Nuclear War Emperor

Chapter 161 Blood-stained Sky 1

"Hey... My wife and sister-in-law cook delicious food. What does it have to do with you?"

Zhang Yi frowned and asked, completely unaware of what bad ideas the rogue bird was doing.

"Hmm... Did this beauty save your life?"

Fire Phoenix stared at Zhang Yi and hummed a few questions.

"Uh... that's right!"

Zhang Yi has an ominous feeling.

"What do you mean by that?"

Fire Phoenix was obviously very dissatisfied with Zhang Yi's answer and asked angrily.

"Uh...that's it!"

Zhang Yi scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"In this case, should there be something in return?"

Fire Phoenix asked with his head tilted.

"Of course it should be, but what does it have to do with my wife and sister-in-law?"

Zhang Yi asked helplessly.

"This relationship has become big. Your husband and wife are originally the same forest bird. Of course, they should support each other and bear each other. As for your sister-in-law, of course, they should solve the problems for your sister and brother-in-law!"

Fire Phoenix naturally raised its head and said.

"Haven't you heard that the husband and wife were originally the same forest bird and flew separately in the face of disaster? Not to mention my sister-in-law, she is my husband!"

Of course, Zhang Yi can't let this rogue bird get around, otherwise it will hurt his family even more, which will be very bad.

"Humph... whatever I say, you just do it, or you will eat all your brains!"

When Huo Fenghuang saw that Zhang Yi wanted to repudiate, he immediately showed fierceness and said domineeringly.

"No, you can eat my brain if you have the ability, and I will pay you my life!"

Zhang Yi suddenly crossed his heart, raised his head and stretched his neck, and said loudly with a generous expression.

"Very good, then I will fulfill you!"

Two flames suddenly appeared in the eyes of the fire phoenix. The sharp mouth pointed at Zhang Yi's forehead and pecked it. The sharp wind made Zhang Yi's forehead like cutting a sword, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"Ah... Why don't you continue? My brain is in it?"

After waiting for a long time, it seemed that the fire phoenix still did not move at all, but felt that its mouth was pressing on its eyebrows, like a kiss. Thinking of this, Zhang Yi felt a chill all over for no reason. He was always very awkward when a bird accurately said that it was like Phoenix, so he opened his eyes and asked doubtfully.

"Hmm... Let you go for the time being. Where can I find such a delicious food if you die? I still want it!"

Fire Phoenix finally withdrew its head and spread its paws and said rudely.

"Uh...take it!"

Hearing the three words 'I still want', Zhang Yi only felt extremely cold all over. Do you want to say it so fantasy?

"Have you finally found it? Let's go!"

Five days later, Ji Tianxue closed her eyes and sat in the center of the suspension car No. 1, and suddenly opened her eyes and said domineeringly.

Tiandu City is located under the mountains of Tiandu and surrounded by mountains on three sides. Facing the boundless Huaxia Plain, two rivers that are not yet named flow through the city, and then converge into a larger river at the gate of the city gate. Of course, the origin of these names is Xiangyang, who live here now for convenience. It was taken.

Although the traces of terror from the catastrophe can be seen everywhere in the city, and countless building ruins can be seen everywhere, half of the hard-working people here have used their hands and learned knowledge to quickly be rebuilt, giving everyone a temporary The place of residence.


Just after dawn in the morning, a few sad and frightened howls broke the tranquility, followed by similar screams everywhere. Then all the people living in the whole city were awakened and soon became a mess.

"What's going on?"

In the huge conference room, nearly 20 high-level officials gathered here. Xiang Yang sat in the chairman position like an emperor, while Hua Xianger and Zhao Yan sat on both sides, Sun Mou, Han Bin and others sat down in turn. After everyone arrived, Xiang Yang asked in a low voice.

"Report, Marshal, 32 of our soldiers were brutally assassinated, and it can obviously be concluded that the other party is far stronger than ordinary soldiers, and it happened in all directions at the same time. This is the image taken when their bodies were found.

As the mayor of the city, Zhang Dekuan first stood up and began to play a huge three-dimensional image.

"What do you two think?"

After watching the image, Xiang Yang's face did not change at all. He turned his head and looked at Sun Mou and Han Bin respectively. After all, they are the real wise men. Anyway, they still have to ask them in the end. It's better to omit some sidelines directly.

"According to me, this is clearly killed by human hands, and the means are extremely smart, super powerful, leaving no trace, very professional, even the traces left are deliberately let us know."

Sun Mou and Han Bin looked at each other and nodded to each other, and then Sun Mou stood up and said.

"Lao Sun's analysis is good, so let's think about what kind of profession can achieve this."

Han Bin also took over the conversation and said at this time.

"Of course, professionals, such as former killers and mercenaries, can be so professional."

Xiang Xu immediately took over and said his guess.

"Has the other party ever been a killer or a mercenary?"

The rest began to whisper and exchange views with each other.

"One or two professions are also missing."

Sun Mou continued to say at this time.

"What profession?"

Xue Dong blurted out and asked, as far as he knew, he really didn't know what other professions were good at assassination besides these two professions.

"Hunters and special forces, especially the most cutting-edge special forces that have been trained in various countries!"

Han Bin's eyes flashed a trace of intriguing essence and said slowly.

"But no matter what profession it is, the people here don't have it at all. Not only we don't have it here, but also the whole city. Even if there is, it can completely eliminate the suspicion, because it is with us!"

Tan Qiang said with certainty that there was no reason why he knew him. He stayed together to chat and play cards until dawn last night.

"Since we are not our own people, we must be our enemies."

Sun Mou took over the conversation again and said in a low voice, his tone was extremely heavy.

"enemy? What enemies do we have? Is it?"

Xue Dong shrugged his shoulders undeniably, but in the end, his face suddenly changed, and his expression became extremely heavy.

"Then let me analyze my views on that group of people. Deng Xunhui, Feng Tianbao, Jiang Tian, Hao Yingjun, Lu Chuan and more than a dozen others exude the temperament of a top soldier, and many of them also have the temperament of ordinary soldiers."

Han Bin tapped the table slowly with his fingers and said slowly.

"There are also more than a dozen women who appeared for no reason and don't know when they appeared. Although they covered up well, they were obviously all experienced and stained with countless blood. They don't have the dark smell of killers, nor the hunters' greed to hunt for hunting, like property and jewelry, etc., and they don't have the randomness of mercenaries.

Sun Mou took over the words with a tacit understanding, and then analyzed.

"Then these women only have one professional special forces, and they are the elite among the elite. There is also solid evidence that they have all the characteristics that soldiers should have. Although they are still well hidden, there are traces to follow.

Han Bin said brightly in his eyes that his eyes are now very dazzling.

"Haha... good... wonderful... very wonderful... the analysis... as if to make everyone immersive... I'm curious how you thought of it, how can you know so deeply about these?"

Xiang Yang laughed happily and asked excitedly. For the performance of the two counselors just now, it can be said that no flaws can be found, which makes people have to be convinced by their wisdom.

"Ha... It's better for you, Sun. You're old, so you should show more, ha..."

Han Bin looked at Sun Mou with a kind smile and said.

"Ha ha... Well, then I won't give up. Because our two favorite things to do are discussed, especially before and after the nuclear war, everything related to it, including politics, military, economy, technology and so on, is within the scope of discussion.

"We began a profound analysis from all walks of life to see if we could find the global nuclear war that should not have happened at all, but it happened. Of course, we need to talk about the various professions that exist in the world, especially for people like us who are depressed, have a cavity to serve the country and flaunt themselves with wisdom.

"I am particularly curious and interested in military and gang-related ones. So we have confirmed and discussed many of the inside stories we have learned from each other, which is a great understanding of the four professions.

Sun Mou talked proudly, and now he looks very energetic, as if he is several years younger in an instant.

"So, you must be them?"

Xiang Yang nodded and became more and more satisfied with these two wise counselors. Their wisdom was absolutely worthy of the word wise, but unfortunately they were not accepted by that group of politicians in that era. He had to admire the wonderful analysis of the two, but he still had to confirm it again. There was no way to deal with this kind of thing more cautiously.

"If there is no accident, it is completely certain. Of course, there is no so-called 100% guarantee in the world!"

Han Bin said very firmly, almost as good as writing a military writ.

"So what is their purpose in doing this? Aren't you afraid of beating grass and frightening snakes?"

Xiang Yang nodded and asked curiously.

"They are just going to frighten the snake now, otherwise how do they know how much population and strength we have? This also proves that they have just arrived and came with anger. Let's vent first, which just confirms our speculation. And it may also be that they did it on purpose, just to let us know and be afraid!"

Sun Mou said with an extremely heavy face at this time, which was the most afraid of what happened.