Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 105 Tris's Variation 2

The Clemons royal family not only has a huge physical change, but also has a big gap with ordinary mantis. The most important thing is the horror improvement of wisdom. They gradually have the horrible learning ability similar to human beings. They learn all the strengths of other races without hesitation, and finally lead the ethnic group to a self-centered. The scientific and technological path: biological evolutionary technology. They think so themselves.

Because of the improvement of wisdom, it is accompanied by ambition, and ambition is also the key to promote the rapid evolution and strengthening of the ethnic group. In addition, the whole ethnic group itself is ready to fight and eat fresh meat. Under the leadership of several generations of queens of the Clemons royal family, the clan has opened a long and bloody road to hegemony.

Where the mantis army passed, all the enemies were wiped out, and soon they captured the whole planet, and all the rest of the races became slaves or as food in captivity. Until one day they were not satisfied with being bound to this cage-like planet, and then began their journey to explore the starry sky.

When they rushed out of the atmosphere, they found the horror of the void. It was too difficult to survive, but they were still unwilling to accept the fact that such a great group could not appear in space and compete for hegemony on other planets. Then, under the leadership of the queen at that time, she began to break into the void from the initial atmosphere again and again to find ways to adapt to the void life.

However, a long time has passed and has not succeeded. It was not until the moment of despair that a group of scarred strange insects suddenly appeared in outer space one day. They later knew that this was the Void Zerg. Because all of these bugs were seriously injured, they were immediately surrounded and killed by the bloodthirsty mantis. Many of the mantis who participated in the siege and slaughter of their flesh and blood returned and then mutated.

This variant is able to survive in the void, including the ability to absorb the energy of the void, especially the most powerful change in the ability of the royal family. At that time, the queen immediately made a bold decision to take out a part of the flesh and blood of all the mutant mantis and feed it to the rest of the population without affecting its survival, so as to promote the evolution of the whole population.

After countless years of success, all mantis ethnic groups, especially the army, can fly and survive in the void. The whole ethnic group has endured countless years of ambitions and fighting desires have been completely ignited, so countless mantis armies began to explore the surrounding planets.

In this process, they found countless other racial flesh and blood, or mineral energy that prompted them to continue to evolve, which made the ethnic group stronger and stronger, and the road to conquest went further and further. They soon occupied more than a dozen planets and had truly countless huge armies.

Until one day, this invincible ethnic group finally provoked a horrible race: the void and pterodactyls immediately suffered its terrible attack. The huge body covering the sky and the sun, the hard iron dragon scales, the horrible power and ability are not comparable to any mantis at all. .

The void pterodactyl is an equally belligerent race. When the mantis angered them, they were immediately attacked by countless dragon armies of this ethnic group. Hundreds of millions of mantis troops were destroyed in a very short time, including countless members of the royal family, and their blood spilled into the void.

In the short time, the two planets of the mantis were occupied by the void pterodactyl. All the ethnic groups on the two planets were clean and killed. The defeat of the mantis clan has always been invincible. The Clemons royal family, who has never given in, was furious and was about to fight to death. At the moment of the war, it was found that the flesh and blood of these pterodactyls had a very important role in promoting their own evolution, which may be the only harvest of this war!

The horrible memory stopped here, followed by various horror fragments and information that could not be combined at all. In the huge "silk cocoon", Tris finally opened her eyes.


The "silkick" broke up, and a brand-new look exactly like the Clemons royal family in Tries's memory. The only difference was that the body color was snow-white Tris came out, which immediately shocked all the mantis groups.

"Haha... What a powerful force, the world will tremble at my feet sooner or later...haha..."

Tris felt the terrible power contained in her body, so she laughed crazily and rushed out like a tsunami.

" are...your majesty?"

Nie Ying took the lead in asking in disbelief.

What do you think? My queen?"

Tries looked at Nie Ying with a smile and asked.

"Ah... you are really Your Majesty, why... how did you become like this?"

Nie Ying was very surprised, and countless elder generals next to him had the same expression. They didn't understand why and what was going on.

"Am I not so beautiful?"

Tries turned around and asked affectionately.

"Uh...beautiful...very beautiful..."

Nie Ying was extremely embarrassed and a little at a loss, but the habit he had developed told him that he must say more good words and flatter!

"Isn't that good?"

Tris affectionately held Nie Ying in her arms, just like holding her shy little daughter-in-law.

"Your Majesty...what's going on?"

Elder Mellon finally couldn't help asking, because Tris has changed so much. If he hadn't watched Tris enter the "cocoon", he really couldn't believe that the monster in front of him was the great Queen Tris.

"Because this is an inherited treasure flowed by our ancestors hundreds of millions of years ago, its main purpose is to help our descendants with royal blood evolve. And only when I have the bloodline of the royal family can I receive the call of the bloodline and involuntarily walk in. After absorbing all the evolutionary fluid inside, I will evolve into what it is now. This is the top form of the Clemons royal family.

Trace said proudly, and at the same time, a terrible momentum broke out. Suddenly, all the mantis involuntarily lay down and worshipped, and there was no resistance in their hearts. As for the terrible pressure in the depths of the blood, it was far more than ten times stronger than the former Queen Therese.

"Congratulations Your Majesty..."

Under the leadership of Elder Melun, all the mantis worshiped loudly and sincerely.

"Get up. You have worked hard during this period. I have evolved now and found a way to evolve for the ethnic group. As long as my strength stabilizes, I will find a way to let our entire ethnic group evolve once in a short time."

Triss took back the momentum, and then a huge candy smashed down, and its method became more and more perfect!

"Thank you..."

The whole group knelt down excitedly to thank them. For the mantis, the improvement of their strength is to evolve, and every evolution will bring a huge improvement in strength.

"As your queen, this is what I should do. You don't have to do this."

Tris enjoyed this feeling and was very satisfied with everyone's performance. Then her right knife arm waved towards the "cocoon", and dozens of knives flew out, splitting it into dozens of fragments in an instant, and then these fragments flew under the control of Tris.

Half of them flew to the elders and generals, controlling a mantis in perfect position, but the largest piece in front of Queen Nie Ying.

"These pieces can promote everyone's evolution. The way to use them is to eat them. Remember that because they are too hard, you should take your time. As for the rest, they will be used as rewards for meritorious officials in the future!"

Terce continued to say loudly.

"Thank you..."

All the mantis are extremely excited at this time, especially these precious elders and generals.

"Well, I will announce a few important orders. From now on, we need to find a new home and stay away from that group of human beings, which must be completed in the shortest time. Second, we must repay these human hatreds, but not now, we must wait until all the elder generals have digested these evolutionary crystals before negotiating.

"Third: In the future, Queen Nie Ying will be responsible for teaching all high-level human language, and all high-level officials must learn it, and then be taught by you to future generations, as well as low-level officers and soldiers. The ultimate goal is that all ethnic groups must understand human language. ......”

Tries gave more than a dozen orders that must be obeyed in a row, and directly crossed the elders, but no one objected, because the current queen is like a god in everyone's hearts.

"Well...very good, your performance makes me very happy. I haven't had any activities for a long time. All the elders and generals, please join hands to fight with me. I want to see how strong I am now."

Tris nodded with satisfaction, and then asked with full of fighting spirit.


The mantis clan will not have as many twists and turns as human beings. They are all bellic. Although they are afraid of not wanting to hurt the queen, it does not mean that they dare not fight, especially the queen herself proposed it. What's more, they also want to know how powerful the queen is now.


Tris fought alone with the top masters of more than a dozen ethnic groups. Relying on their powerful strength, fast speed and strange skills, they are inextricably difficult to distinguish between winning and losing. In the past, Tris could only deal with two or three at the same time, but now she is still invincible in the face of more than a dozen, especially without using blood pressure.

If you use blood to oppress, you can't imagine it at all, which means that all these high-level cooperation are not the opponents of the queen now. What a terrible improvement. Of course, for these simple mantis, the stronger their queen is, the happier they will be. As for what the so-called jealousy is, they don't know yet. As for what will happen with the increase of wisdom in the future, it is not what they can know now!