhang Yi and others disappeared.

"Hokins, what do you want to do?"

The Nirvana Tower has disappeared from the air, followed by the blue light curtain and beam of light. In a dense forest in Baihua Continent, seven men and three women surrounded Li Shifeng and Horton at the same time. In the face of these people, Horton roared angrily at the white-haired man with an angry face.

What are you doing? Take out all the things in your body, otherwise it will be fine..."

The man named Hawkins said with a gloomy smile.

"If you hand it over, I will give you a way to live, otherwise don't blame us for not remembering the past!"


Several people next to him immediately echoed with a gloomy smile on their faces. Only Alice, among the three women, hid in the end, with a cloudy and sunny face, and her eyes kept turning flexibly.

"Hanson, you beast, don't forget that Shifeng once saved your life!"

Houghton questioned a thin, sharp-mouthed young man in a loud voice.

"That's his afumigious feelings. Don't forget what kind of era this is, when people don't kill them for themselves. What's more, how can the great Holman people care about the kindness of you, a yellow monkey and a nigger slave? Do you low-level species still want to repay your help to serve your masters?

Hanson looked like he needed to be beaten, revealing his ugly face, with a gloomy and twisted sneer.

"You bastards, I'm fighting with you!"

Horton was furious, and a pair of huge axes appeared in his hands, cutting at this ungrateful bastard with lightning.

"Humph... You are looking for death, kill me..."

Hawkins didn't expect that Horton, an idiot, dared to do it in such a situation against the trend, so he snorted and gave an order with a gloomy face.


As the order was issued, everyone waved weapons to kill the only two people of color here.

"Ah... Horton, you ugly and humble nigger dare to hurt me? Damn it!"

Hanson was injured by Horton's axe on his chest, and blood donation gushed out like a tide. While applying medicine to his wound, he roared with a twisted face.


A series of fights and weapon collisions broke the silence of the forest. Because of the large number of opponents, Li Shifeng was almost as strong as their opponents, and soon they were injured and began to escape.

"Chasing them all, don't let them run away"

At the end, Alice, who held a huge sword of nearly two meters, followed everyone and suddenly shouted loudly.


Hearing the voice of the beautiful Alice, the men were full of power as if they were full of chicken blood, roaring and chasing Li Shifeng.


The woman close to Alice turned her head with a painful and white face, covering the tip of the huge sword that pierced her body with one hand, and her face was unbelievable!

"Because you are going to kill him!"

Alice said calmly, pulled out the huge sword, and then cut off the dead woman's head in an instant, and then quickly took away the opponent's weapons, belts, watches and other trophies!