Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 44 Ice and Fire Dragon Vein

"Okay, little girl, be careful!"

Luo Ting nodded, and a trace of determination flashed in her eyes. She hugged the little one and kissed her. After telling her, she rushed to Zhang Yi.

"Zhang Yi, wake up!"

Luo Ting hurriedly combed Zhang Yi's injury with Zhenqi, and then took out a bag of water from his belt and splashed it on Zhang Yi's face.

"Ah... poo..."

Zhang Yi just woke up and wanted to say something. Suddenly, his pale face was blood red, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. His chest felt a little better, but the severe pain from his back still made him almost faint. The bones seemed to be broken, hey...

"What's wrong?"

Luo Ting asked anxiously. She was really afraid that something would happen to Zhang Yi. Now she is increasingly aware that the guy's status in her heart is getting higher and higher, which is becoming more and more important to her. What a enemy!

"Mys...maybe my back is broken, or misaligned, hiss..."

When Zhang Yi moved a little, he felt the pain of bone erosion.

"I hope it's a misalignment. Do it according to the action I taught you, so..."

Luo Ting happened to have seen how to treat backbone displacement in an old traditional Chinese medicine doctor. Now she can't care so much, so she can only try it first.

"Ouch... it hurts... huh... it's much better, you can move, Ting'er baby, you're so awesome!"

After a short period of painful torture, Zhang Yi finally happily hugged Luo Ting's heartfelt praise.

"Go to the little girl's place to have a rest. I'll help my sister!"

Luo Ting was relieved to see that Zhang Yi seemed to be nothing serious now, but when she noticed Ji Tianxue's condition, her whole heart sank again. After hurriedly explaining, she immediately turned into a beautiful scenery and rushed into the battle group!

With Luo Ting's joining, Ji Tianxue finally breathed her breath and began to face the scarred tiger independently. She turned her head and suddenly saw Zhang Yi healing her little girl in the distance, so she shouted while fighting:

"Eat a dragon fruit quickly, and the healing will be very fast!"

"Dragon fruit can heal wounds!"

Zhang Yi was so surprised that he immediately excitedly took out a fist-sized dragon fruit and found that there was no heat on it now, so he opened his mouth and bit it down.

"Wow... so fragrant, so sweet!"

The sweet and delicious juice flowed into the intestines and stomach along the throat, quickly turned into a hot and domineering aura dragon spirit and poured into the limbs and internal organs, quickly turned into its own true qi and energy and began to repair the injury crazily, and there was something in the body that was about to be broken.

I can't control so much. Let's eat all the food first. While constantly chewing, I run the nine-turn Xuanyuan secret method crazily. The strength in the body increases rapidly and the injury quickly improves. The true qi in the sea of Qi is getting stronger and stronger, and the dragon power emanating from her body is getting stronger and stronger, scaring the little girl to suffer and keep retreating.


After Zhang Yi swallowed the last ignited dragon fruit into his stomach, a certain barrier in his body was broken, and then severe pain came from the musculoskeletal meridians all over his body, as uncomfortable as tens of millions of ants bite and thousands of knives. His strength also increased rapidly like a rocket, and his qi, blood and true qi kept blood like a rolling torrent. The tube and meridians surged, and the whole body slowly suspended until it was about half a meter from the ground.

The meridians in the body have undergone earth-shaking drastic changes at this moment. All the original meridians in the body have broken down almost at the same time, and then merge, recombine and regenerate according to a certain law. Finally, a new 36 main meridians are formed, as well as the corresponding seven Twelve attached meridians, including all two kinds of yin and yang.

At this time, Zhang Yi's mental strength was inadvertently found to be able to look inside, completely presenting the changes in the meridians in the body in his mind. Now I finally understand why I couldn't understand the mental formula behind the nine-turn Xuanyuan formula anyway. It turns out that these meridians did not exist before. Only by practicing or taking the corresponding heavenly materials and earth treasures can the blood of the dragon in the body be completely activated, and finally merge into a new dragon vein.

Yes, in the nine-turn Xuanyuan formula, these newly formed meridians have been greatly different from human beings. They have not only grown new meridians that have never been seen before, but also integrated what they once had, and changed their position at the same time. Although there are still 700 holes in the body, it can be clearly found through internal vision that these holes form a perfect dragon star map, which secretly matches the rules of the universe and echoes the legendary Dragon God Galaxy.

At the same time, Zhang Yi also understands the huge difference between the yin and yang meridians. Yang means bright, not all the yang attributes, which means that it is easy to find. Yin is hidden in the dark, covered by the Yang vein and does exist. Most of the meridians are not far from the edge of the Yang vein. Of course, only the real main vein has the Yin vein.

For example, according to the current nine-turn Xuanyuan formula, the newly formed attachment vertebrae has two yin and yang meridians from head to end. The yang vein here is really a yang attribute, but the yin vein is also a yin attribute. And bypassing the middle Dantian from the upper Dantian to the lower Dantian, which is also the Qihai, there are also two meridians of one yin and one yang. The yang vein is actually yin, and the yin vein is reversed.

The strength of these four main meridians almost determines the physical attributes of a person or a dragon, which is suitable for practice. Examples are as follows:

The meridian yang attribute of the spine is stronger, so most of the physical attributes are fire. If there are so many monochrome dragons, half of them are a fire dragon, and people are just those who have the blood of the fire attribute dragon, which is suitable for practicing fire attribute skills and methods;

If the abdomen is also two of Dantian on the upper Dantian Road, which also has superior yang attributes, then this dragon is a mutant dragon in the Jiuyang constitution, or a human in the Jiuyang constitution. There are two possibilities. One is to have the best yang attribute body, practice yang attribute skills and get twice the result with half the effort, and it is very powerful. Another possibility is the real mutant light attribute, and it is the purest sunlight attribute. Of course, it will take a thousand miles to practice the light system!

If the meridians on the back are stronger, and so many half of the body are water attributes. If it is a monochrome dragon and half are water dragons, people are just lucky to have the water dragon veins, which is suitable for practicing water system skills and methods.

If the two abdominals also have dominant yin attributes, then they are obviously pure yin or nine yin attributes. Most of the dragons are ice dragons produced by the mutation of water dragons, and most of the nine yin bodies are women. There are also variations here, and there are also three possibilities: an ice attribute, a pure negative attribute, and a dark attribute.

The correctness of the above accounts for more than 80%, and the other 20% has been changed by the influence of other bloodlines and bodies, depending on the specific situation, because there is never anything absolute in the world, and it can only be said relative.

The current situation of Zhang Yi is relatively special. Unexpectedly, it is found that the four most important meridians are comparable. The fire attribute and the deep cold attribute true qi flow in the yin and yang attribute meridians like a torrent. However, the body surface alternates with two completely different attributes of true qi, one cold and one hot. The skin turns fiery red for a while, and for a while, it turns white with a layer of frost. Obviously, he is lucky and completely stimulates the ice and fire dragon vein!

"Beasts die!"

Ji Tianxue's ragged clothes and saber-toothed tiger have been fighting for nearly an hour, and both sides were covered with scars. Suddenly, Ji Tianxue grabbed a flaw and shouted, and the huge sword was wrapped in a layer of frost. The third move of "Destroy Sword Dance": Ghost dance, all the nuclear energy in the body is converted into ice, and the same true qi is also converted into ice true qi, all condensed inside the sword body.

Suddenly, it flashed like several ghosts, and bursts of cold breath and murderous breath swept the scene. The saber-toothed tiger suddenly felt the threat of death and finally began to fear. Its body was slowly covered with a thin layer of ice. The movement speed and strength quickly decreased, and the blood and internal organs in the body were about to be frozen.


Under the shadow of death, the saber-toothed tiger suddenly let out a bloodthirsty roar, and its body suddenly accelerated to kill Ji Tianxue. Suddenly, the illusory figures disappeared one by one. Seeing that the penultimate moment was about to be killed, suddenly a burst of unprecedented coldness came from its neck.

Time stayed at this moment, Ji Tianxue cut off two-thirds of the saber-toothed tiger's neck, and then the cold sword spirit in the sword poured into the saber-toothed tiger's body. A natural ice sculpture was formed in the blink of an eye, and the life of the saber-toothed tiger quickly disappeared.


Ji Tianxue finally breathed a sigh of relief, and her true breath in her body was relieved. The wound that had been suppressed for a long time finally broke out completely. A mouthful bright red blood spewed out, and a pretty face suddenly turned pale as paper without blood color. Her whole body swayed and sat down. No matter whether she took out a dragon fruit and ate it three times, five times, and then it was in the original Healing the wounds.

On the other hand, Luo Ting and the ape killed inexplorehensively. They came and forth with each other, attacking and killing each other at a very fast speed. Where the war passed, sand, stones, grass and trees were smashed.

"I think, here comes our chance!"

had been lying on the top of the cliff and watching the tragic war. Luo Bin, who rarely spoke much, suddenly said honestly, with excitement flashing in his eyes.

"Wait, don't forget the big snake. Now its power is continuing to grow. What kind of ghost-like ability is it unmatched? Let's be an honest yellow finch. Even if we don't get anything in the end, at least we haven't paid anything!"

Zhao Kun waved his hand with a smile to stop him.

"I also think it should be like this. Let's watch the play honestly before the situation is clear!"

Zheng Hui said calmly and slowly, thinking, isn't he going to die at this time?