Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 149 Yellow Sparrow Hunter


The deafening roar is mixed with many cat calls. How strange it is. However, when everyone notices the source of the sound, the scene in front of them is even more strange. Hundreds of different tigers, each with more than two or three kittens hanging on their backs.

And those cats about the size of tigers were actually mixed among the tigers and followed the tigers to attack the army of wolves. Then a more strange battle appeared. It has to be said that the tiger's ability to fight alone is indeed much stronger than that of the wolves, and almost ordinary wolves have no enemies.

Tigers can slap a wolf to death, and their tails can easily break a wolf's spine, and even break its waist. The green wolf is the fastest wolf, but it is still a little worse than the tiger, so at the beginning of the wolf group being attacked by the tigers, the whole army of wolves collapsed in an instant.

In just a few minutes, the tiger group left the bodies of thousands of wild wolves, and the glory of the war completely exceeded the imagination of both sides. However, because the wolves were generally intelligent, they soon knew that their opponents could not be defeated, so they automatically formed teams, three or five heads together, and at the same time relied on the number to attack individual tigers.

At this time, the strength of the kittens is reflected. They rely on their vigorous movements and are not inferior to the speed of tigers. Although their attack power is slightly insufficient, once these little guys get close, it will be a disaster. Their attack power is very weak, so they don't attack the places where you are tough and difficult to attack, but the most vulnerable places.

For example, eyes, ears, nostrils, armpits and even wolf whips and wolf buttocks are their targets, which can be said to be omniprehensive, ironic but quite effective. The wolf who was attacked in a vulnerable place must be fascinated to deal with the cat, but at this time, the tiger took this opportunity to kill and hit a hundred times. Three or four kittens can also kill a wolf, and the speed is very fast.

In contrast, the current wolves are not their opponents to fight alone. Even if two or three heads unite, it will take a long time to deal with a tiger. But turn around to deal with the cat. This guy is so good at running and jumping. He always jumps around against his cow body, and even hangs on his body many times, constantly biting and scratching your vital parts. For a while, even if he fights alone, he can't do anything about them.

"Damn it, is this a divine situation? Can you still do this? Is that okay? Is this... the snow-white cat?

Nie Ying's eyes stared at the boss, and his eyes almost fell to the ground. The scene in front of him completely exceeded his imagination. The tiger and the cat are indeed close relatives, but the relationship between them will not be so good, and they can actually listen to a cat? Although this cat is as big as a tiger and more powerful than a tiger, this can't be a reason to rule them!

"Ho... Oh... Oh... Our army of cats and tigers is coming, brothers, kill..."


I don't know who roared, and the rest of the people also reacted one by one, roaring loudly and starting to counterattack. For a moment, the wolf army was really defeated like a mountain. It was killed by the cat and tiger army, which made them defeated. Now the wolf army has long lost the momentum at the beginning.

"Die, light Kyushu, Shura dance!"

Luo Ting and Huang's bloodthirsty war for a long time. They have figured out the strength of the other party and suppressed it for a long time. Now they have finally offered a killing move. A dazzling light shined from the tip of the sword, instantly making Huang's bloodthirsty eyes briefly blind and dispel the night away. After that, a sword as fast as light directly pierced into the yellow bloodthirsty The neck is full of delicate blood flowers.


Yellow bloodthirsty roared painfully, shook his head desperately, and a pair of front paws scratched desperately. Countless earthy-yellow knives roared out, which was extremely chaotic, which was enough to show its madness.

"Ha ha... do you have such strength?"

Luo Ting reviewed the situation and then retreated. At this time, it was obviously not cost-effective to fight with it. After dodging the knife gas, she asked calmly.

"Ah... you stinky bitch, I killed you, so that you can see me eat the child in your stomach!"

The yellow bloodthirsty eyes are red, and the unprecedented anger is unprecedented. The killing in the eyes is constantly increasing. Now the whole body is wrapped in a layer of earthy yellow breath, and all the hairs are blown away, and countless soil and sand are suspended beside it.

"Ha ha... Are you finally ready to work hard?"

Luo Ting said lightly, and her tone was very light, as if she didn't pay attention to the other party at all. However, I felt a sense of solemnity in my heart, and I didn't expect this coyote to have such a powerful magic power.

"Ah... go to hell!"

Yellow was bloodthirsty and ferocious, roaring resentfully, controlling the dense sandstone soil and flying towards Luo Ting at the same time. Then his body exerted his strength in Luo Ting's surprised eyes and began to chase these mud and gravel, constantly pushing them forward from behind, making the speed and destructive power of these mud and gravel urgent. Dramas increase.

"Well come, in this case, then I will completely destroy all your self-confidence, burning the sky and Shura dance!"

Luo Ting smiled and said, and her whole body was suddenly surrounded by flames. The flowers and plants began to burn from her feet, instantly turning into a firelight, bringing up enchanting shadows. From a distance, it looked like countless fire people dancing. It was so beautiful!


A series of gas explosions kept ringing, and the sparks were like dazzling flowers and petals, constantly splashing around.


A miniature mushroom cloud rose to the sky, and the two sides flew backwards at the same time, but Luo Ting seemed to land calmly, while Huang's bloodthirsty couldn't help spitting out a huge blood fog in mid-air. She looked extremely depressed and fell to the ground and smashed a small pit. His whole body has been stained with blood, but the good thing is that he can't see clearly at night.

Once invincible, vigorous and belligerent, the bloodthirsty yellow is now lying in the pit like a dead dog, with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth. Of course, Luo Ting was also uncomfortable. She was supposed to spit out a mouthful of blood fog, but she was forcibly suppressed back. At this critical moment, you can't show any weakness and injury, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

"No, the army of wolves has been defeated. If we don't take action and wait for them to recover, then we will pay a lot!"

There was a flame of hatred in Nie Ying's eyes. If it weren't for Luo Ting, how could she become like this now? This base should have belonged only to me, but now it has been occupied by you. This revenge must be revenged. Now is a good opportunity!

"Yeah, now the queen is in charge, and we all listen to you!"

Tyson, the powerful general's mother mantis, looked at Nie Ying affectionately and said softly. Only after having sex with Nie Yinghuan, it was obsessed with this feeling. Compared with other male mantis, it was many times better.


Feel Tyson's fiery eyes, Nie Ying suddenly shivered all over, and suddenly felt that her eight limbs were weak and almost collapsed to the ground. Thinking of being pressed on the body by the female mantis in front of me and constantly changing movements, it is like a bottomless hole. Looking back, it feels like entering an ice cave!

"As long as there is a fight, the queen just gives orders!"

Sen Mao giggled a little. Fortunately, all the mantis around knew this seemingly honest guy. In fact, he was a combat maniac and an extremely cruel guy. He often bullies those weak male mantis and even often kills and eats them. He himself is a male mantis, but it is a mutation in a mutation.

You should know that in the mantis group, the male mantis has actually been against the trend. It is only used by the female mantis*, or the existence of dry hard work. It can be said that in the mantis group, the male mantis is like slaves. I am exhausted every day, and I have to be beaten, abused and bullied at any time.

Powerful and powerful female mantis, when they want to *, grab them and press them directly under their bodies and begin to enjoy them. After enjoying them, they have a good temper and let them roll, bite off their heads directly, and finally eat them. As a member of the male mantis family, Sen Mao has seen too many such things since he was a child. In fact, it doesn't matter if he is weak at all.

The key point is that these male mantis behave very cruelly and fiercely outside. They are typical killer carnivores, but most of them are like mice seeing cats in front of female mantis. They are extremely weak and very cheap. As soon as they play with their coquettish posture, they come up dryly and move their lower body more than men. Things.

You bastards are afraid and dare not resist. They are still so cheap. This is the reason why Sen Mao despises the male mantis most. Using its thinking is to humiliate him, so he often bullies other male mantis for no reason.

"Well, all the orders, our target is only human beings, kill me..."

Nie Ying and others were all they said. Hearing their affirmative answers, the twisted and hateful flame in her heart completely burst out.


All the ambushed mantis army roared loudly with mantis language and flew out with open wings. The black mantis army once again showed their ferocious faces to everyone and waved their sharp bloodthirsty knife arms.

"Ha ha... can't you finally help it? Phoenix Kill, War Soul, Dragon Soul listen to the order, all ready to fight!"

Miao Feng in the suspended car sneered and began to give orders with murderous eyes. Now she really admires Zhang Yi's foreboding that she didn't hesitate to use a suspended car to load the army back to defend at such a critical moment.

Although she was a little reluctant at that time, she loved Zhang Yi and was ordered to die, so she had to follow the order and come back. And now it seems that Zhang Yi is indeed presight. If they hadn't come back, the consequences would have been unimaginable!